middleware( function ($request, $next) { View::share('title', trans('firefly.bills')); View::share('mainTitleIcon', 'fa-calendar-o'); return $next($request); } ); } /** * @return View */ public function create() { $periods = []; foreach (config('firefly.bill_periods') as $current) { $periods[$current] = trans('firefly.' . $current); } $subTitle = trans('firefly.create_new_bill'); // put previous url in session if not redirect from store (not "create another"). if (session('bills.create.fromStore') !== true) { Session::put('bills.create.url', URL::previous()); } Session::forget('bills.create.fromStore'); Session::flash('gaEventCategory', 'bills'); Session::flash('gaEventAction', 'create'); return view('bills.create', compact('periods', 'subTitle')); } /** * @param Bill $bill * * @return View */ public function delete(Bill $bill) { // put previous url in session Session::put('bills.delete.url', URL::previous()); Session::flash('gaEventCategory', 'bills'); Session::flash('gaEventAction', 'delete'); $subTitle = trans('firefly.delete_bill', ['name' => $bill->name]); return view('bills.delete', compact('bill', 'subTitle')); } /** * @param BillRepositoryInterface $repository * @param Bill $bill * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function destroy(BillRepositoryInterface $repository, Bill $bill) { $name = $bill->name; $repository->destroy($bill); Session::flash('success', strval(trans('firefly.deleted_bill', ['name' => $name]))); Preferences::mark(); return redirect(session('bills.delete.url')); } /** * @param Bill $bill * * @return View */ public function edit(Bill $bill) { $periods = []; foreach (config('firefly.bill_periods') as $current) { $periods[$current] = trans('firefly.' . $current); } $subTitle = trans('firefly.edit_bill', ['name' => $bill->name]); // put previous url in session if not redirect from store (not "return_to_edit"). if (session('bills.edit.fromUpdate') !== true) { Session::put('bills.edit.url', URL::previous()); } Session::forget('bills.edit.fromUpdate'); Session::flash('gaEventCategory', 'bills'); Session::flash('gaEventAction', 'edit'); return view('bills.edit', compact('subTitle', 'periods', 'bill')); } /** * @param BillRepositoryInterface $repository * * @return View */ public function index(BillRepositoryInterface $repository) { /** @var Carbon $start */ $start = session('start'); /** @var Carbon $end */ $end = session('end'); $bills = $repository->getBills(); $bills->each( function (Bill $bill) use ($repository, $start, $end) { // paid in this period? $bill->paidDates = $repository->getPaidDatesInRange($bill, $start, $end); $bill->payDates = $repository->getPayDatesInRange($bill, $start, $end); $lastDate = clone $start; if ($bill->paidDates->count() >= $bill->payDates->count()) { $lastDate = $end; } $bill->nextExpectedMatch = $repository->nextExpectedMatch($bill, $lastDate); } ); return view('bills.index', compact('bills')); } /** * @param BillRepositoryInterface $repository * @param Bill $bill * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function rescan(BillRepositoryInterface $repository, Bill $bill) { if (intval($bill->active) == 0) { Session::flash('warning', strval(trans('firefly.cannot_scan_inactive_bill'))); return redirect(URL::previous()); } $journals = $repository->getPossiblyRelatedJournals($bill); /** @var TransactionJournal $journal */ foreach ($journals as $journal) { $repository->scan($bill, $journal); } Session::flash('success', strval(trans('firefly.rescanned_bill'))); Preferences::mark(); return redirect(URL::previous()); } /** * @param BillRepositoryInterface $repository * @param Bill $bill * * @return View */ public function show(BillRepositoryInterface $repository, Bill $bill) { /** @var Carbon $date */ $date = session('start'); $year = $date->year; $page = intval(Input::get('page')) == 0 ? 1 : intval(Input::get('page')); $pageSize = intval(Preferences::get('transactionPageSize', 50)->data); $yearAverage = $repository->getYearAverage($bill, $date); $overallAverage = $repository->getOverallAverage($bill); // use collector: $collector = new JournalCollector(auth()->user()); $collector->setAllAssetAccounts()->setBills(new Collection([$bill]))->setPage($page)->setLimit($pageSize); $journals = $collector->getPaginatedJournals(); $journals->setPath('/bills/show/' . $bill->id); $bill->nextExpectedMatch = $repository->nextExpectedMatch($bill, new Carbon); $hideBill = true; $subTitle = e($bill->name); return view('bills.show', compact('journals', 'yearAverage', 'overallAverage', 'year', 'hideBill', 'bill', 'subTitle')); } /** * @param BillFormRequest $request * @param BillRepositoryInterface $repository * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function store(BillFormRequest $request, BillRepositoryInterface $repository) { $billData = $request->getBillData(); $bill = $repository->store($billData); Session::flash('success', strval(trans('firefly.stored_new_bill', ['name' => e($bill->name)]))); Preferences::mark(); if (intval(Input::get('create_another')) === 1) { // set value so create routine will not overwrite URL: Session::put('bills.create.fromStore', true); return redirect(route('bills.create'))->withInput(); } // redirect to previous URL. return redirect(session('bills.create.url')); } /** * @param BillFormRequest $request * @param BillRepositoryInterface $repository * @param Bill $bill * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function update(BillFormRequest $request, BillRepositoryInterface $repository, Bill $bill) { $billData = $request->getBillData(); $bill = $repository->update($bill, $billData); Session::flash('success', strval(trans('firefly.updated_bill', ['name' => e($bill->name)]))); Preferences::mark(); if (intval(Input::get('return_to_edit')) === 1) { // set value so edit routine will not overwrite URL: Session::put('bills.edit.fromUpdate', true); return redirect(route('bills.edit', [$bill->id]))->withInput(['return_to_edit' => 1]); } // redirect to previous URL. return redirect(session('bills.edit.url')); } }