wizard = app('FireflyIII\Helpers\Csv\WizardInterface'); $this->data = app('FireflyIII\Helpers\Csv\Data'); } /** * Define column roles and mapping. * * STEP THREE * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\View\View */ public function columnRoles() { $fields = ['csv-file', 'csv-date-format', 'csv-has-headers', 'csv-import-account']; if (!$this->wizard->sessionHasValues($fields)) { Session::flash('warning', 'Could not recover upload.'); return redirect(route('csv.index')); } $subTitle = trans('firefly.csv_define_column_roles'); $firstRow = $this->data->getReader()->fetchOne(); $count = count($firstRow); $headers = []; $example = $this->data->getReader()->fetchOne(1); $availableRoles = []; $roles = $this->data->getRoles(); $map = $this->data->getMap(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) { $headers[] = trans('firefly.csv_column') . ' #' . $i; } if ($this->data->hasHeaders()) { $headers = $firstRow; } foreach (Config::get('csv.roles') as $name => $role) { $availableRoles[$name] = trans('firefly.csv_column_' . $name);//$role['name']; } ksort($availableRoles); return view('csv.column-roles', compact('availableRoles', 'map', 'roles', 'headers', 'example', 'subTitle')); } /** * Optional download of mapping. * * STEP FOUR THREE-A * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|string */ public function downloadConfig() { $fields = ['csv-date-format', 'csv-has-headers']; if (!$this->wizard->sessionHasValues($fields)) { Session::flash('warning', 'Could not recover upload.'); return redirect(route('csv.index')); } $data = [ 'date-format' => Session::get('csv-date-format'), 'has-headers' => Session::get('csv-has-headers') ]; if (Session::has('csv-map')) { $data['map'] = Session::get('csv-map'); } if (Session::has('csv-roles')) { $data['roles'] = Session::get('csv-roles'); } if (Session::has('csv-mapped')) { $data['mapped'] = Session::get('csv-mapped'); } if (Session::has('csv-specifix')) { $data['specifix'] = Session::get('csv-specifix'); } $result = json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); $name = 'csv-configuration-' . date('Y-m-d') . '.json'; header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=' . $name); header('Content-type: application/json'); echo $result; return ''; } /** * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function downloadConfigPage() { $subTitle = trans('firefly.csv_download_config_title'); return view('csv.download-config', compact('subTitle')); } /** * This method shows the initial upload form. * * STEP ONE * * @param ARI $repository * * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function index(ARI $repository) { $subTitle = trans('firefly.csv_import'); Session::forget('csv-date-format'); Session::forget('csv-has-headers'); Session::forget('csv-file'); Session::forget('csv-import-account'); Session::forget('csv-map'); Session::forget('csv-roles'); Session::forget('csv-mapped'); Session::forget('csv-specifix'); // get list of supported specifix $specifix = []; foreach (Config::get('csv.specifix') as $entry) { $specifix[$entry] = trans('firefly.csv_specifix_' . $entry); } // get a list of asset accounts: $accounts = ExpandedForm::makeSelectList($repository->getAccounts(['Asset account', 'Default account'])); // can actually upload? $uploadPossible = is_writable(storage_path('upload')); $path = storage_path('upload'); return view('csv.index', compact('subTitle', 'uploadPossible', 'path', 'specifix', 'accounts')); } /** * Parse the file. * * STEP FOUR * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function initialParse() { $fields = ['csv-file', 'csv-date-format', 'csv-has-headers']; if (!$this->wizard->sessionHasValues($fields)) { Session::flash('warning', 'Could not recover upload.'); return redirect(route('csv.index')); } // process given roles and mapping: $roles = $this->wizard->processSelectedRoles(Input::get('role')); $maps = $this->wizard->processSelectedMapping($roles, Input::get('map')); Session::put('csv-map', $maps); Session::put('csv-roles', $roles); // Go back when no roles defined: if (count($roles) === 0) { Session::flash('warning', 'Please select some roles.'); return redirect(route('csv.column-roles')); } /* * Continue with map specification when necessary. */ if (count($maps) > 0) { return redirect(route('csv.map')); } /* * Or simply start processing. */ // proceed to download config return redirect(route('csv.download-config-page')); } /** * * Map first if necessary, * * STEP FIVE. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\View\View * @throws FireflyException */ public function map() { // Make sure all fields we need are accounted for. $fields = ['csv-file', 'csv-date-format', 'csv-has-headers', 'csv-map', 'csv-roles']; if (!$this->wizard->sessionHasValues($fields)) { Session::flash('warning', 'Could not recover upload.'); return redirect(route('csv.index')); } /* * The "options" array contains all options the user has * per column, where the key represents the column. * * For each key there is an array which in turn represents * all the options available: grouped by ID. * * options[column index] = [ * field id => field identifier. * ] */ try { $options = $this->wizard->showOptions($this->data->getMap()); } catch (FireflyException $e) { return view('error', ['message' => $e->getMessage()]); } // After these values are prepped, read the actual CSV file $reader = $this->data->getReader(); $map = $this->data->getMap(); $hasHeaders = $this->data->hasHeaders(); $values = $this->wizard->getMappableValues($reader, $map, $hasHeaders); $map = $this->data->getMap(); $mapped = $this->data->getMapped(); $subTitle = trans('firefly.csv_map_values'); return view('csv.map', compact('map', 'options', 'values', 'mapped', 'subTitle')); } /** * * Finally actually process the CSV file. * * STEP SEVEN * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\View\View */ public function process() { /* * Make sure all fields we need are accounted for. */ $fields = ['csv-file', 'csv-date-format', 'csv-has-headers', 'csv-map', 'csv-roles', 'csv-mapped']; if (!$this->wizard->sessionHasValues($fields)) { Session::flash('warning', 'Could not recover upload.'); return redirect(route('csv.index')); } Log::debug('Created importer'); $importer = new Importer; $importer->setData($this->data); try { $importer->run(); } catch (FireflyException $e) { Log::error('Catch error: ' . $e->getMessage()); return view('error', ['message' => $e->getMessage()]); } Log::debug('Done importing!'); $rows = $importer->getRows(); $errors = $importer->getErrors(); $imported = $importer->getImported(); $journals = $importer->getJournals(); Preferences::mark(); $subTitle = trans('firefly.csv_process_title'); return view('csv.process', compact('rows', 'errors', 'imported', 'subTitle', 'journals')); } /** * Store the mapping the user has made. This is * * STEP SIX * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function saveMapping() { /* * Make sure all fields we need are accounted for. */ $fields = ['csv-file', 'csv-date-format', 'csv-has-headers', 'csv-map', 'csv-roles']; if (!$this->wizard->sessionHasValues($fields)) { Session::flash('warning', 'Could not recover upload.'); return redirect(route('csv.index')); } // save mapping to session. $mapped = []; if (!is_array(Input::get('mapping'))) { Session::flash('warning', 'Invalid mapping.'); return redirect(route('csv.map')); } foreach (Input::get('mapping') as $index => $data) { $mapped[$index] = []; foreach ($data as $value => $mapping) { if (intval($mapping) !== 0) { $mapped[$index][$value] = $mapping; } } } Session::put('csv-mapped', $mapped); // proceed to process. return redirect(route('csv.download-config-page')); } /** * * This method processes the file, puts it away somewhere safe * and sends you onwards. * * STEP TWO * * @param Request $request * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function upload(Request $request) { if (!$request->hasFile('csv')) { Session::flash('warning', 'No file uploaded.'); return redirect(route('csv.index')); } $fullPath = $this->wizard->storeCsvFile($request->file('csv')->getRealPath()); $settings = []; $settings['date-format'] = Input::get('date_format'); $settings['has-headers'] = intval(Input::get('has_headers')) === 1; $settings['specifix'] = Input::get('specifix'); $settings['import-account'] = intval(Input::get('csv_import_account')); $settings['map'] = []; $settings['mapped'] = []; $settings['roles'] = []; if ($request->hasFile('csv_config')) { // Process config file if present. $data = file_get_contents($request->file('csv_config')->getRealPath()); $json = json_decode($data, true); if (is_array($json)) { $settings = array_merge($settings, $json); } } $this->data->setCsvFileLocation($fullPath); $this->data->setDateFormat($settings['date-format']); $this->data->setHasHeaders($settings['has-headers']); $this->data->setMap($settings['map']); $this->data->setMapped($settings['mapped']); $this->data->setRoles($settings['roles']); $this->data->setSpecifix($settings['specifix']); $this->data->setImportAccount($settings['import-account']); return redirect(route('csv.column-roles')); } }