. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace FireflyIII\Jobs; use Carbon\Carbon; use FireflyIII\Events\RequestedReportOnJournals; use FireflyIII\Events\StoredTransactionGroup; use FireflyIII\Exceptions\DuplicateTransactionException; use FireflyIII\Exceptions\FireflyException; use FireflyIII\Models\Recurrence; use FireflyIII\Models\RecurrenceRepetition; use FireflyIII\Models\RecurrenceTransaction; use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionGroup; use FireflyIII\Repositories\Journal\JournalRepositoryInterface; use FireflyIII\Repositories\Recurring\RecurringRepositoryInterface; use FireflyIII\Repositories\TransactionGroup\TransactionGroupRepositoryInterface; use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable; use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue; use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable; use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue; use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; use Log; /** * Class CreateRecurringTransactions. * */ class CreateRecurringTransactions implements ShouldQueue { use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels; public int $created; public int $executed; public int $submitted; private Carbon $date; private bool $force; private TransactionGroupRepositoryInterface $groupRepository; private JournalRepositoryInterface $journalRepository; private RecurringRepositoryInterface $repository; /** * Create a new job instance. * * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @param Carbon|null $date */ public function __construct(?Carbon $date) { if (null !== $date) { $newDate = clone $date; $newDate->startOfDay(); $this->date = $newDate; } if (null === $date) { $newDate = new Carbon; $newDate->startOfDay(); $this->date = $newDate; } $this->repository = app(RecurringRepositoryInterface::class); $this->journalRepository = app(JournalRepositoryInterface::class); $this->groupRepository = app(TransactionGroupRepositoryInterface::class); $this->force = false; $this->submitted = 0; $this->executed = 0; $this->created = 0; Log::debug(sprintf('Created new CreateRecurringTransactions("%s")', $this->date->format('Y-m-d'))); } /** * Execute the job. */ public function handle(): void { Log::debug(sprintf('Now at start of CreateRecurringTransactions() job for %s.', $this->date->format('D d M Y'))); $recurrences = $this->repository->getAll(); $result = []; $count = $recurrences->count(); $this->submitted = $count; Log::debug(sprintf('Count of collection is %d', $count)); // filter recurrences: $filtered = $this->filterRecurrences($recurrences); Log::debug(sprintf('Left after filtering is %d', $filtered->count())); /** @var Recurrence $recurrence */ foreach ($filtered as $recurrence) { if (!array_key_exists($recurrence->user_id, $result)) { $result[$recurrence->user_id] = new Collection; } $this->repository->setUser($recurrence->user); $this->journalRepository->setUser($recurrence->user); $this->groupRepository->setUser($recurrence->user); // clear cache for user app('preferences')->setForUser($recurrence->user, 'lastActivity', microtime()); Log::debug(sprintf('Now at recurrence #%d of user #%d', $recurrence->id, $recurrence->user_id)); $createdReps = $this->handleRepetitions($recurrence); Log::debug(sprintf('Done with recurrence #%d', $recurrence->id)); $result[$recurrence->user_id] = $result[$recurrence->user_id]->merge($createdReps); $this->executed++; } Log::debug('Now running report thing.'); // will now send email to users. foreach ($result as $userId => $journals) { event(new RequestedReportOnJournals($userId, $journals)); } Log::debug('Done with handle()'); // clear cache: app('preferences')->mark(); } /** * @param Collection $recurrences * * @return Collection */ private function filterRecurrences(Collection $recurrences): Collection { return $recurrences->filter( function (Recurrence $recurrence) { return $this->validRecurrence($recurrence); } ); } /** * Is the info in the recurrence valid? * * @param Recurrence $recurrence * * @return bool * */ private function validRecurrence(Recurrence $recurrence): bool { Log::debug(sprintf('Now filtering recurrence #%d, owned by user #%d', $recurrence->id, $recurrence->user_id)); // is not active. if (!