. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace FireflyIII\Repositories\ExportJob; use Carbon\Carbon; use FireflyIII\Models\ExportJob; use FireflyIII\User; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Log; use Storage; /** * Class ExportJobRepository. */ class ExportJobRepository implements ExportJobRepositoryInterface { /** @var User */ private $user; /** * @param ExportJob $job * @param string $status * * @return bool */ public function changeStatus(ExportJob $job, string $status): bool { Log::debug(sprintf('Change status of job #%d to "%s"', $job->id, $status)); $job->change($status); return true; } /** * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ public function cleanup(): bool { $dayAgo = Carbon::create()->subDay(); $set = ExportJob::where('created_at', '<', $dayAgo->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')) ->whereIn('status', ['never_started', 'export_status_finished', 'export_downloaded']) ->get(); // loop set: /** @var ExportJob $entry */ foreach ($set as $entry) { $key = $entry->key; $len = \strlen($key); $files = scandir(storage_path('export'), SCANDIR_SORT_NONE); /** @var string $file */ foreach ($files as $file) { if (substr($file, 0, $len) === $key) { unlink(storage_path('export') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file); } } $entry->delete(); } return true; } /** * @return ExportJob */ public function create(): ExportJob { $count = 0; while ($count < 30) { $key = Str::random(12); $existing = $this->findByKey($key); if (null === $existing->id) { $exportJob = new ExportJob; $exportJob->user()->associate($this->user); $exportJob->key = Str::random(12); $exportJob->status = 'export_status_never_started'; $exportJob->save(); // breaks the loop: return $exportJob; } ++$count; } return new ExportJob; } /** * @param ExportJob $job * * @return bool */ public function exists(ExportJob $job): bool { $disk = Storage::disk('export'); $file = $job->key . '.zip'; return $disk->exists($file); } /** * @param string $key * * @return ExportJob */ public function findByKey(string $key): ExportJob { $result = $this->user->exportJobs()->where('key', $key)->first(['export_jobs.*']); if (null === $result) { return new ExportJob; } return $result; } /** * @param ExportJob $job * * @return string * * @throws \Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\FileNotFoundException */ public function getContent(ExportJob $job): string { $disk = Storage::disk('export'); $file = $job->key . '.zip'; return $disk->get($file); } /** * @param User $user */ public function setUser(User $user) { $this->user = $user; } }