data; App::setLocale($lang); Carbon::setLocale(substr($lang, 0, 2)); $locale = explode(',', trans('config.locale')); $locale = array_map('trim', $locale); setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale); setlocale(LC_MONETARY, $locale); // save some formats: $this->monthFormat = (string)trans('config.month'); $this->monthAndDayFormat = (string)trans('config.month_and_day'); $this->dateTimeFormat = (string)trans('config.date_time'); // change localeconv to a new array: $numberFormatter = numfmt_create($lang, NumberFormatter::CURRENCY); $localeconv = [ 'mon_decimal_point' => $numberFormatter->getSymbol($numberFormatter->getAttribute(NumberFormatter::DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL)), 'mon_thousands_sep' => $numberFormatter->getSymbol($numberFormatter->getAttribute(NumberFormatter::MONETARY_GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL)), 'frac_digits' => $numberFormatter->getAttribute(NumberFormatter::MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS), ]; View::share('monthFormat', $this->monthFormat); View::share('monthAndDayFormat', $this->monthAndDayFormat); View::share('dateTimeFormat', $this->dateTimeFormat); View::share('language', $lang); View::share('localeconv', $localeconv); } } /** * Take the array as returned by CategoryRepositoryInterface::spentPerDay and CategoryRepositoryInterface::earnedByDay * and sum up everything in the array in the given range. * * @param Carbon $start * @param Carbon $end * @param array $array * * @return string */ protected function getSumOfRange(Carbon $start, Carbon $end, array $array) { $sum = '0'; $currentStart = clone $start; // to not mess with the original one $currentEnd = clone $end; // to not mess with the original one while ($currentStart <= $currentEnd) { $date = $currentStart->format('Y-m-d'); if (isset($array[$date])) { $sum = bcadd($sum, $array[$date]); } $currentStart->addDay(); } return $sum; } }