. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace FireflyIII\Services\Internal\Update; use Carbon\Carbon; use Exception; use FireflyIII\Exceptions\FireflyException; use FireflyIII\Factory\TagFactory; use FireflyIII\Factory\TransactionJournalMetaFactory; use FireflyIII\Factory\TransactionTypeFactory; use FireflyIII\Models\Account; use FireflyIII\Models\Transaction; use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionGroup; use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionJournal; use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionType; use FireflyIII\Repositories\Account\AccountRepositoryInterface; use FireflyIII\Repositories\Bill\BillRepositoryInterface; use FireflyIII\Repositories\Budget\BudgetRepositoryInterface; use FireflyIII\Repositories\Category\CategoryRepositoryInterface; use FireflyIII\Repositories\Currency\CurrencyRepositoryInterface; use FireflyIII\Services\Internal\Support\JournalServiceTrait; use FireflyIII\Support\NullArrayObject; use FireflyIII\Validation\AccountValidator; use Log; /** * Class to centralise code that updates a journal given the input by system. * * Class JournalUpdateService * TODO test me */ class JournalUpdateService { use JournalServiceTrait; private BillRepositoryInterface $billRepository; private CurrencyRepositoryInterface $currencyRepository; private array $data; private ?Account $destinationAccount; private ?Transaction $destinationTransaction; private array $metaDate; private array $metaString; private ?Account $sourceAccount; private ?Transaction $sourceTransaction; private ?TransactionGroup $transactionGroup; private ?TransactionJournal $transactionJournal; /** * JournalUpdateService constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->destinationAccount = null; $this->destinationTransaction = null; $this->sourceAccount = null; $this->sourceTransaction = null; $this->transactionGroup = null; $this->transactionJournal = null; $this->billRepository = app(BillRepositoryInterface::class); $this->categoryRepository = app(CategoryRepositoryInterface::class); $this->budgetRepository = app(BudgetRepositoryInterface::class); $this->tagFactory = app(TagFactory::class); $this->accountRepository = app(AccountRepositoryInterface::class); $this->currencyRepository = app(CurrencyRepositoryInterface::class); $this->metaString = ['sepa_cc', 'sepa_ct_op', 'sepa_ct_id', 'sepa_db', 'sepa_country', 'sepa_ep', 'sepa_ci', 'sepa_batch_id', 'recurrence_id', 'internal_reference', 'bunq_payment_id', 'external_id', 'external_uri']; $this->metaDate = ['interest_date', 'book_date', 'process_date', 'due_date', 'payment_date', 'invoice_date',]; } /** * @param array $data */ public function setData(array $data): void { $this->data = $data; } /** * @param TransactionGroup $transactionGroup */ public function setTransactionGroup(TransactionGroup $transactionGroup): void { $this->transactionGroup = $transactionGroup; $this->billRepository->setUser($transactionGroup->user); $this->categoryRepository->setUser($transactionGroup->user); $this->budgetRepository->setUser($transactionGroup->user); $this->tagFactory->setUser($transactionGroup->user); $this->accountRepository->setUser($transactionGroup->user); $this->destinationAccount = null; $this->destinationTransaction = null; $this->sourceAccount = null; $this->sourceTransaction = null; } /** * @param TransactionJournal $transactionJournal */ public function setTransactionJournal(TransactionJournal $transactionJournal): void { $this->transactionJournal = $transactionJournal; } /** * */ public function update(): void { Log::debug(sprintf('Now in JournalUpdateService for journal #%d.', $this->transactionJournal->id)); // can we update account data using the new type? if ($this->hasValidAccounts()) { Log::info('Account info is valid, now update.'); // update accounts: $this->updateAccounts(); // then also update transaction journal type ID: $this->updateType(); $this->transactionJournal->refresh(); } // find and update bill, if possible. $this->updateBill(); // update journal