entries = $entries; } /** * Clean collection by filling in all the blanks. */ public function clean(): Collection { $newCollection = new Collection; /** @var ImportEntry $entry */ foreach ($this->entries as $index => $entry) { Log::debug(sprintf('--- import validator start for row %d ---', $index)); /* * X Adds the date (today) if no date is present. * X Determins the types of accounts involved (asset, expense, revenue). * X Determins the type of transaction (withdrawal, deposit, transfer). * - Determins the currency of the transaction. * X Adds a default description if there isn't one present. */ $entry = $this->checkAmount($entry); $entry = $this->setDate($entry); $entry = $this->setAssetAccount($entry); $entry = $this->setOpposingAccount($entry); $entry = $this->cleanDescription($entry); $entry = $this->setTransactionType($entry); $entry = $this->setTransactionCurrency($entry); $newCollection->put($index, $entry); } return $newCollection; } /** * @param Account $defaultImportAccount */ public function setDefaultImportAccount(Account $defaultImportAccount) { $this->defaultImportAccount = $defaultImportAccount; } /** * @param User $user */ public function setUser(User $user) { $this->user = $user; } /** * @param ImportEntry $entry * * @return ImportEntry */ private function checkAmount(ImportEntry $entry): ImportEntry { if ($entry->fields['amount'] == 0) { $entry->valid = false; Log::error('Amount of transaction is zero, cannot handle.'); return $entry; } Log::debug('Amount is OK.'); return $entry; } /** * @param ImportEntry $entry * * @return ImportEntry */ private function cleanDescription(ImportEntry $entry): ImportEntry { if (!isset($entry->fields['description'])) { Log::debug('Set empty transaction description because field was not set.'); $entry->fields['description'] = '(empty transaction description)'; return $entry; } if (is_null($entry->fields['description'])) { Log::debug('Set empty transaction description because field was null.'); $entry->fields['description'] = '(empty transaction description)'; return $entry; } $entry->fields['description'] = trim($entry->fields['description']); if (strlen($entry->fields['description']) == 0) { Log::debug('Set empty transaction description because field was empty.'); $entry->fields['description'] = '(empty transaction description)'; return $entry; } Log::debug('Transaction description is OK.', ['description' => $entry->fields['description']]); return $entry; } /** * @param Account $account * @param string $type * * @return Account */ private function convertAccount(Account $account, string $type): Account { $accountType = $account->accountType->type; if ($accountType === $type) { Log::debug(sprintf('Account %s already of type %s', $account->name, $type)); return $account; } // find it first by new type: /** @var AccountCrudInterface $repository */ $repository = app(AccountCrudInterface::class, [$this->user]); $result = $repository->findByName($account->name, [$type]); if (is_null($result->id)) { // can convert account: Log::debug(sprintf('No account named %s of type %s, will convert.', $account->name, $type)); $result = $repository->updateAccountType($account, $type); } return $result; } /** * @return Account */ private function fallbackExpenseAccount(): Account { /** @var AccountCrudInterface $repository */ $repository = app(AccountCrudInterface::class, [$this->user]); $name = 'Unknown expense account'; $result = $repository->findByName($name, [AccountType::EXPENSE]); if (is_null($result->id)) { $result = $repository->store( ['name' => $name, 'iban' => null, 'openingBalance' => 0, 'user' => $this->user->id, 'accountType' => 'expense', 'virtualBalance' => 0, 'active' => true] ); } return $result; } /** * @return Account */ private function fallbackRevenueAccount(): Account { /** @var AccountCrudInterface $repository */ $repository = app(AccountCrudInterface::class, [$this->user]); $name = 'Unknown revenue account'; $result = $repository->findByName($name, [AccountType::REVENUE]); if (is_null($result->id)) { $result = $repository->store( ['name' => $name, 'iban' => null, 'openingBalance' => 0, 'user' => $this->user->id, 'accountType' => 'revenue', 'virtualBalance' => 0, 'active' => true] ); } return $result; } /** * @param ImportEntry $entry * * @return ImportEntry */ private function setAssetAccount(ImportEntry $entry): ImportEntry { if (is_null($entry->fields['asset-account'])) { if (!is_null($this->defaultImportAccount)) { Log::debug('Set asset account from default asset account'); $entry->fields['asset-account'] = $this->defaultImportAccount; return $entry; } // default import is null? should not happen. Entry