amLoggedAs(['email' => '', 'password' => 'james']); } public function create(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->wantTo('create a transaction'); $I->amOnPage('/transactions/create/withdrawal?account_id=1'); $I->see('Add a new withdrawal'); } public function deleteWithdrawal(FunctionalTester $I) { // get withdrawal transaction type id: $type = TransactionType::whereType('Withdrawal')->first(); // get a journal $journal = TransactionJournal::where('transaction_type_id', $type->id)->first(); $I->wantTo('delete a transaction'); $I->amOnPage('/transaction/delete/' . $journal->id); $I->see('Delete withdrawal "' . $journal->description . '"'); } public function destroyDeposit(FunctionalTester $I) { // get withdrawal transaction type id: $type = TransactionType::whereType('Deposit')->first(); // get a journal $journal = TransactionJournal::where('transaction_type_id', $type->id)->first(); $I->wantTo('destroy a deposit'); $I->amOnPage('/transaction/delete/' . $journal->id); $I->submitForm('#destroy', []); $I->see('Transaction "' . $journal->description . '" destroyed.'); } public function destroyTransfer(FunctionalTester $I) { // get withdrawal transaction type id: $type = TransactionType::whereType('Transfer')->first(); // get a journal $journal = TransactionJournal::where('transaction_type_id', $type->id)->first(); $I->wantTo('destroy a transfer'); $I->amOnPage('/transaction/delete/' . $journal->id); $I->submitForm('#destroy', []); $I->see('Transaction "' . $journal->description . '" destroyed.'); } public function destroyWithdrawal(FunctionalTester $I) { // get withdrawal transaction type id: $type = TransactionType::whereType('Withdrawal')->first(); // get a journal $journal = TransactionJournal::where('transaction_type_id', $type->id)->first(); $I->wantTo('destroy a withdrawal'); $I->amOnPage('/transaction/delete/' . $journal->id); $I->submitForm('#destroy', []); $I->see('Transaction "' . $journal->description . '" destroyed.'); } public function edit(FunctionalTester $I) { // get withdrawal transaction type id: $type = TransactionType::whereType('Transfer')->first(); // get a journal $journal = TransactionJournal::where('transaction_type_id', $type->id)->first(); $I->wantTo('edit a transaction'); $I->amOnPage('/transaction/edit/' . $journal->id); $I->see('Edit transfer "' . $journal->description . '"'); } public function index(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->wantTo('see all withdrawals'); $I->amOnPage('/transactions/withdrawal'); $I->see('Expenses'); } public function indexExpenses(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->wantTo('see all expenses'); $I->amOnPage('/transactions/deposit'); $I->see('Revenue, income and deposits'); } public function indexTransfers(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->wantTo('see all transfers'); $I->amOnPage('/transactions/transfers'); $I->see('Transfers'); } public function show(FunctionalTester $I) { // get withdrawal transaction type id: $type = TransactionType::whereType('Withdrawal')->first(); // get a journal $journal = TransactionJournal::where('transaction_type_id', $type->id)->first(); $I->wantTo('see a transaction'); $I->amOnPage('/transaction/show/' . $journal->id); $I->see($journal->description); $I->see(intval($journal->getAmount())); } /** * @param FunctionalTester $I */ public function showGroupedJournal(FunctionalTester $I) { $groupRow = DB::table('transaction_group_transaction_journal')->select('transaction_journal_id')->first(['transaction_journal_id']); $id = $groupRow->transaction_journal_id; // get a grouped journal: $journal = TransactionJournal::find($id); $I->wantTo('see a grouped transaction'); $I->amOnPage('/transaction/show/' . $journal->id); $I->see($journal->description); } public function store(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->wantTo('store a transaction'); $I->amOnPage('/transactions/create/withdrawal'); $I->submitForm( '#store', [ 'reminder' => '', 'description' => 'Test', 'account_id' => 1, 'expense_account' => 'Zomaar', 'amount' => 100, 'date' => '2014-12-30', 'budget_id' => 3, 'category' => 'Categorrr', 'post_submit_action' => 'store' ] ); $I->see('Transaction "Test" stored.'); } public function storeAndFail(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->wantTo('store a transaction and fail'); $I->amOnPage('/transactions/create/withdrawal'); $I->submitForm( '#store', [ 'reminder' => '', 'description' => '', 'account_id' => 1, 'expense_account' => 