. */ declare(strict_types=1); return [ '404_header' => 'Firefly III cannot find this page.', '404_page_does_not_exist' => 'The page you have requested does not exist. Please check that you have not entered the wrong URL. Did you make a typo perhaps?', '404_send_error' => 'If you were redirected to this page automatically, please accept my apologies. There is a mention of this error in your log files and I would be grateful if you sent me the error to me.', '404_github_link' => 'If you are sure this page should exist, please open a ticket on GitHub.', 'whoops' => 'Whoops', 'fatal_error' => 'There was a fatal error. Please check the log files in "storage/logs" or use "docker logs -f [container]" to see what\'s going on.', 'maintenance_mode' => 'Firefly III is in maintenance mode.', 'be_right_back' => 'Be right back!', 'check_back' => 'Firefly III is down for some necessary maintenance. Please check back in a second.', 'error_occurred' => 'Whoops! An error occurred.', 'error_not_recoverable' => 'Unfortunately, this error was not recoverable :(. Firefly III broke. The error is:', 'error' => 'Error', 'error_location' => 'This error occured in file :file on line :line with code :code.', 'stacktrace' => 'Stack trace', 'more_info' => 'More information', 'collect_info' => 'Please collect more information in the storage/logs directory where you will find log files. If you\'re running Docker, use docker logs -f [container].', 'collect_info_more' => 'You can read more about collecting error information in the FAQ.', 'github_help' => 'Get help on GitHub', 'github_instructions' => 'You\'re more than welcome to open a new issue on GitHub.', 'use_search' => 'Use the search!', 'include_info' => 'Include the information from this debug page.', 'tell_more' => 'Tell us more than "it says Whoops!"', 'include_logs' => 'Include error logs (see above).', 'what_did_you_do' => 'Tell us what you were doing.', ];