fields. $this->updateField('description'); $this->updateField('date'); $this->updateField('order'); $this->transactionJournal->save(); $this->transactionJournal->refresh(); $this->updateCategory(); $this->updateBudget(); $this->updateTags(); $this->updateReconciled(); $this->updateNotes(); $this->updateMeta(); $this->updateCurrency(); $this->updateAmount(); $this->updateForeignAmount(); // TODO update hash app('preferences')->mark(); $this->transactionJournal->refresh(); } /** * @return bool */ private function hasValidAccounts(): bool { return $this->hasValidSourceAccount() && $this->hasValidDestinationAccount(); } /** * @return bool */ private function hasValidSourceAccount(): bool { Log::debug('Now in hasValidSourceAccount().'); $sourceId = $this->data['source_id'] ?? null; $sourceName = $this->data['source_name'] ?? null; if (!$this->hasFields(['source_id', 'source_name'])) { $origSourceAccount = $this->getOriginalSourceAccount(); $sourceId = $origSourceAccount->id; $sourceName = $origSourceAccount->name; } // make new account validator. $expectedType = $this->getExpectedType(); Log::debug(sprintf('Expected type (new or unchanged) is %s', $expectedType)); // make a new validator. /** @var AccountValidator $validator */ $validator = app(AccountValidator::class); $validator->setTransactionType($expectedType); $validator->setUser($this->transactionJournal->user); $result = $validator->validateSource($sourceId, $sourceName, null); Log::debug(sprintf('hasValidSourceAccount(%d, "%s") will return %s', $sourceId, $sourceName, var_export($result, true))); // TODO typeOverrule: the account validator may have another opinion on the transaction type. // validate submitted info: return $result; } /** * @param array $fields * * @return bool */ private function hasFields(array $fields): bool { foreach ($fields as $field) { if (array_key_exists($field, $this->data)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @return Account */ private function getOriginalSourceAccount(): Account { if (null === $this->sourceAccount) { $source = $this->getSourceTransaction(); $this->sourceAccount = $source->account; } return $this->sourceAccount; } /** * @return Transaction */ private function getSourceTransaction(): Transaction { if (null === $this->sourceTransaction) { $this->sourceTransaction = $this->transactionJournal->transactions()->with(['account'])->where('amount', '<', 0)->first(); } Log::debug(sprintf('getSourceTransaction: %s', $this->sourceTransaction->amount)); return $this->sourceTransaction; } /** * This method returns the current or expected type of the journal (in case of a change) based on the data in the array. * * If the array contains key 'type' and the value is correct, this is returned. Otherwise, the original type is returned. * * @return string */ private function getExpectedType(): string { Log::debug('Now in getExpectedType()'); if ($this->hasFields(['type'])) { return ucfirst('opening-balance' === $this->data['type'] ? 'opening balance' : $this->data['type']); } return $this->transactionJournal->transactionType->type; } /** * @return bool */ private function hasValidDestinationAccount(): bool { Log::debug('Now in hasValidDestinationAccount().'); $destId = $this->data['destination_id'] ?? null; $destName = $this->data['destination_name'] ?? null; if (!$this->hasFields(['destination_id', 'destination_name'])) { Log::debug('No destination info submitted, grab the original data.'); $destination = $this->getOriginalDestinationAccount(); $destId = $destination->id; $destName = $destination->name; } // make new account validator. $expectedType = $this->getExpectedType(); Log::debug(sprintf('Expected type (new or unchanged) is %s', $expectedType)); // make a new validator. /** @var AccountValidator $validator */ $validator = app(AccountValidator::class); $validator->setTransactionType($expectedType); $validator->setUser($this->transactionJournal->user); $validator->source = $this->getValidSourceAccount(); $result = $validator->validateDestination($destId, $destName, null); Log::debug(sprintf('hasValidDestinationAccount(%d, "%s") will