accounts()->accountTypeIn(['Default account', 'Asset account'])->orderBy('', 'ASC')->orderBy('name', 'ASC')->where( 'active', 1 )->orderBy('name', 'DESC')->get(['accounts.*']) ); $budgets = ExpandedForm::makeSelectList(Auth::user()->budgets()->get()); $budgets[0] = '(no budget)'; $piggies = ExpandedForm::makeSelectList(Auth::user()->piggyBanks()->get()); $piggies[0] = '(no piggy bank)'; $preFilled = Session::has('preFilled') ? Session::get('preFilled') : []; $respondTo = ['account_id', 'account_from_id']; $subTitle = 'Add a new ' . e($what); foreach ($respondTo as $r) { if (!is_null(Input::get($r))) { $preFilled[$r] = Input::get($r); } } Session::put('preFilled', $preFilled); // put previous url in session if not redirect from store (not "create another"). if (Session::get('transactions.create.fromStore') !== true) { Session::put('transactions.create.url', URL::previous()); } Session::forget('transactions.create.fromStore'); asort($piggies); return view('transactions.create', compact('accounts', 'budgets', 'what', 'piggies', 'subTitle')); } /** * Shows the form that allows a user to delete a transaction journal. * * @param TransactionJournal $journal * * @return $this */ public function delete(TransactionJournal $journal) { $type = strtolower($journal->transactionType->type); $subTitle = 'Delete ' . e($type) . ' "' . e($journal->description) . '"'; // put previous url in session Session::put('transactions.delete.url', URL::previous()); return view('transactions.delete', compact('journal', 'subTitle')); } /** * @param TransactionJournal $transactionJournal * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function destroy(TransactionJournal $transactionJournal) { Session::flash('success', 'Transaction "' . e($transactionJournal->description) . '" destroyed.'); $transactionJournal->delete(); // redirect to previous URL: return Redirect::to(Session::get('transactions.delete.url')); } /** * Shows the view to edit a transaction. * * @param TransactionJournal $journal * * @return $this */ public function edit(TransactionJournal $journal, JournalRepositoryInterface $repository) { $what = strtolower($journal->transactiontype->type); $accounts = ExpandedForm::makeSelectList( Auth::user()->accounts()->accountTypeIn(['Default account', 'Asset account'])->orderBy('', 'ASC')->where('active', 1)->orderBy( 'name', 'DESC' )->get(['accounts.*']) ); $budgets = ExpandedForm::makeSelectList(Auth::user()->budgets()->get()); $budgets[0] = '(no budget)'; $transactions = $journal->transactions()->orderBy('amount', 'DESC')->get(); $piggies = ExpandedForm::makeSelectList(Auth::user()->piggyBanks()->get()); $piggies[0] = '(no piggy bank)'; $preFilled = [ 'date' => $journal->date->format('Y-m-d'), 'category' => '', 'budget_id' => 0, 'piggy_bank_id' => 0 ]; $category = $journal->categories()->first(); if (!is_null($category)) { $preFilled['category'] = $category->name; } $budget = $journal->budgets()->first(); if (!is_null($budget)) { $preFilled['budget_id'] = $budget->id; } if ($journal->piggyBankEvents()->count() > 0) { $preFilled['piggy_bank_id'] = $journal->piggyBankEvents()->orderBy('date', 'DESC')->first()->piggy_bank_id; } $preFilled['amount'] = $journal->amount; $preFilled['account_id'] = $repository->getAssetAccount($journal); $preFilled['expense_account'] = $transactions[0]->account->name; $preFilled['revenue_account'] = $transactions[1]->account->name; $preFilled['account_from_id'] = $transactions[1]->account->id; $preFilled['account_to_id'] = $transactions[0]->account->id; // put previous url in session if not redirect from store (not "return_to_edit"). if (Session::get('transactions.edit.fromUpdate') !