cannot be imported. // set error message and block. $entry->valid = false; Log::error('Cannot import entry. Asset account is NULL and import account is also NULL.'); } Log::debug('Asset account is OK.', ['id' => $entry->fields['asset-account']->id, 'name' => $entry->fields['asset-account']->name]); return $entry; } /** * @param ImportEntry $entry * * @return ImportEntry */ private function setDate(ImportEntry $entry): ImportEntry { if (is_null($entry->fields['date-transaction']) || $entry->certain['date-transaction'] == 0) { // empty date field? find alternative. $alternatives = ['date-book', 'date-interest', 'date-process']; foreach ($alternatives as $alternative) { if (!is_null($entry->fields[$alternative])) { Log::debug(sprintf('Copied date-transaction from %s.', $alternative)); $entry->fields['date-transaction'] = clone $entry->fields[$alternative]; return $entry; } } // date is still null at this point Log::debug('Set date-transaction to today.'); $entry->fields['date-transaction'] = new Carbon; return $entry; } // confidence is zero? Log::debug('Date-transaction is OK'); return $entry; } /** * @param ImportEntry $entry * * @return ImportEntry */ private function setOpposingAccount(ImportEntry $entry): ImportEntry { // empty opposing account. Create one based on amount. if (is_null($entry->fields['opposing-account'])) { if ($entry->fields['amount'] < 0) { // create or find general opposing expense account. Log::debug('Created fallback expense account'); $entry->fields['opposing-account'] = $this->fallbackExpenseAccount(); return $entry; } Log::debug('Created fallback revenue account'); $entry->fields['opposing-account'] = $this->fallbackRevenueAccount(); return $entry; } // opposing is of type "import". Convert to correct type (by amount): $type = $entry->fields['opposing-account']->accountType->type; if ($type == AccountType::IMPORT && $entry->fields['amount'] < 0) { $account = $this->convertAccount($entry->fields['opposing-account'], AccountType::EXPENSE); $entry->fields['opposing-account'] = $account; Log::debug('Converted import account to expense account'); return $entry; } if ($type == AccountType::IMPORT && $entry->fields['amount'] > 0) { $account = $this->convertAccount($entry->fields['opposing-account'], AccountType::REVENUE); $entry->fields['opposing-account'] = $account; Log::debug('Converted import account to revenue account'); return $entry; } // amount < 0, but opposing is revenue if ($type == AccountType::REVENUE && $entry->fields['amount'] < 0) { $account = $this->convertAccount($entry->fields['opposing-account'], AccountType::EXPENSE); $entry->fields['opposing-account'] = $account; Log::debug('Converted revenue account to expense account'); return $entry; } // amount > 0, but opposing is expense if ($type == AccountType::EXPENSE && $entry->fields['amount'] < 0) { $account = $this->convertAccount($entry->fields['opposing-account'], AccountType::REVENUE); $entry->fields['opposing-account'] = $account; Log::debug('Converted expense account to revenue account'); return $entry; } // account type is OK Log::debug('Opposing account is OK.'); return $entry; } /** * @param ImportEntry $entry * * @return ImportEntry */ private function setTransactionCurrency(ImportEntry $entry): ImportEntry { if (is_null($entry->fields['currency'])) { /** @var CurrencyRepositoryInterface $repository */ $repository = app(CurrencyRepositoryInterface::class); $entry->fields['currency'] = $repository->findByCode(env('DEFAULT_CURRENCY', 'EUR')); Log::debug('Set currency to EUR'); return $entry; } Log::debug('Currency is OK'); return $entry; } /** * @param ImportEntry $entry * * @return ImportEntry */ private function setTransactionType(ImportEntry $entry): ImportEntry { Log::debug(sprintf('Opposing account is of type %s', $entry->fields['opposing-account']->accountType->type)); $type = $entry->fields['opposing-account']->accountType->type; switch ($type) { case AccountType::EXPENSE: $entry->fields['transaction-type'] = TransactionType::whereType(TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL)->first(); Log::debug('Transaction type is now withdrawal.'); return $entry; case AccountType::REVENUE: $entry->fields['transaction-type'] = TransactionType::whereType(TransactionType::DEPOSIT)->first(); Log::debug('Transaction type is now deposit.'); return $entry; case AccountType::ASSET: $entry->fields['transaction-type'] = TransactionType::whereType(TransactionType::TRANSFER)->first(); Log::debug('Transaction type is now transfer.'); return $entry; } Log::error(sprintf('Opposing account is of type %s, cannot handle this.', $type)); $entry->valid = false; return $entry; } }