includes: - ../vendor/nunomaduro/larastan/extension.neon - ../vendor/ergebnis/phpstan-rules/rules.neon - ../vendor/phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules/rules.neon - ../vendor/thecodingmachine/phpstan-strict-rules/phpstan-strict-rules.neon parameters: ignoreErrors: - '#is not allowed to extend#' - '#is neither abstract nor final#' - '#Control structures using switch should not be used\.#' - '#has a nullable return type declaration#' - '#with a nullable type declaration#' - '#with null as default value#' - '#Constructor in [a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+ has parameter \$[a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+ with default value#' - message: '#Function compact\(\) should not be used.#' paths: - ../app/Http/Controllers - ../app/Support/Http/Controllers/RenderPartialViews.php - ../app/Support/Form/FormSupport.php - ../app/Support/Form/CurrencyForm.php - ../app/Support/Form/AccountForm.php - ../app/Support/ExpandedForm.php - ../app/Generator/Report paths: - ../app - ../database - ../routes - ../bootstrap/app.php # The level 8 is the highest level. original was 5 level: 3