return %s', $destId, $destName, var_export($result, true))); // TODO typeOverrule: the account validator may have another opinion on the transaction type. // validate submitted info: return $result; } /** * @return Account */ private function getOriginalDestinationAccount(): Account { if (null === $this->destinationAccount) { $destination = $this->getDestinationTransaction(); $this->destinationAccount = $destination->account; } return $this->destinationAccount; } /** * Get destination transaction. * * @return Transaction */ private function getDestinationTransaction(): Transaction { if (null === $this->destinationTransaction) { $this->destinationTransaction = $this->transactionJournal->transactions()->where('amount', '>', 0)->first(); } return $this->destinationTransaction; } /** * Does a validation and returns the source account. This method will break if the source isn't really valid. * * @return Account */ private function getValidSourceAccount(): Account { Log::debug('Now in getValidSourceAccount().'); if (!$this->hasFields(['source_id', 'source_name'])) { return $this->getOriginalSourceAccount(); } $sourceInfo = [ 'id' => (int)($this->data['source_id'] ?? null), 'name' => $this->data['source_name'] ?? null, 'iban' => $this->data['source_iban'] ?? null, 'number' => $this->data['source_number'] ?? null, 'bic' => $this->data['source_bic'] ?? null, ]; $expectedType = $this->getExpectedType(); try { $result = $this->getAccount($expectedType, 'source', $sourceInfo); } catch (FireflyException $e) { Log::error(sprintf('Cant get the valid source account: %s', $e->getMessage())); $result = $this->getOriginalSourceAccount(); } Log::debug(sprintf('getValidSourceAccount() will return #%d ("%s")', $result->id, $result->name)); return $result; } /** * Will update the source and destination accounts of this journal. Assumes they are valid. */ private function updateAccounts(): void { $source = $this->getValidSourceAccount(); $destination = $this->getValidDestinationAccount(); // cowardly refuse to update if both accounts are the same. if ($source->id === $destination->id) { Log::error(sprintf('Source + dest accounts are equal (%d, "%s")', $source->id, $source->name)); return; } $origSourceTransaction = $this->getSourceTransaction(); $origSourceTransaction->account()->associate($source); $origSourceTransaction->save(); $destTransaction = $this->getDestinationTransaction(); $destTransaction->account()->associate($destination); $destTransaction->save(); // refresh transactions. $this->sourceTransaction->refresh(); $this->destinationTransaction->refresh(); Log::debug(sprintf('Will set source to #%d ("%s")', $source->id, $source->name)); Log::debug(sprintf('Will set dest to #%d ("%s")', $destination->id, $destination->name)); } /** * Does a validation and returns the destination account. This method will break if the dest isn't really valid. * * @return Account */ private function getValidDestinationAccount(): Account { Log::debug('Now in getValidDestinationAccount().'); if (!$this->hasFields(['destination_id', 'destination_name'])) { return $this->getOriginalDestinationAccount(); } $destInfo = [ 'id' => (int)($this->data['destination_id'] ?? null), 'name' => $this->data['destination_name'] ?? null, 'iban' => $this->data['destination_iban'] ?? null, 'number' => $this->data['destination_number'] ?? null, 'bic' => $this->data['destination_bic'] ?? null, ]; // make new account validator. $expectedType = $this->getExpectedType(); Log::debug(sprintf('Expected type (new or unchanged) is %s', $expectedType)); try { $result = $this->getAccount($expectedType, 'destination', $destInfo); } catch (FireflyException $e) { Log::error(sprintf('getValidDestinationAccount() threw unexpected error: %s', $e->getMessage())); $result = $this->getOriginalDestinationAccount(); } return $result; } /** * Updates journal transaction type. */ private function updateType(): void { Log::debug('Now in updateType()'); if ($this->hasFields(['type'])) { $type = 'opening-balance' === $this->data['type'] ? 