. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace FireflyIII\Validation; use FireflyIII\Models\Account; use FireflyIII\Models\AccountType; use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionType; use FireflyIII\Models\UserGroup; use FireflyIII\Repositories\Account\AccountRepositoryInterface; use FireflyIII\Repositories\UserGroups\Account\AccountRepositoryInterface as UserGroupAccountRepositoryInterface; use FireflyIII\User; use FireflyIII\Validation\Account\DepositValidation; use FireflyIII\Validation\Account\LiabilityValidation; use FireflyIII\Validation\Account\OBValidation; use FireflyIII\Validation\Account\ReconciliationValidation; use FireflyIII\Validation\Account\TransferValidation; use FireflyIII\Validation\Account\WithdrawalValidation; /** * Class AccountValidator */ class AccountValidator { use DepositValidation; use LiabilityValidation; use OBValidation; use ReconciliationValidation; use TransferValidation; use WithdrawalValidation; public bool $createMode; public string $destError; public ?Account $destination; public ?Account $source; public string $sourceError; private AccountRepositoryInterface $accountRepository; private array $combinations; private string $transactionType; private bool $useUserGroupRepository = false; private UserGroupAccountRepositoryInterface $userGroupAccountRepository; /** * AccountValidator constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->createMode = false; $this->destError = 'No error yet.'; $this->sourceError = 'No error yet.'; $this->combinations = config('firefly.source_dests'); $this->source = null; $this->destination = null; $this->accountRepository = app(AccountRepositoryInterface::class); $this->userGroupAccountRepository = app(UserGroupAccountRepositoryInterface::class); } public function getSource(): ?Account { return $this->source; } public function setSource(?Account $account): void { if (null === $account) { app('log')->debug('AccountValidator source is set to NULL'); } if (null !== $account) { app('log')->debug(sprintf('AccountValidator source is set to #%d: "%s" (%s)', $account->id, $account->name, $account->accountType->type)); } $this->source = $account; } public function setDestination(?Account $account): void { if (null === $account) { app('log')->debug('AccountValidator destination is set to NULL'); } if (null !== $account) { app('log')->debug(sprintf('AccountValidator destination is set to #%d: "%s" (%s)', $account->id, $account->name, $account->accountType->type)); } $this->destination = $account; } public function setTransactionType(string $transactionType): void { app('log')->debug(sprintf('Transaction type for validator is now "%s".', ucfirst($transactionType))); $this->transactionType = ucfirst($transactionType); } public function setUser(User $user): void { $this->accountRepository->setUser($user); $this->useUserGroupRepository = false; } public function setUserGroup(UserGroup $userGroup): void { $this->userGroupAccountRepository->setUserGroup($userGroup); $this->useUserGroupRepository = true; } public function validateDestination(array $array): bool { app('log')->debug('Now in AccountValidator::validateDestination()', $array); if (null === $this->source) { app('log')->error('Source is NULL, always FALSE.'); $this->destError = 'No source account validation has taken place yet. Please do this first or overrule the object.'; return false; } switch ($this->transactionType) { default: $this->destError = sprintf('AccountValidator::validateDestination cannot handle "%s", so it will always return false.', $this->transactionType); app('log')->error(sprintf('AccountValidator::validateDestination cannot handle "%s", so it will always return false.', $this->transactionType)); $result = false; break; case TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL: $result = $this->validateWithdrawalDestination($array); break; case TransactionType::DEPOSIT: $result = $this->validateDepositDestination($array); break; case TransactionType::TRANSFER: $result = $this->validateTransferDestination($array); break; case TransactionType::OPENING_BALANCE: $result = $this->validateOBDestination($array); break; case TransactionType::LIABILITY_CREDIT: $result = $this->validateLCDestination($array); break; case TransactionType::RECONCILIATION: $result = $this->validateReconciliationDestination($array); break; } return $result; } public function validateSource(array $array): bool { app('log')->debug('Now in AccountValidator::validateSource()', $array); switch ($this->transactionType) { default: app('log')->error(sprintf('AccountValidator::validateSource cannot handle "%s", so it will do a generic check.', $this->transactionType)); $result = $this->validateGenericSource($array); break; case TransactionType::WITHDRAWAL: $result = $this->validateWithdrawalSource($array); break; case TransactionType::DEPOSIT: $result = $this->validateDepositSource($array); break; case TransactionType::TRANSFER: $result = $this->validateTransferSource($array); break; case TransactionType::OPENING_BALANCE: $result = $this->validateOBSource($array); break; case TransactionType::LIABILITY_CREDIT: $result = $this->validateLCSource($array); break; case TransactionType::RECONCILIATION: app('log')->debug('Calling validateReconciliationSource'); $result = $this->validateReconciliationSource($array); break; } return $result; } protected function canCreateTypes(array $accountTypes): bool { app('log')->debug('Can we create any of these types?', $accountTypes); /** @var string $accountType */ foreach ($accountTypes as $accountType) { if ($this->canCreateType($accountType)) { app('log')->debug(sprintf('YES, we can create a %s', $accountType)); return true; } } app('log')->debug('NO, we cant create any of those.'); return false; } protected function canCreateType(string $accountType): bool { $canCreate = [AccountType::EXPENSE, AccountType::REVENUE, AccountType::INITIAL_BALANCE, AccountType::LIABILITY_CREDIT]; if (in_array($accountType, $canCreate, true)) { return true; } return false; } /** * It's a long and fairly complex method, but I don't mind. * * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity) * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.BooleanArgumentFlag) * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity) */ protected function findExistingAccount(array $validTypes, array $data, bool $inverse = false): ?Account { app('log')->debug('Now in findExistingAccount', $data); app('log')->debug('The search will be reversed!'); $accountId = array_key_exists('id', $data) ? $data['id'] : null; $accountIban = array_key_exists('iban', $data) ? $data['iban'] : null; $accountNumber = array_key_exists('number', $data) ? $data['number'] : null; $accountName = array_key_exists('name', $data) ? $data['name'] : null; // find by ID if (null !== $accountId && $accountId > 0) { $first = $this->getRepository()->find($accountId); $accountType = null === $first ? 'invalid' : $first->accountType->type; $check = in_array($accountType, $validTypes, true); $check = $inverse ? !$check : $check; // reverse the validation check if necessary. if ((null !== $first) && $check) { app('log')->debug(sprintf('ID: Found %s account #%d ("%s", IBAN "%s")', $first->accountType->type, $first->id, $first->name, $first->iban ?? 'no iban')); return $first; } } // find by iban if (null !== $accountIban && '' !== (string)$accountIban) { $first = $this->getRepository()->findByIbanNull($accountIban, $validTypes); $accountType = null === $first ? 'invalid' : $first->accountType->type; $check = in_array($accountType, $validTypes, true); $check = $inverse ? !$check : $check; // reverse the validation check if necessary. if ((null !== $first) && $check) { app('log')->debug(sprintf('Iban: Found %s account #%d ("%s", IBAN "%s")', $first->accountType->type, $first->id, $first->name, $first->iban ?? 'no iban')); return $first; } } // find by number if (null !== $accountNumber && '' !== (string)$accountNumber) { $first = $this->getRepository()->findByAccountNumber($accountNumber, $validTypes); $accountType = null === $first ? 'invalid' : $first->accountType->type; $check = in_array($accountType, $validTypes, true); $check = $inverse ? !$check : $check; // reverse the validation check if necessary. if ((null !== $first) && $check) { app('log')->debug(sprintf('Number: Found %s account #%d ("%s", IBAN "%s")', $first->accountType->type, $first->id, $first->name, $first->iban ?? 'no iban')); return $first; } } // find by name: if ('' !== (string)$accountName) { $first = $this->getRepository()->findByName($accountName, $validTypes); if (null !== $first) { app('log')->debug(sprintf('Name: Found %s account #%d ("%s", IBAN "%s")', $first->accountType->type, $first->id, $first->name, $first->iban ?? 'no iban')); return $first; } } app('log')->debug('Found nothing!'); return null; } private function getRepository(): AccountRepositoryInterface|UserGroupAccountRepositoryInterface { if ($this->useUserGroupRepository) { return $this->userGroupAccountRepository; } return $this->accountRepository; } }