helper = $helper; View::share('title', trans('firefly.reports')); View::share('mainTitleIcon', 'fa-line-chart'); } /** * @param AccountRepositoryInterface $repository * * @return View * @internal param ReportHelperInterface $helper */ public function index(AccountRepositoryInterface $repository) { $start = Session::get('first'); $months = $this->helper->listOfMonths($start); // does the user have shared accounts? $accounts = $repository->getAccounts(['Default account', 'Asset account']); $hasShared = false; /** @var Account $account */ foreach ($accounts as $account) { if ($account->getMeta('accountRole') == 'sharedAsset') { $hasShared = true; } } return view('reports.index', compact('months', 'accounts', 'hasShared', 'start')); } /** * TODO needs a custom validator for ease of use. * * @param AccountRepositoryInterface $repository * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function select(AccountRepositoryInterface $repository) { // process post data, give error, otherwise send redirect. $report = Input::get('report_type'); $parts = [$report]; // date $ranges = explode(' - ', Input::get('daterange')); $start = clone Session::get('start'); $end = clone Session::get('end'); // kind of primitive but OK for now. if (count($ranges) == 2 && strlen($ranges[0]) == 10 && strlen($ranges[1]) == 10) { $start = new Carbon($ranges[0]); $end = new Carbon($ranges[1]); } if ($end <= $start) { Session::flash('error', 'Messed up the date!'); return Redirect::route('reports.index'); } $parts[] = $start->format('Ymd'); $parts[] = $end->format('Ymd'); if (is_array(Input::get('accounts'))) { foreach (Input::get('accounts') as $accountId) { $account = $repository->find($accountId); if ($account) { $parts[] = $account->id; } } } if (count($parts) == 3) { Session::flash('error', 'Select some accounts!'); return Redirect::route('reports.index'); } $url = join(';', $parts); return Redirect::route('', [$url]); } /** * @param string $year * @param string $month * * @param bool $shared * * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function month($year = '2014', $month = '1', $shared = false) { $start = new Carbon($year . '-' . $month . '-01'); $subTitle = trans('firefly.reportForMonth', ['month' => $start->formatLocalized($this->monthFormat)]); $subTitleIcon = 'fa-calendar'; $end = clone $start; $incomeTopLength = 8; $expenseTopLength = 8; if ($shared == 'shared') { $shared = true; $subTitle = trans('firefly.reportForMonthShared', ['month' => $start->formatLocalized($this->monthFormat)]); } $end->endOfMonth(); $accounts = $this->helper->getAccountReport($start, $end, $shared); $incomes = $this->helper->getIncomeReport($start, $end, $shared); $expenses = $this->helper->getExpenseReport($start, $end, $shared); $budgets = $this->helper->getBudgetReport($start, $end, $shared); $categories = $this->helper->getCategoryReport($start, $end, $shared); $balance = $this->helper->getBalanceReport($start, $end, $shared); $bills = $this->helper->getBillReport($start, $end); Session::flash('gaEventCategory', 'report'); Session::flash('gaEventAction', 'month'); Session::flash('gaEventLabel', $start->format('F Y')); return view( 'reports.month', compact( 'start', 'shared', 'subTitle', 'subTitleIcon', 'accounts', 'incomes', 'incomeTopLength', 'expenses', 'expenseTopLength', 'budgets', 'balance', 'categories', 'bills' ) ); } /** * @param $year * * @param bool $shared * * @return $this */ public function year($year, $shared = false) { $start = new Carbon('01-01-' . $year); $end = clone $start; $subTitle = trans('firefly.reportForYear', ['year' => $year]); $subTitleIcon = 'fa-bar-chart'; $incomeTopLength = 8; $expenseTopLength = 8; if ($shared == 'shared') { $shared = true; $subTitle = trans('firefly.reportForYearShared', ['year' => $year]); } $end->endOfYear(); $accounts = $this->helper->getAccountReport($start, $end, $shared); $incomes = $this->helper->getIncomeReport($start, $end, $shared); $expenses = $this->helper->getExpenseReport($start, $end, $shared); Session::flash('gaEventCategory', 'report'); Session::flash('gaEventAction', 'year'); Session::flash('gaEventLabel', $start->format('Y')); return view( 'reports.year', compact('start', 'shared', 'accounts', 'incomes', 'expenses', 'subTitle', 'subTitleIcon', 'incomeTopLength', 'expenseTopLength') ); } /** * @param $url */ public function report($url, AccountRepositoryInterface $repository) { $parts = explode(';', $url); // try to make a date out of parts 1 and 2: try { $start = new Carbon($parts[1]); $end = new Carbon($parts[2]); } catch (Exception $e) { Log::error('Could not parse date "' . $parts[1] . '" or "' . $parts[2] . '" for user #' . Auth::user()->id); abort(404); } if ($end < $start) { abort(404); } // accounts: $c = count($parts); $list = new Collection(); for ($i = 3; $i < $c; $i++) { $account = $repository->find($parts[$i]); if ($account) { $list->push($account); } } // some fields: $subTitle = trans('firefly.reportForMonth', ['month' => $start->formatLocalized($this->monthFormat)]); $subTitleIcon = 'fa-calendar'; $incomeTopLength = 8; $expenseTopLength = 8; // get report stuff! $accounts = $this->helper->getAccountReportForList($start, $end, $list); // $incomes = $this->helper->getIncomeReportForList($start, $end, $list); // $expenses = $this->helper->getExpenseReportForList($start, $end, $list); // $budgets = $this->helper->getBudgetReportForList($start, $end, $list); // $categories = $this->helper->getCategoryReportForList($start, $end, $list); // $balance = $this->helper->getBalanceReportForList($start, $end, $list); // $bills = $this->helper->getBillReportForList($start, $end); // continue! return view( 'reports.default', compact( 'start', 'subTitle', 'subTitleIcon', 'accounts', 'incomes', 'incomeTopLength', 'expenses', 'expenseTopLength', 'budgets', 'balance', 'categories', 'bills' ) ); } }