'opening balance' : $this->data['type']; Log::debug( sprintf( 'Trying to change journal #%d from a %s to a %s.', $this->transactionJournal->id, $this->transactionJournal->transactionType->type, $type ) ); /** @var TransactionTypeFactory $typeFactory */ $typeFactory = app(TransactionTypeFactory::class); $result = $typeFactory->find($this->data['type']); if (null !== $result) { Log::debug('Changed transaction type!'); $this->transactionJournal->transaction_type_id = $result->id; $this->transactionJournal->save(); return; } return; } Log::debug('No type field present.'); } /** * Update journal bill information. */ private function updateBill(): void { $type = $this->transactionJournal->transactionType->type; if (( array_key_exists('bill_id', $this->data) || array_key_exists('bill_name', $this->data) ) && TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL === $type ) { $billId = (int)($this->data['bill_id'] ?? 0); $billName = (string)($this->data['bill_name'] ?? ''); $bill = $this->billRepository->findBill($billId, $billName); $this->transactionJournal->bill_id = null === $bill ? null : $bill->id; Log::debug('Updated bill ID'); } } /** * Update journal generic field. Cannot be set to NULL. * * @param string $fieldName */ private function updateField(string $fieldName): void { if (array_key_exists($fieldName, $this->data) && '' !== (string)$this->data[$fieldName]) { $value = $this->data[$fieldName]; if ('date' === $fieldName) { if ($value instanceof Carbon) { // update timezone. $value->setTimezone(config('app.timezone')); } if (!($value instanceof Carbon)) { $value = new Carbon($value); } // do some parsing. Log::debug(sprintf('Create date value from string "%s".', $value)); } $this->transactionJournal->$fieldName = $value; Log::debug(sprintf('Updated %s', $fieldName)); } } /** * */ private function updateCategory(): void { // update category if ($this->hasFields(['category_id', 'category_name'])) { Log::debug('Will update category.'); $this->storeCategory($this->transactionJournal, new NullArrayObject($this->data)); } } /** * */ private function updateBudget(): void { // update budget if ($this->hasFields(['budget_id', 'budget_name'])) { Log::debug('Will update budget.'); $this->storeBudget($this->transactionJournal, new NullArrayObject($this->data)); } } /** * */ private function updateTags(): void { if ($this->hasFields(['tags'])) { Log::debug('Will update tags.'); $tags = $this->data['tags'] ?? null; $this->storeTags($this->transactionJournal, $tags); } } /** * */ private function updateReconciled(): void { if (array_key_exists('reconciled', $this->data) && is_bool($this->data['reconciled'])) { $this->transactionJournal->transactions()->update(['reconciled' => $this->data['reconciled']]); } } /** * */ private function updateNotes(): void { // update notes. if ($this->hasFields(['notes'])) { $notes = '' === (string)$this->data['notes'] ? null : $this->data['notes']; $this->storeNotes($this->transactionJournal, $notes); } } /** * */ private function updateMeta(): void { // update meta fields. // first string if ($this->hasFields($this->metaString)) { Log::debug('Meta string fields are present.'); $this->updateMetaFields(); } // then date fields. if ($this->hasFields($this->metaDate)) { Log::debug('Meta date fields are present.'); $this->updateMetaDateFields(); } } /** * */ private function updateMetaFields(): void { /** @var TransactionJournalMetaFactory $factory */ $factory = app(TransactionJournalMetaFactory::class); foreach ($this->metaString as $field) { if ($this->hasFields([$field])) { $value = '' === $this->data[$field] ? null : $this->data[$field]; Log::debug(sprintf('Field "%s" is present ("%s"), try to update it.', $field, $value)); $set = [ 'journal' => $this->transactionJournal, 'name' => $field, 'data' => $value, ]; $factory->updateOrCreate($set); } } } /** * */ private function updateMetaDateFields(): void { /** @var TransactionJournalMetaFactory $factory */ $factory = app(TransactionJournalMetaFactory::class); foreach ($this->metaDate as $field) { if ($this->hasFields([$field])) { try { $value = '' === (string)$this->data[$field] ? null : new Carbon($this->data[$field]); } catch (Exception $e) { Log::debug(sprintf('%s is not a valid date value: %s', $this->data[$field], $e->getMessage())); return; } Log::debug(sprintf('Field "%s" is present ("%s"), try to update it.', $field, $value)); $set = [ 'journal' => $this->transactionJournal, 'name' => $field, 'data' => $value, ]; $factory->updateOrCreate($set); } } } /** * */ private function updateCurrency(): void { // update transactions. if (!