{% extends "./layout/default" %} {% block breadcrumbs %} {{ Breadcrumbs.renderIfExists(Route.getCurrentRoute.getName, what, moment, start, end) }} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {# upper show-all instruction #} {% if periods.count > 0 %}

{{ 'showEverything'|_ }}

{% endif %} {# list with journals #}

{{ subTitle }}

{# actual list #} {% include 'list.journals' with {'journals': journals} %} {# links for other views #} {% if periods.count > 0 %}

{{ 'show_all_no_filter'|_ }}

{% else %}

{{ 'show_the_current_period_and_overview'|_ }}

{% endif %}
{# boxes with info #} {% if periods.count > 0 %}
{% for period in periods %} {% if period.sum != 0 %}
{% for sum in period.sums %} {% endfor %}
{% if what == 'withdrawal' %} {{ 'spent'|_ }} {% endif %} {% if what == 'deposit' %} {{ 'earned'|_ }} {% endif %} {% if what == 'transfers' or what == 'transfer' %} {{ 'transferred'|_ }} {% endif %} {% if what == 'transfers' or what == 'transfer' %} {{ formatAmountBySymbol(Steam.positive(sum.sum), sum.currency.symbol, sum.currency.dp, false) }} {% else %} {{ formatAmountBySymbol(sum.sum, sum.currency.symbol, sum.currency.dp) }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# lower show-all instruction #} {% if periods.count > 0 %}

{{ 'showEverything'|_ }}

{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {% endblock %}