$bill->name]); return view('bills.delete', compact('bill', 'subTitle')); } /** * @param BillRepositoryInterface $repository * @param Bill $bill * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function destroy(BillRepositoryInterface $repository, Bill $bill) { $repository->destroy($bill); Session::flash('success', 'The bill was deleted.'); Preferences::mark(); return redirect(Session::get('bills.delete.url')); } /** * @param Bill $bill * * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function edit(Bill $bill) { $periods = Config::get('firefly.periods_to_text'); $subTitle = trans('firefly.edit_bill', ['name' => $bill->name]); // put previous url in session if not redirect from store (not "return_to_edit"). if (Session::get('bills.edit.fromUpdate') !== true) { Session::put('bills.edit.url', URL::previous()); } Session::forget('bills.edit.fromUpdate'); Session::flash('gaEventCategory', 'bills'); Session::flash('gaEventAction', 'edit'); return view('bills.edit', compact('subTitle', 'periods', 'bill')); } /** * @param BillRepositoryInterface $repository * * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function index(BillRepositoryInterface $repository) { $bills = $repository->getBills(); $bills->each( function (Bill $bill) use ($repository) { $bill->nextExpectedMatch = $repository->nextExpectedMatch($bill); $bill->lastFoundMatch = $repository->lastFoundMatch($bill); } ); return view('bills.index', compact('bills')); } /** * @param BillRepositoryInterface $repository * @param Bill $bill * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function rescan(BillRepositoryInterface $repository, Bill $bill) { if (intval($bill->active) == 0) { Session::flash('warning', 'Inactive bills cannot be scanned.'); return redirect(URL::previous()); } $journals = $repository->getPossiblyRelatedJournals($bill); /** @var TransactionJournal $journal */ foreach ($journals as $journal) { $repository->scan($bill, $journal); } Session::flash('success', 'Rescanned everything.'); Preferences::mark(); return redirect(URL::previous()); } /** * @param BillRepositoryInterface $repository * @param Bill $bill * * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function show(BillRepositoryInterface $repository, Bill $bill) { $journals = $repository->getJournals($bill); $bill->nextExpectedMatch = $repository->nextExpectedMatch($bill); $hideBill = true; $subTitle = e($bill->name); return view('bills.show', compact('journals', 'hideBill', 'bill', 'subTitle')); } /** * @param BillFormRequest $request * @param BillRepositoryInterface $repository * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function store(BillFormRequest $request, BillRepositoryInterface $repository) { $billData = $request->getBillData(); $bill = $repository->store($billData); Session::flash('success', 'Bill "' . e($bill->name) . '" stored.'); Preferences::mark(); if (intval(Input::get('create_another')) === 1) { // set value so create routine will not overwrite URL: Session::put('bills.create.fromStore', true); return redirect(route('bills.create'))->withInput(); } // redirect to previous URL. return redirect(Session::get('bills.create.url')); } /** * @param BillFormRequest $request * @param BillRepositoryInterface $repository * @param Bill $bill * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function update(BillFormRequest $request, BillRepositoryInterface $repository, Bill $bill) { $billData = $request->getBillData(); $bill = $repository->update($bill, $billData); Session::flash('success', 'Bill "' . e($bill->name) . '" updated.'); Preferences::mark(); if (intval(Input::get('return_to_edit')) === 1) { // set value so edit routine will not overwrite URL: Session::put('bills.edit.fromUpdate', true); return redirect(route('bills.edit', [$bill->id]))->withInput(['return_to_edit' => 1]); } // redirect to previous URL. return redirect(Session::get('bills.edit.url')); } }