decimal_places), $info['mon_decimal_point'], $info['mon_thousands_sep']); // some complicated switches to format the amount correctly: $precedes = $amount < 0 ? $info['n_cs_precedes'] : $info['p_cs_precedes']; $separated = $amount < 0 ? $info['n_sep_by_space'] : $info['p_sep_by_space']; $space = $separated ? ' ' : ''; $result = $format->symbol . $space . $formatted; if (!$precedes) { $result = $space . $formatted . $format->symbol; } if ($coloured === true) { if ($amount > 0) { return sprintf('%s', $result); } else { if ($amount < 0) { return sprintf('%s', $result); } } return sprintf('%s', $result); } return $result; } /** * @return Collection */ public function getAllCurrencies(): Collection { return TransactionCurrency::orderBy('code', 'ASC')->get(); } /** * @return string */ public function getCurrencyCode(): string { $cache = new CacheProperties; $cache->addProperty('getCurrencyCode'); if ($cache->has()) { return $cache->get(); // @codeCoverageIgnore } else { $currencyPreference = Prefs::get('currencyPreference', config('firefly.default_currency', 'EUR')); $currency = TransactionCurrency::where('code', $currencyPreference->data)->first(); if ($currency) { $cache->store($currency->code); return $currency->code; } $cache->store(config('firefly.default_currency', 'EUR')); return config('firefly.default_currency', 'EUR'); } } /** * @return string */ public function getCurrencySymbol(): string { $cache = new CacheProperties; $cache->addProperty('getCurrencySymbol'); if ($cache->has()) { return $cache->get(); // @codeCoverageIgnore } else { $currencyPreference = Prefs::get('currencyPreference', config('firefly.default_currency', 'EUR')); $currency = TransactionCurrency::where('code', $currencyPreference->data)->first(); $cache->store($currency->symbol); return $currency->symbol; } } /** * @return \FireflyIII\Models\TransactionCurrency * @throws FireflyException */ public function getDefaultCurrency(): TransactionCurrency { $user = auth()->user(); return $this->getDefaultCurrencyByUser($user); } /** * @param User $user * * @return \FireflyIII\Models\TransactionCurrency * @throws FireflyException */ public function getDefaultCurrencyByUser(User $user): TransactionCurrency { $cache = new CacheProperties; $cache->addProperty('getDefaultCurrency'); $cache->addProperty($user->id); if ($cache->has()) { return $cache->get(); // @codeCoverageIgnore } $currencyPreference = Prefs::getForUser($user, 'currencyPreference', config('firefly.default_currency', 'EUR')); $currency = TransactionCurrency::where('code', $currencyPreference->data)->first(); if (is_null($currency)) { throw new FireflyException(sprintf('No currency found with code "%s"', $currencyPreference->data)); } $cache->store($currency); return $currency; } /** * This method returns the correct format rules required by accounting.js, * the library used to format amounts in charts. * * @param array $config * * @return array */ public function getJsConfig(array $config): array { $negative = self::getAmountJsConfig($config['n_sep_by_space'] === 1, $config['n_sign_posn'], $config['negative_sign'], $config['n_cs_precedes'] === 1); $positive = self::getAmountJsConfig($config['p_sep_by_space'] === 1, $config['p_sign_posn'], $config['positive_sign'], $config['p_cs_precedes'] === 1); return [ 'pos' => $positive, 'neg' => $negative, 'zero' => $positive, ]; } /** * @param TransactionJournal $journal * @param bool $coloured * * @return string */ public function journalAmount(TransactionJournal $journal, bool $coloured = true): string { $amounts = []; $transactions = $journal->transactions()->where('amount', '>', 0)->get(); /** @var TransactionModel $transaction */ foreach ($transactions as $transaction) { // model some fields to fit "transactionAmount()": $transaction->transaction_amount = $transaction->amount; $transaction->transaction_foreign_amount = $transaction->foreign_amount; $transaction->transaction_type_type = $journal->transactionType->type; $transaction->transaction_currency_symbol = $transaction->transactionCurrency->symbol; $transaction->transaction_currency_dp = $transaction->transactionCurrency->decimal_places; if (!is_null($transaction->foreign_currency_id)) { $transaction->foreign_currency_symbol = $transaction->foreignCurrency->symbol; $transaction->foreign_currency_dp = $transaction->foreignCurrency->decimal_places; } $amounts[] = $this->transactionAmount($transaction, $coloured); } return join(' / ', $amounts); } /** * This formats a transaction, IF that transaction has been "collected" using the JournalCollector. * * @param TransactionModel $transaction * @param bool $coloured * * @return string */ public function transactionAmount(TransactionModel $transaction, bool $coloured = true): string { $amount = bcmul(app('steam')->positive(strval($transaction->transaction_amount)), '-1'); $format = '%s'; if ($transaction->transaction_type_type === TransactionType::DEPOSIT) { $amount = bcmul($amount, '-1'); } if ($transaction->transaction_type_type === TransactionType::TRANSFER) { $amount = app('steam')->positive($amount); $coloured = false; $format = '%s'; } $currency = new TransactionCurrency; $currency->symbol = $transaction->transaction_currency_symbol; $currency->decimal_places = $transaction->transaction_currency_dp; $str = sprintf($format, $this->formatAnything($currency, $amount, $coloured)); if (!is_null($transaction->transaction_foreign_amount)) { $amount = strval($transaction->transaction_foreign_amount); if ($transaction->transaction_type_type === TransactionType::TRANSFER) { $amount = app('steam')->positive($amount); $coloured = false; $format = '%s'; } $currency = new TransactionCurrency; $currency->symbol = $transaction->foreign_currency_symbol; $currency->decimal_places = $transaction->foreign_currency_dp; $str .= ' (' . sprintf($format, $this->formatAnything($currency, $amount, $coloured)) . ')'; } return $str; } }