query = $query; $this->budgetRepository = $budgetRepository; $this->tagRepository = $tagRepository; } /** * This method generates a full report for the given period on all * the users bills and their payments. * * Excludes bills which have not had a payment on the mentioned accounts. * * @param Carbon $start * @param Carbon $end * @param Collection $accounts * * @return BillCollection */ public function getBillReport(Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts) { /** @var \FireflyIII\Repositories\Bill\BillRepositoryInterface $repository */ $repository = app('FireflyIII\Repositories\Bill\BillRepositoryInterface'); $bills = $repository->getBillsForAccounts($accounts); $journals = $repository->getAllJournalsInRange($bills, $start, $end); $collection = new BillCollection; /** @var Bill $bill */ foreach ($bills as $bill) { $billLine = new BillLine; $billLine->setBill($bill); $billLine->setActive(intval($bill->active) == 1); $billLine->setMin($bill->amount_min); $billLine->setMax($bill->amount_max); // is hit in period? bcscale(2); $entry = $journals->filter( function (TransactionJournal $journal) use ($bill) { return $journal->bill_id == $bill->id; } ); if (!is_null($entry->first())) { $billLine->setAmount($entry->first()->journalAmount); $billLine->setHit(true); } else { $billLine->setHit(false); } if (!(!$billLine->isHit() && !$billLine->isActive())) { $collection->addBill($billLine); } } return $collection; } /** * @param Carbon $start * @param Carbon $end * @param Collection $accounts * * @return CategoryCollection */ public function getCategoryReport(Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts) { $object = new CategoryCollection; /** * GET CATEGORIES: */ /** @var \FireflyIII\Repositories\Category\CategoryRepositoryInterface $repository */ $repository = app('FireflyIII\Repositories\Category\CategoryRepositoryInterface'); $set = $repository->spentForAccountsPerMonth($accounts, $start, $end); foreach ($set as $category) { $object->addCategory($category); } return $object; } /** * Get a full report on the users expenses during the period for a list of accounts. * * @param Carbon $start * @param Carbon $end * @param Collection $accounts * * @return Expense */ public function getExpenseReport(Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts) { $object = new Expense; $set = $this->query->expense($accounts, $start, $end); foreach ($set as $entry) { $object->addToTotal($entry->journalAmount); // can be positive, if it's a transfer $object->addOrCreateExpense($entry); } return $object; } /** * Get a full report on the users incomes during the period for the given accounts. * * @param Carbon $start * @param Carbon $end * @param Collection $accounts * * @return Income */ public function getIncomeReport(Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts) { $object = new Income; $set = $this->query->income($accounts, $start, $end); foreach ($set as $entry) { $object->addToTotal($entry->journalAmount); $object->addOrCreateIncome($entry); } return $object; } /** * @param Carbon $date * * @return array */ public function listOfMonths(Carbon $date) { /** @var FiscalHelperInterface $fiscalHelper */ $fiscalHelper = app('FireflyIII\Helpers\FiscalHelperInterface'); $start = clone $date; $end = Carbon::now(); $months = []; while ($start <= $end) { $year = $fiscalHelper->endOfFiscalYear($start)->year; if (!isset($months[$year])) { $months[$year] = [ 'fiscal_start' => $fiscalHelper->startOfFiscalYear($start)->format('Y-m-d'), 'fiscal_end' => $fiscalHelper->endOfFiscalYear($start)->format('Y-m-d'), 'start' => Carbon::createFromDate($year, 1, 1)->format('Y-m-d'), 'end' => Carbon::createFromDate($year, 12, 31)->format('Y-m-d'), 'months' => [], ]; } $currentEnd = clone $start; $currentEnd->endOfMonth(); $months[$year]['months'][] = [ 'formatted' => $start->formatLocalized('%B %Y'), 'start' => $start->format('Y-m-d'), 'end' => $currentEnd->format('Y-m-d'), 'month' => $start->month, 'year' => $year, ]; $start->addMonth(); } return $months; } /** * Take the array as returned by SingleCategoryRepositoryInterface::spentPerDay and SingleCategoryRepositoryInterface::earnedByDay * and sum up everything in the array in the given range. * * @param Carbon $start * @param Carbon $end * @param array $array * * @return string */ protected function getSumOfRange(Carbon $start, Carbon $end, array $array) { bcscale(2); $sum = '0'; $currentStart = clone $start; // to not mess with the original one $currentEnd = clone $end; // to not mess with the original one while ($currentStart <= $currentEnd) { $date = $currentStart->format('Y-m-d'); if (isset($array[$date])) { $sum = bcadd($sum, $array[$date]); } $currentStart->addDay(); } return $sum; } }