. */ declare(strict_types=1); /* * Always make sure intro is the first element (if any) and outro is the last one. */ return [ // index 'index' => [ 'intro' => [], 'accounts-chart' => ['element' => '#accounts-chart'], 'box_out_holder' => ['element' => '#box_out_holder'], 'help' => ['element' => '#help', 'position' => 'bottom'], 'sidebar-toggle' => ['element' => '#sidebar-toggle', 'position' => 'bottom'], 'cash_account' => ['element' => '#all_transactions','position' => 'left'], 'outro' => [], ], // accounts: create 'accounts_create' => [ 'iban' => ['element' => '#ffInput_iban'], ], // transactions: create 'transactions_create_withdrawal' => [ 'source' => ['element' => 'input[name="source[]"]'], 'destination' => ['element' => 'input[name="destination[]"]'], 'foreign_currency' => ['element' => 'select[name="foreign_currency[]"]'], 'more_meta' => ['element' => 'input[name="category[]"]'], 'split_add' => ['element' => '.split_add_btn'], ], 'transactions_create_deposit' => [ 'source' => ['element' => 'input[name="source[]"]'], 'destination' => ['element' => 'input[name="destination[]"]'], 'foreign_currency' => ['element' => 'select[name="foreign_currency[]"]'], 'more_meta' => ['element' => 'input[name="category[]"]'], 'split_add' => ['element' => '.split_add_btn'], ], 'transactions_create_transfer' => [ 'source' => ['element' => 'input[name="source[]"]'], 'destination' => ['element' => 'input[name="destination[]"]'], 'foreign_currency' => ['element' => 'select[name="foreign_currency[]"]'], 'more_meta' => ['element' => 'input[name="category[]"]'], 'split_add' => ['element' => '.split_add_btn'], ], // extra text for asset account creation. 'accounts_create_asset' => [ 'opening_balance' => ['element' => '#ffInput_opening_balance'], 'currency' => ['element' => '#ffInput_currency_id'], 'virtual' => ['element' => '#ffInput_virtual_balance'], ], // budgets: index 'budgets_index' => [ 'intro' => [], 'set_budget' => ['element' => '#availableBar',], 'see_expenses_bar' => ['element' => '#spentBar'], 'navigate_periods' => ['element' => '#periodNavigator'], 'new_budget' => ['element' => '#createBudgetBox'], 'list_of_budgets' => ['element' => '#budgetList'], 'outro' => [], ], // reports: index, default report, audit, budget, cat, tag 'reports_index' => [ 'intro' => [], 'inputReportType' => ['element' => '#inputReportType'], 'inputAccountsSelect' => ['element' => '#inputAccountsSelect'], 'inputDateRange' => ['element' => '#inputDateRange'], 'extra-options-box' => ['element' => '#extra-options-box', 'position' => 'top'], ], 'reports_report_default' => [ 'intro' => [], ], 'reports_report_audit' => [ 'intro' => [], 'optionsBox' => ['element' => '#optionsBox'], ], 'reports_report_category' => [ 'intro' => [], 'pieCharts' => ['element' => '#pieCharts'], 'incomeAndExpensesChart' => ['element' => '#incomeAndExpensesChart', 'position' => 'top'], ], 'reports_report_tag' => [ 'intro' => [], 'pieCharts' => ['element' => '#pieCharts'], 'incomeAndExpensesChart' => ['element' => '#incomeAndExpensesChart', 'position' => 'top'], ], 'reports_report_budget' => [ 'intro' => [], 'pieCharts' => ['element' => '#pieCharts'], 'incomeAndExpensesChart' => ['element' => '#incomeAndExpensesChart', 'position' => 'top'], ], // piggies: index, create, show 'piggy-banks_index' => [ 'saved' => ['element' => '.piggySaved'], 'button' => ['element' => '.piggyBar',], 'accountStatus' => ['element' => '#accountStatus', 'position' => 'top'], ], 'piggy-banks_create' => [ 'name' => ['element' => '#ffInput_name'], 'date' => ['element' => '#ffInput_targetdate'], ], 'piggy-banks_show' => [ 'piggyChart' => ['element' => '#piggyChart'], 'piggyDetails' => ['element' => '#piggyDetails'], 'piggyEvents' => ['element' => '#piggyEvents'], ], // bills: index, create, show 'bills_index' => [ 'rules' => ['element' => '.rules'], 'paid_in_period' => ['element' => '.paid_in_period'], 'expected_in_period' => ['element' => '.expected_in_period'], ], 'bills_create' => [ 'intro' => [], 'name' => ['element' => '#name_holder'], //'match' => ['element' => '#match_holder'], 'amount_min_holder' => ['element' => '#amount_min_holder'], 'repeat_freq_holder' => ['element' => '#repeat_freq_holder'], 'skip_holder' => ['element' => '#skip_holder'], ], 'bills_show' => [ 'billInfo' => ['element' => '#billInfo'], 'billButtons' => ['element' => '#billButtons'], 'billChart' => ['element' => '#billChart', 'position' => 'top'], ], // rules: index, create-rule, edit-rule 'rules_index' => [ 'intro' => [], 'new_rule_group' => ['element' => '#new_rule_group'], 'new_rule' => ['element' => '.new_rule'], 'prio_buttons' => ['element' => '.prio_buttons'], 'test_buttons' => ['element' => '.test_buttons'], 'rule-triggers' => ['element' => '.rule-triggers'], 'outro' => [], ], 'rules_create' => [ 'mandatory' => ['element' => '#mandatory'], 'ruletriggerholder' => ['element' => '.rule-trigger-box'], 'test_rule_triggers' => ['element' => '.test_rule_triggers'], 'actions' => ['element' => '.rule-action-box', 'position' => 'top'], ], // preferences: index 'preferences_index' => [ 'tabs' => ['element' => '.nav-tabs'], ], // currencies: index, create 'currencies_index' => [ 'intro' => [], 'default' => ['element' => '#default-currency'], 'buttons' => ['element' => '.buttons',] ], 'currencies_create' => [ 'code' => ['element' => '#ffInput_code',], ], ];