$this->active($recurrence)) { Log::info(sprintf('Recurrence #%d is not active. Skipped.', $recurrence->id)); return false; } // has repeated X times. $journalCount = $this->repository->getJournalCount($recurrence); if (0 !== $recurrence->repetitions && $journalCount >= $recurrence->repetitions && false === $this->force) { Log::info(sprintf('Recurrence #%d has run %d times, so will run no longer.', $recurrence->id, $recurrence->repetitions)); return false; } // is no longer running if ($this->repeatUntilHasPassed($recurrence)) { Log::info( sprintf( 'Recurrence #%d was set to run until %s, and today\'s date is %s. Skipped.', $recurrence->id, $recurrence->repeat_until->format('Y-m-d'), $this->date->format('Y-m-d') ) ); return false; } // first_date is in the future if ($this->hasNotStartedYet($recurrence)) { Log::info( sprintf( 'Recurrence #%d is set to run on %s, and today\'s date is %s. Skipped.', $recurrence->id, $recurrence->first_date->format('Y-m-d'), $this->date->format('Y-m-d') ) ); return false; } // already fired today (with success): if (false === $this->force && $this->hasFiredToday($recurrence)) { Log::info(sprintf('Recurrence #%d has already fired today. Skipped.', $recurrence->id)); return false; } Log::debug('Will be included.'); return true; } /** * Return recurring transaction is active. * * @param Recurrence $recurrence * * @return bool */ private function active(Recurrence $recurrence): bool { return $recurrence->active; } /** * Return true if the $repeat_until date is in the past. * * @param Recurrence $recurrence * * @return bool */ private function repeatUntilHasPassed(Recurrence $recurrence): bool { // date has passed return null !== $recurrence->repeat_until && $recurrence->repeat_until->lt($this->date); } /** * Has the recurrence started yet? * * @param Recurrence $recurrence * * @return bool */ private function hasNotStartedYet(Recurrence $recurrence): bool { $startDate = $this->getStartDate($recurrence); Log::debug(sprintf('Start date is %s', $startDate->format('Y-m-d'))); return $startDate->gt($this->date); } /** * Get the start date of a recurrence. * * @param Recurrence $recurrence * * @return Carbon */ private function getStartDate(Recurrence $recurrence): Carbon { $startDate = clone $recurrence->first_date; if (null !== $recurrence->latest_date && $recurrence->latest_date->gte($startDate)) { $startDate = clone $recurrence->latest_date; } return $startDate; } /** * Has the recurrence fired today. * * @param Recurrence $recurrence * * @return bool */ private function hasFiredToday(Recurrence $recurrence): bool { return null !== $recurrence->latest_date && $recurrence->latest_date->eq($this->date); } /** * Separate method that will loop all repetitions and do something with it. Will return * all created transaction journals. * * @param Recurrence $recurrence * * @return Collection * @throws DuplicateTransactionException * @throws FireflyException */ private function handleRepetitions(Recurrence $recurrence): Collection { $collection = new Collection; /** @var RecurrenceRepetition $repetition */ foreach ($recurrence->recurrenceRepetitions as $repetition) { Log::debug( sprintf( 'Now repeating %s with value "%s", skips every %d time(s)', $repetition->repetition_type, $repetition->repetition_moment, $repetition->repetition_skip ) ); // start looping from $startDate to today perhaps we have a hit? // add two days to $this->date so we always include the weekend. $includeWeekend = clone $this->date; $includeWeekend->addDays(2); $occurrences = $this->repository->getOccurrencesInRange($repetition, $recurrence->first_date, $includeWeekend); unset($includeWeekend); $result = $this->handleOccurrences($recurrence, $repetition, $occurrences); $collection = $collection->merge($result); } return $collection; } /** * Check if the occurences should be executed. * * @param Recurrence $recurrence * @param RecurrenceRepetition $repetition * @param array $occurrences * * @return Collection * @throws DuplicateTransactionException * @throws FireflyException */ private function handleOccurrences(Recurrence $recurrence, RecurrenceRepetition $repetition, array $occurrences): Collection { $collection = new Collection; /** @var Carbon $date */ foreach ($occurrences as $date) { $result = $this->handleOccurrence($recurrence, $repetition, $date); if (null !