{% extends "./layout/default" %} {% block breadcrumbs %} {{ Breadcrumbs.renderIfExists(Route.getCurrentRoute().getName(), account) }} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {{ Form.model(account, {'class' : 'form-horizontal','id' : 'update','url' : route('accounts.update',account.id) } ) }}

{{ 'mandatoryFields'|_ }}

{{ ExpandedForm.text('name') }} {% if account.accounttype.type == 'Default account' or account.accounttype.type == 'Asset account' %} {# Not really mandatory but OK #} {{ ExpandedForm.select('currency_id', currencies) }} {% endif %}

{{ 'optionalFields'|_ }}

{{ ExpandedForm.text('iban') }} {{ ExpandedForm.text('accountNumber') }} {% if account.accounttype.type == 'Default account' or account.accounttype.type == 'Asset account' %} {{ ExpandedForm.balance('openingBalance',null, {'currency' : openingBalance ? openingBalance.transactionCurrency : null}) }} {{ ExpandedForm.date('openingBalanceDate') }} {{ ExpandedForm.select('accountRole',Config.get('firefly.accountRoles')) }} {{ ExpandedForm.balance('virtualBalance',null) }} {% endif %} {{ ExpandedForm.checkbox('active','1') }}
{% if Session.get('preFilled').accountRole == 'ccAsset' %}

{{ 'credit_card_options'|_ }}

{{ ExpandedForm.select('ccType',Config.get('firefly.ccTypes')) }} {{ ExpandedForm.date('ccMonthlyPaymentDate',null,{'helpText' : 'Select any year and any month, it will be ignored anway. Only the day of the month is relevant.'}) }}
{% endif %}

{{ 'options'|_ }}

{{ ExpandedForm.optionsList('update','account') }}
{{ Form.close|raw }} {% endblock %}