{% if showCategory or showBudget %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if showCategory %} {% endif %} {% if showBudget %} {% endif %} {% for group in groups %} {% if group.count > 1 %} {% if showCategory or showBudget %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% for index, transaction in group.transactions %} {% set style="text-align:right;" %} {% if group.transactions|length == loop.index and group.count > 1 %} {% set style="text-align:right;border-bottom:1px #aaa solid;" %} {% endif %} {% if showCategory %} {% endif %} {% if showBudget %} {% endif %} {% if group.count == 1 %} {% endif %} {% if group.count != 1 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% if showCategory or showBudget %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{{ groups.links('pagination.bootstrap-4')|raw }}{{ groups.links('pagination.bootstrap-4')|raw }}
{{ trans('list.description') }} {{ trans('list.amount') }} {{ trans('list.source_account') }} {{ trans('list.destination_account') }}
{{ group.title }} {% for sum in group.sums %} {% if group.transaction_type == 'Deposit' %} {{ formatAmountBySymbol(sum.amount*-1, sum.currency_symbol, sum.currency_decimal_places) }}{% if loop.index != group.sums|length %},{% endif %} {% elseif group.transaction_type == 'Transfer' %} {{ formatAmountBySymbol(sum.amount*-1, sum.currency_symbol, sum.currency_decimal_places, false) }}{% if loop.index != group.sums|length %},{% endif %}X {% else %} {{ formatAmountBySymbol(sum.amount, sum.currency_symbol, sum.currency_decimal_places) }}{% if loop.index != group.sums|length %},{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}   
{% if transaction.reconciled %} {% endif %} {% if transaction.attachments|length > 0 %} {% endif %} {% if group.count == 1 %} {% endif %} {{ transaction.description }} {% if group.count == 1 %} {% endif %} {# deposit #} {% if transaction.transaction_type_type == 'Deposit' %} {{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.amount*-1, transaction.currency_symbol, transaction.currency_decimal_places) }} {% if null != transaction.foreign_amount %} ({{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.foreign_amount*-1, transaction.foreign_currency_symbol, transaction.foreign_currency_decimal_places) }}) {% endif %} {# transfer #} {% elseif transaction.transaction_type_type == 'Transfer' %} {{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.amount*-1, transaction.currency_symbol, transaction.currency_decimal_places, false) }} {% if null != transaction.foreign_amount %} ({{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.foreign_amount*-1, transaction.foreign_currency_symbol, transaction.foreign_currency_decimal_places, false) }}) {% endif %} {# opening balance #} {% elseif transaction.transaction_type_type == 'Opening balance' %} {% if transaction.source_account_type == 'Initial balance account' %} {{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.amount*-1, transaction.currency_symbol, transaction.currency_decimal_places) }} {% if null != transaction.foreign_amount %} ({{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.foreign_amount*-1, transaction.foreign_currency_symbol, transaction.foreign_currency_decimal_places) }}) {% endif %} {% else %} {{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.amount, transaction.currency_symbol, transaction.currency_decimal_places) }} {% if null != transaction.foreign_amount %} ({{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.foreign_amount, transaction.foreign_currency_symbol, transaction.foreign_currency_decimal_places) }}) {% endif %} {% endif %} {# reconciliation #} {% elseif transaction.transaction_type_type == 'Reconciliation' %} {% if transaction.source_account_type == 'Reconciliation account' %} {{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.amount*-1, transaction.currency_symbol, transaction.currency_decimal_places) }} {% if null != transaction.foreign_amount %} ({{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.foreign_amount*-1, transaction.foreign_currency_symbol, transaction.foreign_currency_decimal_places) }}) {% endif %} {% else %} {{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.amount, transaction.currency_symbol, transaction.currency_decimal_places) }} {% if null != transaction.foreign_amount %} ({{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.foreign_amount, transaction.foreign_currency_symbol, transaction.foreign_currency_decimal_places) }}) {% endif %} {% endif %} {# liability credit #} {% elseif transaction.transaction_type_type == 'Liability credit' %} {% if transaction.source_account_type == 'Liability credit' %} {{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.amount, transaction.currency_symbol, transaction.currency_decimal_places) }} {% if null != transaction.foreign_amount %} ({{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.foreign_amount, transaction.foreign_currency_symbol, transaction.foreign_currency_decimal_places) }}) {% endif %} {% else %} {{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.amount*-1, transaction.currency_symbol, transaction.currency_decimal_places) }} {% if null != transaction.foreign_amount %} ({{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.foreign_amount*-1, transaction.foreign_currency_symbol, transaction.foreign_currency_decimal_places) }}) {% endif %} {% endif %} {# THE REST #} {% else %} {{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.amount, transaction.currency_symbol, transaction.currency_decimal_places) }} {% if null != transaction.foreign_amount %} ({{ formatAmountBySymbol(transaction.foreign_amount, transaction.foreign_currency_symbol, transaction.foreign_currency_decimal_places) }}) {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if 'Cash account' == transaction.source_account_type %} ({{ 'cash'|_ }}) {% else %} {{ transaction.source_account_name }} {% endif %} {% if 'Cash account' == transaction.destination_account_type %} ({{ 'cash'|_ }}) {% else %} {{ transaction.destination_account_name }} {% endif %}
{{ groups.links('pagination.bootstrap-4')|raw }}{{ groups.links('pagination.bootstrap-4')|raw }}