{% extends './layout/default' %} {% block breadcrumbs %} {{ Breadcrumbs.render(Route.getCurrentRoute.getName, fullQuery) }} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{ 'search_box'|_ }}

{{ 'search_box_intro'|_ }}

{# search form #}
{% if ruleId > 0 and ruleChanged %} {{ trans('firefly.update_rule_from_query', {rule: rule.title}) }} {% endif %} {{ 'create_rule_from_query'|_ }}
{% if 0 != ruleId %} {% endif %}
{% if '' != query %}

{{ trans('firefly.search_for_query', {query: query|escape})|raw }}

{% endif %} {% if invalidOperators|length > 0 %}

{{ trans('firefly.invalid_operators_list') }}

    {% for operator in invalidOperators %}
  • {{ operator.type }}:{{ operator.value }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if operators|length > 0 %}

{{ trans('firefly.modifiers_applies_are') }}

    {% for operator in operators %} {% if operator.prohibited %}
  • {{ trans('firefly.search_modifier_not_'~operator.type, {value: operator.value}) }}
  • {% endif %} {% if not operator.prohibited %}
  • {{ trans('firefly.search_modifier_'~operator.type, {value: operator.value}) }}
  • {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if query or operators|length > 0 %}
{% endif %} {% if query == "" and operators|length == 0 %}

{{ 'search_results'|_ }}

{{ 'no_results_for_empty_search'|_ }}

{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {# required for groups.twig #} {% endblock %}