'Zomaar', 'amount' => 100, 'date' => '2014-12-30', 'budget_id' => 3, 'category' => 'Categorrr', 'post_submit_action' => 'store' ] ); $I->see('Could not store transaction: The description field is required.'); } public function storeAndReturn(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->wantTo('store a transaction'); $I->amOnPage('/transactions/create/withdrawal'); $I->submitForm( '#store', [ 'reminder' => '', 'description' => 'Test', 'account_id' => 1, 'expense_account' => 'Zomaar', 'amount' => 100, 'date' => '2014-12-30', 'budget_id' => 3, 'category' => 'Categorrr', 'post_submit_action' => 'create_another' ] ); $I->see('Transaction "Test" stored.'); } public function storeValidate(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->wantTo('validate a transaction'); $I->amOnPage('/transactions/create/withdrawal'); $I->submitForm( '#store', [ 'reminder' => '', 'description' => 'TestValidateMe', 'account_id' => 1, 'expense_account' => 'Zomaar', 'amount' => 100, 'date' => '2014-12-30', 'budget_id' => 3, 'category' => 'CategorrXXXXr', 'post_submit_action' => 'validate_only' ] ); $I->see('OK'); $I->seeInSession('successes'); $I->dontSeeRecord('transaction_journals', ['description' => 'TestValidateMe']); } public function update(FunctionalTester $I) { // get withdrawal transaction type id: $type = TransactionType::whereType('Deposit')->first(); // get a journal $journal = TransactionJournal::where('transaction_type_id', $type->id)->first(); $I->wantTo('update a transaction'); $I->amOnPage('/transaction/edit/' . $journal->id); $I->see($journal->description); $I->submitForm( '#update', [ 'description' => $journal->description . '!', 'account_id' => 1, 'expense_account' => 'Portaal', 'amount' => 500, 'date' => $journal->date->format('Y-m-d'), 'budget_id' => is_null($journal->budgets()->first()) ? 0 : $journal->budgets()->first()->id, 'category' => is_null($journal->categories()->first()) ? '' : $journal->categories()->first()->id, 'post_submit_action' => 'update' ] ); $I->see($journal->description . '!'); } public function updateAndFail(FunctionalTester $I) { // get withdrawal transaction type id: $type = TransactionType::whereType('Deposit')->first(); // get a journal $journal = TransactionJournal::where('transaction_type_id', $type->id)->first(); $I->wantTo('update a transaction and fail'); $I->amOnPage('/transaction/edit/' . $journal->id); $I->see($journal->description); $I->submitForm( '#update', [ 'description' => '', 'account_id' => 1, 'expense_account' => 'Portaal', 'amount' => 500, 'date' => '2014-01-01', 'budget_id' => 2, 'category' => 'House', 'post_submit_action' => 'update' ] ); $I->see('Could not update transaction: The description field is required.'); } public function updateAndReturn(FunctionalTester $I) { // get withdrawal transaction type id: $type = TransactionType::whereType('Deposit')->first(); // get a journal $journal = TransactionJournal::where('transaction_type_id', $type->id)->first(); $I->wantTo('update a transaction and return to the edit screen'); $I->amOnPage('/transaction/edit/' . $journal->id); $I->see($journal->description); $I->submitForm( '#update', [ 'description' => $journal->description . '!', 'account_id' => 1, 'expense_account' => 'Portaal', 'amount' => 500, 'date' => $journal->date->format('Y-m-d'), 'budget_id' => is_null($journal->budgets()->first()) ? 0 : $journal->budgets()->first()->id, 'category' => is_null($journal->categories()->first()) ? '' : $journal->categories()->first()->id, 'post_submit_action' => 'return_to_edit' ] ); $I->see($journal->description . '!'); } public function updateValidate(FunctionalTester $I) { // get withdrawal transaction type id: $type = TransactionType::whereType('Deposit')->first(); // get a journal $journal = TransactionJournal::where('transaction_type_id', $type->id)->first(); $I->wantTo('validate an updated transaction'); $I->amOnPage('/transaction/edit/' . $journal->id); $I->see($journal->description); $I->submitForm( '#update', [ 'description' => $journal->description . 'XYZ', 'account_id' => 1, 'expense_account' => 'Portaal', 'amount' => 500, 'date' => $journal->date->format('Y-m-d'), 'budget_id' => is_null($journal->budgets()->first()) ? 0 : $journal->budgets()->first()->id, 'category' => is_null($journal->categories()->first()) ? '' : $journal->categories()->first()->id, 'post_submit_action' => 'validate_only' ] ); $I->see($journal->description . 'XYZ'); $I->see('OK'); $I->seeInSession('successes'); } }