$this->hasFields(['currency_id', 'currency_code'])) { return; } $currencyId = $this->data['currency_id'] ?? null; $currencyCode = $this->data['currency_code'] ?? null; $currency = $this->currencyRepository->findCurrency($currencyId, $currencyCode); if (null !== $currency) { // update currency everywhere. $this->transactionJournal->transaction_currency_id = $currency->id; $this->transactionJournal->save(); $source = $this->getSourceTransaction(); $source->transaction_currency_id = $currency->id; $source->save(); $dest = $this->getDestinationTransaction(); $dest->transaction_currency_id = $currency->id; $dest->save(); // refresh transactions. $this->sourceTransaction->refresh(); $this->destinationTransaction->refresh(); Log::debug(sprintf('Updated currency to #%d (%s)', $currency->id, $currency->code)); } } /** * */ private function updateAmount(): void { if (!$this->hasFields(['amount'])) { return; } $value = $this->data['amount'] ?? ''; try { $amount = $this->getAmount($value); } catch (FireflyException $e) { Log::debug(sprintf('getAmount("%s") returns error: %s', $value, $e->getMessage())); return; } $origSourceTransaction = $this->getSourceTransaction(); $origSourceTransaction->amount = app('steam')->negative($amount); $origSourceTransaction->save(); $destTransaction = $this->getDestinationTransaction(); $destTransaction->amount = app('steam')->positive($amount); $destTransaction->save(); // refresh transactions. $this->sourceTransaction->refresh(); $this->destinationTransaction->refresh(); Log::debug(sprintf('Updated amount to "%s"', $amount)); } /** * */ private function updateForeignAmount(): void { // amount, foreign currency. if (!$this->hasFields(['foreign_currency_id', 'foreign_currency_code', 'foreign_amount'])) { return; } $amount = $this->data['foreign_amount'] ?? null; $foreignAmount = $this->getForeignAmount($amount); $source = $this->getSourceTransaction(); $dest = $this->getDestinationTransaction(); $foreignCurrency = $source->foreignCurrency; // find currency in data array $newForeignId = $this->data['foreign_currency_id'] ?? null; $newForeignCode = $this->data['foreign_currency_code'] ?? null; $foreignCurrency = $this->currencyRepository->findCurrencyNull($newForeignId, $newForeignCode) ?? $foreignCurrency; // not the same as normal currency if (null !== $foreignCurrency && $foreignCurrency->id === $this->transactionJournal->transaction_currency_id) { Log::error(sprintf('Foreign currency is equal to normal currency (%s)', $foreignCurrency->code)); return; } // add foreign currency info to source and destination if possible. if (null !== $foreignCurrency && null !== $foreignAmount) { $source->foreign_currency_id = $foreignCurrency->id; $source->foreign_amount = app('steam')->negative($foreignAmount); $source->save(); $dest->foreign_currency_id = $foreignCurrency->id; $dest->foreign_amount = app('steam')->positive($foreignAmount); $dest->save(); Log::debug(sprintf('Update foreign info to %s (#%d) %s', $foreignCurrency->code, $foreignCurrency->id, $foreignAmount)); // refresh transactions. $this->sourceTransaction->refresh(); $this->destinationTransaction->refresh(); return; } if ('0' === $amount) { $source->foreign_currency_id = null; $source->foreign_amount = null; $source->save(); $dest->foreign_currency_id = null; $dest->foreign_amount = null; $dest->save(); Log::debug(sprintf('Foreign amount is "%s" so remove foreign amount info.', $amount)); } Log::info('Not enough info to update foreign currency info.'); // refresh transactions. $this->sourceTransaction->refresh(); $this->destinationTransaction->refresh(); } }