@extends('layouts.default') @section('content')
Use budgets to organize and limit your expenses.
Budgets are groups of expenses that reappear every [period]*. Examples could be "groceries", "bills" or "drinks with friends". The table below lists all of the budgets you have, if any. By definition, budgets are an estimated amount of money, ie. € 400,-. Such an estimation can change over time but should always be set. Budgets without an actual budget are fairly pointless.
Use this page to create or change budgets and the estimated amount of money you think is wise. Pages further ahead will explain what an "envelope" is in the context of budgeting.
* Every month, week, year, etc.
Budget | Current envelope(s) | Update budget |
{{{$budget->name}}} |
@if($rep->left < 0)
@if($limit->repeats == 1)
auto repeats