helper = $helper; $this->accountHelper = app(AccountReportHelperInterface::class); $this->budgetHelper = app(BudgetReportHelperInterface::class); $this->balanceHelper = app(BalanceReportHelperInterface::class); View::share('title', trans('firefly.reports')); View::share('mainTitleIcon', 'fa-line-chart'); } /** * @param ARI $repository * * @return View * @internal param ReportHelperInterface $helper */ public function index(ARI $repository) { /** @var Carbon $start */ $start = clone session('first'); $months = $this->helper->listOfMonths($start); $customFiscalYear = Preferences::get('customFiscalYear', 0)->data; // does the user have shared accounts? $accounts = $repository->getAccountsByType(['Default account', 'Asset account']); // get id's for quick links: $accountIds = []; /** @var Account $account */ foreach ($accounts as $account) { $accountIds [] = $account->id; } $accountList = join(',', $accountIds); return view('reports.index', compact('months', 'accounts', 'start', 'accountList', 'customFiscalYear')); } /** * @param string $reportType * @param Carbon $start * @param Carbon $end * @param Collection $accounts * * @return View * @throws FireflyException */ public function report(string $reportType, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts) { // throw an error if necessary. if ($end < $start) { throw new FireflyException('End date cannot be before start date, silly!'); } // lower threshold if ($start < session('first')) { $start = session('first'); } View::share( 'subTitle', trans( 'firefly.report_' . $reportType, [ 'start' => $start->formatLocalized($this->monthFormat), 'end' => $end->formatLocalized($this->monthFormat), ] ) ); View::share('subTitleIcon', 'fa-calendar'); switch ($reportType) { default: throw new FireflyException('Unfortunately, reports of the type "' . e($reportType) . '" are not yet available. '); case 'default': // more than one year date difference means year report. if ($start->diffInMonths($end) > 12) { return $this->defaultMultiYear($reportType, $start, $end, $accounts); } // more than two months date difference means year report. if ($start->diffInMonths($end) > 1) { return $this->defaultYear($reportType, $start, $end, $accounts); } // otherwise default return $this->defaultMonth($reportType, $start, $end, $accounts); case 'audit': // always default return $this->auditReport($start, $end, $accounts); } } /** * @param Carbon $start * @param Carbon $end * @param Collection $accounts * * @return View */ private function auditReport(Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts) { /** @var ARI $repos */ $repos = app(ARI::class); $auditData = []; $dayBefore = clone $start; $dayBefore->subDay(); /** @var Account $account */ foreach ($accounts as $account) { // balance the day before: $id = $account->id; $first = $repos->oldestJournalDate($account); $last = $repos->newestJournalDate($account); $exists = false; $journals = new Collection; $dayBeforeBalance = Steam::balance($account, $dayBefore); /* * Is there even activity on this account between the requested dates? */ if ($start->between($first, $last) || $end->between($first, $last)) { $exists = true; $journals = $repos->journalsInPeriod(new Collection([$account]), [], $start, $end); } /* * Reverse set, get balances. */ $journals = $journals->reverse(); $startBalance = $dayBeforeBalance; /** @var TransactionJournal $journal */ foreach ($journals as $journal) { $journal->before = $startBalance; $transactionAmount = $journal->source_amount; // get currently relevant transaction: if (intval($journal->destination_account_id) === $account->id) { $transactionAmount = $journal->destination_amount; } $newBalance = bcadd($startBalance, $transactionAmount); $journal->after = $newBalance; $startBalance = $newBalance; } /* * Reverse set again. */ $auditData[$id]['journals'] = $journals->reverse(); $auditData[$id]['exists'] = $exists; $auditData[$id]['end'] = $end->formatLocalized(strval(trans('config.month_and_day'))); $auditData[$id]['endBalance'] = Steam::balance($account, $end); $auditData[$id]['dayBefore'] = $dayBefore->formatLocalized(strval(trans('config.month_and_day'))); $auditData[$id]['dayBeforeBalance'] = $dayBeforeBalance; } $reportType = 'audit'; $accountIds = join(',', $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray()); $hideable = ['buttons', 'icon', 'description', 'balance_before', 'amount', 'balance_after', 'date', 'book_date', 'process_date', 'interest_date', 'from', 'to', 'budget', 'category', 'bill', 'create_date', 'update_date', ]; $defaultShow = ['icon', 'description', 'balance_before', 'amount', 'balance_after', 'date', 'to']; return view('', compact('start', 'end', 'reportType', 'accountIds', 'accounts', 'auditData', 'hideable', 'defaultShow')); } /** * @param $reportType * @param Carbon $start * @param Carbon $end * @param Collection $accounts * * @return View */ private function defaultMonth(string $reportType, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts) { $incomeTopLength = 8; $expenseTopLength = 8; // get report stuff! $accountReport = $this->accountHelper->getAccountReport($start, $end, $accounts); $incomes = $this->helper->getIncomeReport($start, $end, $accounts); $expenses = $this->helper->getExpenseReport($start, $end, $accounts); $budgets = $this->budgetHelper->getBudgetReport($start, $end, $accounts); $categories = $this->helper->getCategoryReport($start, $end, $accounts); $balance = $this->balanceHelper->getBalanceReport($start, $end, $accounts); $bills = $this->helper->getBillReport($start, $end, $accounts); $tags = $this->helper->tagReport($start, $end, $accounts); // and some id's, joined: $accountIds = join(',', $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray()); // continue! return view( 'reports.default.month', compact( 'start', 'end', 'reportType', 'accountReport', 'tags', 'incomes', 'incomeTopLength', 'expenses', 'expenseTopLength', 'budgets', 'balance', 'categories', 'bills', 'accountIds', 'reportType' ) ); } /** * @param $reportType * @param $start * @param $end * @param $accounts * * @return View */ private function defaultMultiYear(string $reportType, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts) { $incomeTopLength = 8; $expenseTopLength = 8; // list of users stuff: $budgets = app(BudgetRepositoryInterface::class)->getActiveBudgets(); $categories = app(CategoryRepositoryInterface::class)->getCategories(); $accountReport = $this->accountHelper->getAccountReport($start, $end, $accounts); $incomes = $this->helper->getIncomeReport($start, $end, $accounts); $expenses = $this->helper->getExpenseReport($start, $end, $accounts); $tags = $this->helper->tagReport($start, $end, $accounts); // and some id's, joined: $accountIds = []; /** @var Account $account */ foreach ($accounts as $account) { $accountIds[] = $account->id; } $accountIds = join(',', $accountIds); return view( 'reports.default.multi-year', compact( 'budgets', 'accounts', 'categories', 'start', 'end', 'accountIds', 'reportType', 'accountReport', 'incomes', 'expenses', 'incomeTopLength', 'expenseTopLength', 'tags' ) ); } /** * @param $reportType * @param Carbon $start * @param Carbon $end * @param Collection $accounts * * @return View */ private function defaultYear(string $reportType, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts) { $incomeTopLength = 8; $expenseTopLength = 8; $accountReport = $this->accountHelper->getAccountReport($start, $end, $accounts); $incomes = $this->helper->getIncomeReport($start, $end, $accounts); $expenses = $this->helper->getExpenseReport($start, $end, $accounts); $tags = $this->helper->tagReport($start, $end, $accounts); // find the budgets we've spent money on this period with these accounts: $budgets = $this->budgetHelper->getBudgetsWithExpenses($start, $end, $accounts); Session::flash('gaEventCategory', 'report'); Session::flash('gaEventAction', 'year'); Session::flash('gaEventLabel', $start->format('Y')); // and some id's, joined: $accountIds = []; /** @var Account $account */ foreach ($accounts as $account) { $accountIds[] = $account->id; } $accountIds = join(',', $accountIds); return view( 'reports.default.year', compact( 'start', 'accountReport', 'incomes', 'reportType', 'accountIds', 'end', 'expenses', 'incomeTopLength', 'expenseTopLength', 'tags', 'budgets' ) ); } }