settings = $settings; $this->accounts = $settings['accounts']; $this->exportFormat = $settings['exportFormat']; $this->includeAttachments = $settings['includeAttachments']; $this->includeConfig = $settings['includeConfig']; $this->includeOldUploads = $settings['includeOldUploads']; $this->job = $settings['job']; $this->journals = new Collection; $this->exportEntries = new Collection; $this->files = new Collection; } /** * @return bool */ public function collectAttachments(): bool { $attachmentCollector = app('FireflyIII\Export\Collector\AttachmentCollector', [$this->job]); $attachmentCollector->run(); $this->files = $this->files->merge($attachmentCollector->getFiles()); return true; } /** * @return bool */ public function collectJournals(): bool { /** @var JournalRepositoryInterface $repository */ $repository = app(JournalRepositoryInterface::class); $this->journals = $repository->getJournalsInRange($this->accounts, $this->settings['startDate'], $this->settings['endDate']); Log::debug( 'Collected ' . $this->journals->count() . ' journals (between ' . $this->settings['startDate']->format('Y-m-d') . ' and ' . $this->settings['endDate']->format('Y-m-d') . ').' ); return true; } /** * @return bool */ public function collectOldUploads(): bool { $uploadCollector = app('FireflyIII\Export\Collector\UploadCollector', [$this->job]); $uploadCollector->run(); $this->files = $this->files->merge($uploadCollector->getFiles()); return true; } /** * @return bool */ public function convertJournals(): bool { $count = 0; /** @var TransactionJournal $journal */ foreach ($this->journals as $journal) { $this->exportEntries->push(Entry::fromJournal($journal)); $count++; } Log::debug('Converted ' . $count . ' journals to "Entry" objects.'); return true; } /** * @return bool */ public function createConfigFile(): bool { $this->configurationMaker = app('FireflyIII\Export\ConfigurationFile', [$this->job]); $this->files->push($this->configurationMaker->make()); return true; } /** * @return bool * @throws FireflyException */ public function createZipFile(): bool { $zip = new ZipArchive; $file = $this->job->key . '.zip'; $fullPath = storage_path('export') . '/' . $file; Log::debug('Will create zip file at ' . $fullPath); if ($zip->open($fullPath, ZipArchive::CREATE) !== true) { throw new FireflyException('Cannot store zip file.'); } // for each file in the collection, add it to the zip file. $disk = Storage::disk('export'); foreach ($this->getFiles() as $entry) { // is part of this job? $zipFileName = str_replace($this->job->key . '-', '', $entry); $result = $zip->addFromString($zipFileName, $disk->get($entry)); if (!$result) { Log::error('Could not add "' . $entry . '" into zip file as "' . $zipFileName . '".'); } } $zip->close(); // delete the files: $this->deleteFiles($disk); Log::debug('Done!'); return true; } /** * @return bool */ public function exportJournals(): bool { $exporterClass = config('firefly.export_formats.' . $this->exportFormat); $exporter = app($exporterClass, [$this->job]); Log::debug('Going to export ' . $this->exportEntries->count() . ' export entries into ' . $this->exportFormat . ' format.'); $exporter->setEntries($this->exportEntries); $exporter->run(); $this->files->push($exporter->getFileName()); Log::debug('Added "' . $exporter->getFileName() . '" to the list of files to include in the zip.'); return true; } /** * @return Collection */ public function getFiles(): Collection { return $this->files; } /** * @param FilesystemAdapter $disk */ private function deleteFiles(FilesystemAdapter $disk) { Log::debug('Class of $disk: ' . get_class($disk)); foreach ($this->getFiles() as $file) { Log::debug('Will now delete file "' . $file . '".'); $disk->delete($file); } } }