@extends('layouts.default') @section('content')
Use piggy banks to save for a one-time goal.
@else For example: new bike, new camera @endif{{$errors->first('account_id')}}
@else Indicate on which account you've got your savings. @endif{{$errors->first('targetamount')}}
@else How much money do you need to save? @endif{{$errors->first('startdate')}}
@else This date indicates when you start(ed) saving money for this piggy bank. This field defaults to today and you should keep it on today. @endif{{$errors->first('targetdate')}}
@else If this piggy bank has a dead line, enter it here. @endif{{$errors->first('reminder')}}
@else Enter a number and a period and Firefly will remind you to add money to this piggy bank every now and then. @endif