defaultImportAccount = new Account; } /** * Create initial (empty) configuration array. * * * * @return bool */ public function configure(): bool { if (is_null($this->job->configuration) || (is_array($this->job->configuration) && count($this->job->configuration) === 0)) { Log::debug('No config detected, will create empty one.'); $config = [ 'has-headers' => false, // assume 'date-format' => 'Ymd', // assume 'delimiter' => ',', // assume 'import-account' => 0, // none, 'specifics' => [], // none 'column-count' => 0, // unknown 'column-roles' => [], // unknown 'column-do-mapping' => [], // not yet set which columns must be mapped 'column-roles-complete' => false, // not yet configured roles for columns 'column-mapping-config' => [], // no mapping made yet. 'column-mapping-complete' => false, // so mapping is not complete. ]; $this->job->configuration = $config; $this->job->save(); return true; } // need to do nothing, for now. Log::debug('Detected config in upload, will use that one. ', $this->job->configuration); return true; } /** * @return array */ public function getConfigurationData(): array { $crud = app('FireflyIII\Crud\Account\AccountCrudInterface'); $accounts = $crud->getAccountsByType([AccountType::DEFAULT, AccountType::ASSET]); $delimiters = [ ',' => trans('form.csv_comma'), ';' => trans('form.csv_semicolon'), 'tab' => trans('form.csv_tab'), ]; $specifics = []; // collect specifics. foreach (config('csv.import_specifics') as $name => $className) { $specifics[$name] = [ 'name' => $className::getName(), 'description' => $className::getDescription(), ]; } $data = [ 'accounts' => ExpandedForm::makeSelectList($accounts), 'specifix' => [], 'delimiters' => $delimiters, 'upload_path' => storage_path('upload'), 'is_upload_possible' => is_writable(storage_path('upload')), 'specifics' => $specifics, ]; return $data; } /** * This method returns the data required for the view that will let the user add settings to the import job. * * @return array */ public function getDataForSettings(): array { if ($this->doColumnRoles()) { $data = $this->getDataForColumnRoles(); return $data; } if ($this->doColumnMapping()) { $data = $this->getDataForColumnMapping(); return $data; } echo 'no settings to do.'; exit; } /** * This method returns the name of the view that will be shown to the user to further configure * the import job. * * @return string */ public function getViewForSettings(): string { if ($this->doColumnRoles()) { return 'import.csv.roles'; } if ($this->doColumnMapping()) { return ''; } echo 'no view for settings'; exit; } /** * This method returns whether or not the user must configure this import * job further. * * @return bool */ public function requireUserSettings(): bool { Log::debug('doColumnMapping is ' . ($this->doColumnMapping() ? 'true' : 'false')); Log::debug('doColumnRoles is ' . ($this->doColumnRoles() ? 'true' : 'false')); if ($this->doColumnMapping() || $this->doColumnRoles()) { Log::debug('Return true'); return true; } Log::debug('Return false'); return false; } /** * @param array $data * * @return bool */ public function saveImportConfiguration(array $data, FileBag $files): bool { /** @var AccountCrud $repository */ $repository = app(AccountCrud::class, [auth()->user()]); $account = $repository->find(intval($data['csv_import_account'])); $hasHeaders = isset($data['has_headers']) && intval($data['has_headers']) === 1 ? true : false; $config = $this->job->configuration; $config['has-headers'] = $hasHeaders; $config['date-format'] = $data['date_format']; $config['delimiter'] = $data['csv_delimiter']; Log::debug('Entered import account.', ['id' => $data['csv_import_account']]); if (!is_null($account->id)) { Log::debug('Found account.', ['id' => $account->id, 'name' => $account->name]); $config['import-account'] = $account->id; } else { Log::error('Could not find anything for csv_import_account.', ['id' => $data['csv_import_account']]); } // loop specifics. if (isset($data['specifics']) && is_array($data['specifics'])) { foreach ($data['specifics'] as $name => $enabled) { $config['specifics'][$name] = 1; } } $this->job->configuration = $config; $this->job->save(); return