formatAnything($this->getDefaultCurrency(), $amount, $coloured);
* This method will properly format the given number, in color or "black and white",
* as a currency, given two things: the currency required and the current locale.
* @param \FireflyIII\Models\TransactionCurrency $format
* @param string $amount
* @param bool $coloured
* @return string
public function formatAnything(TransactionCurrency $format, string $amount, bool $coloured = true): string
$locale = explode(',', trans('config.locale'));
$locale = array_map('trim', $locale);
setlocale(LC_MONETARY, $locale);
$float = round($amount, 12);
$info = localeconv();
$formatted = number_format($float, $format->decimal_places, $info['mon_decimal_point'], $info['mon_thousands_sep']);
// some complicated switches to format the amount correctly:
$precedes = $amount < 0 ? $info['n_cs_precedes'] : $info['p_cs_precedes'];
$separated = $amount < 0 ? $info['n_sep_by_space'] : $info['p_sep_by_space'];
$space = $separated ? ' ' : '';
$result = $format->symbol . $space . $formatted;
if (!$precedes) {
$result = $space . $formatted . $format->symbol;
if ($coloured === true) {
if ($amount > 0) {
return sprintf('%s', $result);
} else {
if ($amount < 0) {
return sprintf('%s', $result);
return sprintf('%s', $result);
return $result;
* Used in many places (unfortunately).
* @param string $currencyCode
* @param string $amount
* @param bool $coloured
* @return string
public function formatByCode(string $currencyCode, string $amount, bool $coloured = true): string
$currency = TransactionCurrency::whereCode($currencyCode)->first();
return $this->formatAnything($currency, $amount, $coloured);
* @param \FireflyIII\Models\TransactionJournal $journal
* @param bool $coloured
* @return string
public function formatJournal(TransactionJournal $journal, bool $coloured = true): string
$currency = $journal->transactionCurrency;
return $this->formatAnything($currency, $journal->amount(), $coloured);
* @param Transaction $transaction
* @param bool $coloured
* @return string
public function formatTransaction(Transaction $transaction, bool $coloured = true)
$currency = $transaction->transactionJournal->transactionCurrency;
return $this->formatAnything($currency, strval($transaction->amount), $coloured);
* @return Collection
public function getAllCurrencies(): Collection
return TransactionCurrency::orderBy('code', 'ASC')->get();
* @return string
public function getCurrencyCode(): string
$cache = new CacheProperties;
if ($cache->has()) {
return $cache->get(); // @codeCoverageIgnore
} else {
$currencyPreference = Prefs::get('currencyPreference', config('firefly.default_currency', 'EUR'));
$currency = TransactionCurrency::whereCode($currencyPreference->data)->first();
if ($currency) {
return $currency->code;
$cache->store(config('firefly.default_currency', 'EUR'));
return config('firefly.default_currency', 'EUR');
* @return string
public function getCurrencySymbol(): string
$cache = new CacheProperties;
if ($cache->has()) {
return $cache->get(); // @codeCoverageIgnore
} else {
$currencyPreference = Prefs::get('currencyPreference', config('firefly.default_currency', 'EUR'));
$currency = TransactionCurrency::whereCode($currencyPreference->data)->first();
return $currency->symbol;
* @return \FireflyIII\Models\TransactionCurrency
public function getDefaultCurrency(): TransactionCurrency
$cache = new CacheProperties;
if ($cache->has()) {
return $cache->get(); // @codeCoverageIgnore
$currencyPreference = Prefs::get('currencyPreference', config('firefly.default_currency', 'EUR'));
$currency = TransactionCurrency::whereCode($currencyPreference->data)->first();
return $currency;
* This method returns the correct format rules required by accounting.js,
* the library used to format amounts in charts.
* @param array $config
* @return array
public function getJsConfig(array $config): array
$negative = self::getAmountJsConfig($config['n_sep_by_space'] === 1, $config['n_sign_posn'], $config['negative_sign'], $config['n_cs_precedes'] === 1);
$positive = self::getAmountJsConfig($config['p_sep_by_space'] === 1, $config['p_sign_posn'], $config['positive_sign'], $config['p_cs_precedes'] === 1);
return [
'pos' => $positive,
'neg' => $negative,
'zero' => $positive,