== $result) { $collection->push($result); } } return $collection; } /** * @param Recurrence $recurrence * @param RecurrenceRepetition $repetition * @param Carbon $date * * @return TransactionGroup|null * @throws DuplicateTransactionException * @throws FireflyException */ private function handleOccurrence(Recurrence $recurrence, RecurrenceRepetition $repetition, Carbon $date): ?TransactionGroup { $date->startOfDay(); if ($date->ne($this->date)) { return null; } Log::debug(sprintf('%s IS today (%s)', $date->format('Y-m-d'), $this->date->format('Y-m-d'))); // count created journals on THIS day. $journalCount = $this->repository->getJournalCount($recurrence, $date, $date); if ($journalCount > 0 && false === $this->force) { Log::info(sprintf('Already created %d journal(s) for date %s', $journalCount, $date->format('Y-m-d'))); return null; } if ($journalCount > 0 && true === $this->force) { Log::warning(sprintf('Already created %d groups for date %s but FORCED to continue.', $journalCount, $date->format('Y-m-d'))); } // create transaction array and send to factory. $groupTitle = null; $count = $recurrence->recurrenceTransactions->count(); if ($count > 1) { /** @var RecurrenceTransaction $first */ $first = $recurrence->recurrenceTransactions()->first(); $groupTitle = $first->description; } if(0 === $count) { Log::error('No transactions to be created in this recurrence. Cannot continue.'); return null; } $array = [ 'user' => $recurrence->user_id, 'group_title' => $groupTitle, 'transactions' => $this->getTransactionData($recurrence, $repetition, $date), ]; /** @var TransactionGroup $group */ $group = $this->groupRepository->store($array); $this->created++; Log::info(sprintf('Created new transaction group #%d', $group->id)); // trigger event: event(new StoredTransactionGroup($group, $recurrence->apply_rules)); // update recurring thing: $recurrence->latest_date = $date; $recurrence->save(); return $group; } /** * Get transaction information from a recurring transaction. * * @param Recurrence $recurrence * @param RecurrenceRepetition $repetition * @param Carbon $date * * @return array * */ private function getTransactionData(Recurrence $recurrence, RecurrenceRepetition $repetition, Carbon $date): array { // total transactions expected for this recurrence: $total = $this->repository->totalTransactions($recurrence, $repetition); $count = $this->repository->getJournalCount($recurrence) + 1; $transactions = $recurrence->recurrenceTransactions()->get(); $return = []; /** @var RecurrenceTransaction $transaction */ foreach ($transactions as $index => $transaction) { $single = [ 'type' => strtolower($recurrence->transactionType->type), 'date' => $date, 'user' => $recurrence->user_id, 'currency_id' => (int) $transaction->transaction_currency_id, 'currency_code' => null, 'description' => $transactions->first()->description, 'amount' => $transaction->amount, 'budget_id' => $this->repository->getBudget($transaction), 'budget_name' => null, 'category_id' => $this->repository->getCategoryId($transaction), 'category_name' => $this->repository->getCategoryName($transaction), 'source_id' => $transaction->source_id, 'source_name' => null, 'destination_id' => $transaction->destination_id, 'destination_name' => null, 'foreign_currency_id' => $transaction->foreign_currency_id, 'foreign_currency_code' => null, 'foreign_amount' => $transaction->foreign_amount, 'reconciled' => false, 'identifier' => $index, 'recurrence_id' => (int) $recurrence->id, 'order' => $index, 'notes' => (string) trans('firefly.created_from_recurrence', ['id' => $recurrence->id, 'title' => $recurrence->title]), 'tags' => $this->repository->getTags($transaction), 'piggy_bank_id' => $this->repository->getPiggyBank($transaction), 'piggy_bank_name' => null, 'bill_id' => $this->repository->getBillId($transaction), 'bill_name' => null, 'recurrence_total' => $total, 'recurrence_count' => $count, ]; $return[] = $single; } return $return; } /** * @param Carbon $date */ public function setDate(Carbon $date): void { $newDate = clone $date; $newDate->startOfDay(); $this->date = $newDate; } /** * @param bool $force */ public function setForce(bool $force): void { $this->force = $force; } }