get('start')); $end = new Carbon($request->get('end')); $label = $request->get('label'); $isCustomRange = false; Log::debug('Received dateRange', ['start' => $request->get('start'), 'end' => $request->get('end'), 'label' => $request->get('label')]); // check if the label is "everything" or "Custom range" which will betray // a possible problem with the budgets. if ($label === strval(trans('firefly.everything')) || $label === strval(trans('firefly.customRange'))) { $isCustomRange = true; Log::debug('Range is now marked as "custom".'); } $diff = $start->diffInDays($end); if ($diff > 50) { Session::flash('warning', strval(trans('firefly.warning_much_data', ['days' => $diff]))); } Session::put('is_custom_range', $isCustomRange); Session::put('start', $start); Session::put('end', $end); } /** * @throws FireflyException */ public function displayError() { throw new FireflyException('A very simple test error.'); } /** * @param TagRepositoryInterface $repository * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector */ public function flush(TagRepositoryInterface $repository) { Preferences::mark(); // get all tags. // update all counts: $tags = $repository->get(); /** @var Tag $tag */ foreach ($tags as $tag) { foreach ($tag->transactionJournals()->get() as $journal) { $count = $journal->tags()->count(); $journal->tag_count = $count; $journal->save(); } } Session::clear(); Artisan::call('cache:clear'); return redirect(route('index')); } /** * @param ARI $repository * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector|View */ public function index(ARI $repository) { $types = config('firefly.accountTypesByIdentifier.asset'); $count = $repository->count($types); if ($count == 0) { return redirect(route('new-user.index')); } $subTitle = trans('firefly.welcomeBack'); $transactions = []; $frontPage = Preferences::get( 'frontPageAccounts', $repository->getAccountsByType([AccountType::DEFAULT, AccountType::ASSET])->pluck('id')->toArray() ); /** @var Carbon $start */ $start = session('start', Carbon::now()->startOfMonth()); /** @var Carbon $end */ $end = session('end', Carbon::now()->endOfMonth()); $showTour = Preferences::get('tour', true)->data; $accounts = $repository->getAccountsById($frontPage->data); $showDepositsFrontpage = Preferences::get('showDepositsFrontpage', false)->data; // zero bills? Hide some elements from view. /** @var BillRepositoryInterface $billRepository */ $billRepository = app(BillRepositoryInterface::class); $billCount = $billRepository->getBills()->count(); foreach ($accounts as $account) { $collector = app(JournalCollectorInterface::class); $collector->setAccounts(new Collection([$account]))->setRange($start, $end)->setLimit(10)->setPage(1); $set = $collector->getJournals(); $transactions[] = [$set, $account]; } return view( 'index', compact('count', 'showTour', 'title', 'subTitle', 'mainTitleIcon', 'transactions', 'showDepositsFrontpage', 'billCount') ); } /** * Display a list of named routes. Excludes some that cannot be "shown". This method * is used to generate help files (down the road). */ public function routes() { // these routes are not relevant for the help pages: $ignore = [ // login and two-factor routes: 'login', 'registe', 'password.rese', 'logout', 'two-fac', 'lost-two', 'confirm', 'resend', 'do_confirm', // test troutes 'test-flash', 'all-routes', // json routes 'json.', // routes that point to modals or that redirect immediately. 'piggy-banks.add', 'piggy-banks.remove', 'rules.rule.up', '', 'bills.rescan', 'rules.rule.down', 'rules.rule-group.up', 'rules.rule-group.down', 'popup.', 'error', 'flush', //'preferences.', '', 'help.', // ajax routes: 'import.json', // charts: 'chart.', // report data: 'report-data.', // others: 'debugbar', 'attachments.preview', 'budgets.income', 'currencies.default' ]; $routes = Route::getRoutes(); $return = '

        /** @var \Illuminate\Routing\Route $route */
        foreach ($routes as $route) {
            $name    = $route->getName();
            $methods = $route->getMethods();

            if (!is_null($name) && strlen($name) > 0 && in_array('GET', $methods) && !$this->startsWithAny($ignore, $name)) {
                $return .= sprintf('touch', $name) . "\n";

        $return .= '

'; return $return; } /** * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector */ public function testFlash() { Session::flash('success', 'This is a success message.'); Session::flash('info', 'This is an info message.'); Session::flash('warning', 'This is a warning.'); Session::flash('error', 'This is an error!'); return redirect(route('home')); } /** * @param array $array * @param string $needle * * @return bool */ private function startsWithAny(array $array, string $needle): bool { foreach ($array as $entry) { if ((substr($needle, 0, strlen($entry)) === $entry)) { return true; } } return false; } }