== true) { Session::put('transactions.edit.url', URL::previous()); } Session::forget('transactions.edit.fromUpdate'); return View::make('transactions.edit', compact('journal', 'accounts', 'what', 'budgets', 'piggies', 'subTitle'))->with('data', $preFilled); } /** * @param $what * * @return $this */ public function index($what) { switch ($what) { case 'expenses': case 'withdrawal': $subTitleIcon = 'fa-long-arrow-left'; $subTitle = 'Expenses'; $types = ['Withdrawal']; break; case 'revenue': case 'deposit': $subTitleIcon = 'fa-long-arrow-right'; $subTitle = 'Revenue, income and deposits'; $types = ['Deposit']; break; case 'transfer': case 'transfers': $subTitleIcon = 'fa-exchange'; $subTitle = 'Transfers'; $types = ['Transfer']; break; } $page = intval(\Input::get('page')); $offset = $page > 0 ? ($page - 1) * 50 : 0; $set = Auth::user()->transactionJournals()->transactionTypes($types)->withRelevantData()->take(50)->offset($offset) ->orderBy('date', 'DESC') ->orderBy('order', 'ASC') ->orderBy('id', 'DESC') ->get( ['transaction_journals.*'] ); $count = Auth::user()->transactionJournals()->transactionTypes($types)->count(); $journals = new LengthAwarePaginator($set, $count, 50, $page); $journals->setPath('transactions/' . $what); return view('transactions.index', compact('subTitle', 'what', 'subTitleIcon', 'journals')); } /** * Reorder transactions (which all must have the same date) */ public function reorder() { $ids = Input::get('items'); if (count($ids) > 0) { $order = 0; foreach ($ids as $id) { $journal = Auth::user()->transactionjournals()->where('id', $id)->where('date', Input::get('date'))->first(); if ($journal) { $journal->order = $order; $order++; $journal->save(); } } } return Response::json(true); } /** * @param TransactionJournal $journal * * @return $this */ public function show(TransactionJournal $journal) { $journal->transactions->each( function (Transaction $t) use ($journal) { $t->before = floatval( $t->account->transactions()->leftJoin( 'transaction_journals', '', '=', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id' ) ->where('', '<=', $journal->date->format('Y-m-d')) ->where('transaction_journals.order', '>=', $journal->order) ->where('', '!=', $journal->id) ->sum('transactions.amount') ); $t->after = $t->before + $t->amount; } ); return view('', compact('journal'))->with( 'subTitle', e($journal->transactiontype->type) . ' "' . e($journal->description) . '"' ); } /** * @param JournalFormRequest $request * @param JournalRepositoryInterface $repository * * @return $this|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function store(JournalFormRequest $request, JournalRepositoryInterface $repository) { $journalData = $request->getJournalData(); $journal = $repository->store($journalData); // rescan journal, UpdateJournalConnection event(new JournalSaved($journal)); // ConnectJournalToPiggyBank event(new JournalCreated($journal, intval($request->get('piggy_bank_id')))); if (intval($request->get('reminder_id')) > 0) { $reminder = Auth::user()->reminders()->find($request->get('reminder_id')); $reminder->active = 0; $reminder->save(); } Session::flash('success', 'New transaction "' . $journal->description . '" stored!'); if (intval(Input::get('create_another')) === 1) { // set value so create routine will not overwrite URL: Session::put('transactions.create.fromStore', true); return Redirect::route('transactions.create', $request->input('what'))->withInput(); } // redirect to previous URL. return Redirect::to(Session::get('transactions.create.url')); } /** * @param TransactionJournal $journal * * @SuppressWarnings("CyclomaticComplexity") // It's exactly 5. So I don't mind. * * @return $this */ public function update(TransactionJournal $journal, JournalFormRequest $request, JournalRepositoryInterface $repository) { $journalData = $request->getJournalData(); $repository->update($journal, $journalData); event(new JournalSaved($journal)); // update, get events by date and sort DESC Session::flash('success', 'Transaction "' . e($journalData['description']) . '" updated.'); if (intval(Input::get('return_to_edit')) === 1) { // set value so edit routine will not overwrite URL: Session::put('transactions.edit.fromUpdate', true); return Redirect::route('transactions.edit', $journal->id)->withInput(['return_to_edit' => 1]); } // redirect to previous URL. return Redirect::to(Session::get('transactions.edit.url')); } }