. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace FireflyIII\Validation; use Carbon\Carbon; use FireflyIII\Models\Recurrence; use FireflyIII\Models\RecurrenceTransaction; use Illuminate\Validation\Validator; /** * Trait RecurrenceValidation * * Contains advanced validation rules used in validation of new and existing recurrences. */ trait RecurrenceValidation { /** * Validate account information input for recurrences which are being updated. * * TODO Must always trigger when the type of the recurrence changes. */ public function valUpdateAccountInfo(Validator $validator): void { $data = $validator->getData(); $transactionType = $data['type'] ?? 'invalid'; // grab model from parameter and try to set the transaction type from it if ('invalid' === $transactionType) { app('log')->debug('Type is invalid but we will search for it.'); /** @var null|Recurrence $recurrence */ $recurrence = $this->route()?->parameter('recurrence'); if (null !== $recurrence) { app('log')->debug('There is a recurrence in the route.'); // ok so we have a recurrence should be able to extract type somehow. /** @var null|RecurrenceTransaction $first */ $first = $recurrence->recurrenceTransactions()->first(); if (null !== $first) { $transactionType = null !== $first->transactionType ? $first->transactionType->type : 'withdrawal'; app('log')->debug(sprintf('Determined type to be %s.', $transactionType)); } if (null === $first) { app('log')->warning('Just going to assume type is a withdrawal.'); $transactionType = 'withdrawal'; } } } $transactions = $data['transactions'] ?? []; /** @var AccountValidator $accountValidator */ $accountValidator = app(AccountValidator::class); app('log')->debug(sprintf('Going to loop %d transaction(s)', count($transactions))); foreach ($transactions as $index => $transaction) { $transactionType = $transaction['type'] ?? $transactionType; $accountValidator->setTransactionType($transactionType); if ( !array_key_exists('source_id', $transaction) && !array_key_exists('destination_id', $transaction) && !array_key_exists('source_name', $transaction) && !array_key_exists('destination_name', $transaction) ) { continue; } // validate source account. $sourceId = array_key_exists('source_id', $transaction) ? (int) $transaction['source_id'] : null; $sourceName = $transaction['source_name'] ?? null; $validSource = $accountValidator->validateSource(['id' => $sourceId, 'name' => $sourceName]); // do something with result: if (false === $validSource) { $validator->errors()->add(sprintf('transactions.%d.source_id', $index), $accountValidator->sourceError); $validator->errors()->add(sprintf('transactions.%d.source_name', $index), $accountValidator->sourceError); return; } // validate destination account $destinationId = array_key_exists('destination_id', $transaction) ? (int) $transaction['destination_id'] : null; $destinationName = $transaction['destination_name'] ?? null; $validDestination = $accountValidator->validateDestination(['id' => $destinationId, 'name' => $destinationName]); // do something with result: if (false === $validDestination) { $validator->errors()->add(sprintf('transactions.%d.destination_id', $index), $accountValidator->destError); $validator->errors()->add(sprintf('transactions.%d.destination_name', $index), $accountValidator->destError); return; } } } /** * Adds an error to the validator when there are no repetitions in the array of data. */ public function validateOneRepetition(Validator $validator): void { $data = $validator->getData(); $repetitions = $data['repetitions'] ?? []; // need at least one transaction if (!is_countable($repetitions) || 0 === count($repetitions)) { $validator->errors()->add('repetitions', (string) trans('validation.at_least_one_repetition')); } } /** * Adds an error to the validator when there are no repetitions in the array of data. */ public function validateOneRepetitionUpdate(Validator $validator): void { $data = $validator->getData(); $repetitions = $data['repetitions'] ?? null; if (null === $repetitions) { return; } // need at least one transaction if (0 === count($repetitions)) { $validator->errors()->add('repetitions', (string) trans('validation.at_least_one_repetition')); } } /** * Validates that the recurrence has valid repetition information. It either doesn't stop, * or stops after X times or at X date. Not both of them., */ public function validateRecurrenceRepetition(Validator $validator): void { $data = $validator->getData(); $repetitions = $data['nr_of_repetitions'] ?? null; $repeatUntil = $data['repeat_until'] ?? null; if (null !== $repetitions && null !== $repeatUntil) { // expect a date OR count: $validator->errors()->add('repeat_until', (string) trans('validation.require_repeat_until')); $validator->errors()->add('nr_of_repetitions', (string) trans('validation.require_repeat_until')); } } public function validateRecurringConfig(Validator $validator): void { $data = $validator->getData(); $reps = array_key_exists('nr_of_repetitions', $data) ? (int) $data['nr_of_repetitions'] : null; $repeatUntil = array_key_exists('repeat_until', $data) ? new Carbon($data['repeat_until']) : null; if (null === $reps && null === $repeatUntil) { $validator->errors()->add('nr_of_repetitions', trans('validation.require_repeat_until')); $validator->errors()->add('repeat_until', trans('validation.require_repeat_until')); return; } if ($reps > 0 && null !== $repeatUntil) { $validator->errors()->add('nr_of_repetitions', trans('validation.require_repeat_until')); $validator->errors()->add('repeat_until', trans('validation.require_repeat_until')); } } public function validateRepetitionMoment(Validator $validator): void { $data = $validator->getData(); $repetitions = $data['repetitions'] ?? []; if (!is_array($repetitions)) { $validator->errors()->add(sprintf('repetitions.%d.type', 0), (string) trans('validation.valid_recurrence_rep_type')); return; } /** * @var int $index * @var array $repetition */ foreach ($repetitions as $index => $repetition) { if (!array_key_exists('moment', $repetition)) { $repetition['moment'] = ''; } if (null === $repetition['moment']) { $repetition['moment'] = ''; } switch ($repetition['type'] ?? 'empty') { default: $validator->errors()->add(sprintf('repetitions.%d.type', $index), (string) trans('validation.valid_recurrence_rep_type')); return; case 'daily': $this->validateDaily($validator, $index, (string) $repetition['moment']); break; case 'monthly': $this->validateMonthly($validator, $index, (int) $repetition['moment']); break; case 'ndom': $this->validateNdom($validator, $index, (string) $repetition['moment']); break; case 'weekly': $this->validateWeekly($validator, $index, (int) $repetition['moment']); break; case 'yearly': $this->validateYearly($validator, $index, (string) $repetition['moment']); break; } } } /** * If the repetition type is daily, the moment should be empty. */ protected function validateDaily(Validator $validator, int $index, string $moment): void { if ('' !== $moment) { $validator->errors()->add(sprintf('repetitions.%d.moment', $index), (string) trans('validation.valid_recurrence_rep_moment')); } } /** * If the repetition type is monthly, the moment should be a day between 1-31 (inclusive). */ protected function validateMonthly(Validator $validator, int $index, int $dayOfMonth): void { if ($dayOfMonth < 1 || $dayOfMonth > 31) { $validator->errors()->add(sprintf('repetitions.%d.moment', $index), (string) trans('validation.valid_recurrence_rep_moment')); } } /** * If the repetition type is "ndom", the first part must be between 1-5 (inclusive), for the week in the month, * and the second one must be between 1-7 (inclusive) for the day of the week. */ protected function validateNdom(Validator $validator, int $index, string $moment): void { $parameters = explode(',', $moment); if (2 !== count($parameters)) { $validator->errors()->add(sprintf('repetitions.%d.moment', $index), (string) trans('validation.valid_recurrence_rep_moment')); return; } $nthDay = (int) ($parameters[0] ?? 0.0); $dayOfWeek = (int) ($parameters[1] ?? 0.0); if ($nthDay < 1 || $nthDay > 5) { $validator->errors()->add(sprintf('repetitions.%d.moment', $index), (string) trans('validation.valid_recurrence_rep_moment')); return; } if ($dayOfWeek < 1 || $dayOfWeek > 7) { $validator->errors()->add(sprintf('repetitions.%d.moment', $index), (string) trans('validation.valid_recurrence_rep_moment')); } } /** * If the repetition type is weekly, the moment should be a day between 1-7 (inclusive). */ protected function validateWeekly(Validator $validator, int $index, int $dayOfWeek): void { if ($dayOfWeek < 1 || $dayOfWeek > 7) { $validator->errors()->add(sprintf('repetitions.%d.moment', $index), (string) trans('validation.valid_recurrence_rep_moment')); } } /** * If the repetition type is yearly, the moment should be a valid date. */ protected function validateYearly(Validator $validator, int $index, string $moment): void { try { Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $moment); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { // @phpstan-ignore-line app('log')->debug(sprintf('Invalid argument for Carbon: %s', $e->getMessage())); $validator->errors()->add(sprintf('repetitions.%d.moment', $index), (string) trans('validation.valid_recurrence_rep_moment')); } } /** * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity) */ protected function validateTransactionId(Recurrence $recurrence, Validator $validator): void { app('log')->debug('Now in validateTransactionId'); $transactions = $this->getTransactionData(); $submittedTrCount = count($transactions); if (0 === $submittedTrCount) { app('log')->warning('[b] User submitted no transactions.'); $validator->errors()->add('transactions', (string) trans('validation.at_least_one_transaction')); return; } $originalTrCount = $recurrence->recurrenceTransactions()->count(); if (1 === $submittedTrCount && 1 === $originalTrCount) { $first = $transactions[0]; // can safely assume index 0. if (!array_key_exists('id', $first)) { app('log')->debug('Single count and no ID, done.'); return; // home safe! } $id = $first['id']; if ('' === (string) $id) { app('log')->debug('Single count and empty ID, done.'); return; // home safe! } $integer = (int) $id; $secondCount = $recurrence->recurrenceTransactions()->where('recurrences_transactions.id', $integer)->count(); app('log')->debug(sprintf('Result of ID count: %d', $secondCount)); if (0 === $secondCount) { $validator->errors()->add('transactions.0.id', (string) trans('validation.id_does_not_match', ['id' => $integer])); } app('log')->debug('Single ID validation done.'); return; } app('log')->debug('Multi ID validation.'); $idsMandatory = false; if ($submittedTrCount < $originalTrCount) { app('log')->debug(sprintf('User submits %d transaction, recurrence has %d transactions. All entries must have ID.', $submittedTrCount, $originalTrCount)); $idsMandatory = true; } /** * Loop all transactions submitted by the user. * If the user has submitted fewer transactions than the original recurrence has, all submitted entries must have an ID. * Any ID's missing will be deleted later on. * * If the user submits more or the same number of transactions (n), the following rules apply: * * 1. Any 1 transaction does not need to have an ID. Since the other n-1 can be matched, the last one can be assumed. * 2. If the user submits more transactions than already present, count the number of existing transactions. At least those must be matched. After that, submit as many as you like. * 3. If the user submits the same number of transactions as already present, all but one must have an ID. */ $unmatchedIds = 0; foreach ($transactions as $index => $transaction) { app('log')->debug(sprintf('Now at %d/%d', $index + 1, $submittedTrCount)); if (!is_array($transaction)) { app('log')->warning('Not an array. Give error.'); $validator->errors()->add(sprintf('transactions.%d.id', $index), (string) trans('validation.at_least_one_transaction')); return; } if (!array_key_exists('id', $transaction) && $idsMandatory) { app('log')->warning('ID is mandatory but array has no ID.'); $validator->errors()->add(sprintf('transactions.%d.id', $index), (string) trans('validation.need_id_to_match')); return; } if (array_key_exists('id', $transaction)) { // don't matter if $idsMandatory app('log')->debug('Array has ID.'); $idCount = $recurrence->recurrenceTransactions()->where('recurrences_transactions.id', (int) $transaction['id'])->count(); if (0 === $idCount) { app('log')->debug('ID does not exist or no match. Count another unmatched ID.'); ++$unmatchedIds; } } if (!array_key_exists('id', $transaction) && !$idsMandatory) { app('log')->debug('Array has no ID but was not mandatory at this point.'); ++$unmatchedIds; } } // if too many don't match, but you haven't submitted more than already present: $maxUnmatched = max(1, $submittedTrCount - $originalTrCount); app('log')->debug(sprintf('Submitted: %d. Original: %d. User can submit %d unmatched transactions.', $submittedTrCount, $originalTrCount, $maxUnmatched)); if ($unmatchedIds > $maxUnmatched) { app('log')->warning(sprintf('Too many unmatched transactions (%d).', $unmatchedIds)); $validator->errors()->add('transactions.0.id', (string) trans('validation.too_many_unmatched')); return; } app('log')->debug('Done with ID validation.'); } }