true; } /** * @param ImportJob $job */ public function setJob(ImportJob $job) { $this->job = $job; } /** * Store the settings filled in by the user, if applicable. * * @param Request $request * */ public function storeSettings(Request $request) { $config = $this->job->configuration; $all = $request->all(); if ($request->get('settings') == 'roles') { $count = $config['column-count']; $roleSet = 0; // how many roles have been defined $mapSet = 0; // how many columns must be mapped for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $selectedRole = $all['role'][$i] ?? '_ignore'; $doMapping = isset($all['map'][$i]) && $all['map'][$i] == '1' ? true : false; if ($selectedRole == '_ignore' && $doMapping === true) { $doMapping = false; // cannot map ignored columns. } if ($selectedRole != '_ignore') { $roleSet++; } if ($doMapping === true) { $mapSet++; } $config['column-roles'][$i] = $selectedRole; $config['column-do-mapping'][$i] = $doMapping; } if ($roleSet > 0) { $config['column-roles-complete'] = true; $this->job->configuration = $config; $this->job->save(); } if ($mapSet === 0) { // skip setting of map: $config['column-mapping-complete'] = true; } } if ($request->get('settings') == 'map') { if (isset($all['mapping'])) { foreach ($all['mapping'] as $index => $data) { $config['column-mapping-config'][$index] = []; foreach ($data as $value => $mapId) { $mapId = intval($mapId); if ($mapId !== 0) { $config['column-mapping-config'][$index][$value] = intval($mapId); } } } } // set thing to be completed. $config['column-mapping-complete'] = true; $this->job->configuration = $config; $this->job->save(); } } /** * @return bool */ private function doColumnMapping(): bool { $mapArray = $this->job->configuration['column-do-mapping'] ?? []; $doMap = false; foreach ($mapArray as $value) { if ($value === true) { $doMap = true; break; } } return $this->job->configuration['column-mapping-complete'] === false && $doMap; } /** * @return bool */ private function doColumnRoles(): bool { return $this->job->configuration['column-roles-complete'] === false; } /** * @return array */ private function getDataForColumnMapping(): array { $config = $this->job->configuration; $data = []; $indexes = []; foreach ($config['column-do-mapping'] as $index => $mustBeMapped) { if ($mustBeMapped) { $column = $config['column-roles'][$index] ?? '_ignore'; $canBeMapped = config('csv.import_roles.' . $column . '.mappable'); $preProcessMap = config('csv.import_roles.' . $column . '.pre-process-map'); if ($canBeMapped) { $mapperName = '\FireflyIII\Import\Mapper\\' . config('csv.import_roles.' . $column . '.mapper'); /** @var MapperInterface $mapper */ $mapper = new $mapperName; $indexes[] = $index; $data[$index] = [ 'name' => $column, 'mapper' => $mapperName, 'index' => $index, 'options' => $mapper->getMap(), 'preProcessMap' => null, 'values' => [], ]; if ($preProcessMap) { $data[$index]['preProcessMap'] = '\FireflyIII\Import\MapperPreProcess\\' . config('csv.import_roles.' . $column . '.pre-process-mapper'); } } } } // in order to actually map we also need all possible values from the CSV file. $content = $this->job->uploadFileContents(); $reader = Reader::createFromString($content); $results = $reader->fetch(); foreach ($results as $rowIndex => $row) { //do something here foreach ($indexes as $index) { // this is simply 1, 2, 3, etc. $value = $row[$index]; if (strlen($value) > 0) { // we can do some preprocessing here, // which is exclusively to fix the tags: if (!is_null($data[$index]['preProcessMap'])) { /** @var PreProcessorInterface $preProcessor */ $preProcessor = app($data[$index]['preProcessMap']); $result = $preProcessor->run($value); $data[$index]['values'] = array_merge($data[$index]['values'], $result); Log::debug($rowIndex . ':' . $index . 'Value before preprocessor', ['value' => $value]); Log::debug($rowIndex . ':' . $index . 'Value after preprocessor', ['value-new' => $result]); Log::debug($rowIndex . ':' . $index . 'Value after joining', ['value-complete' => $data[$index]['values']]); continue; } $data[$index]['values'][] = $value; } } } foreach ($data as $index => $entry) { $data[$index]['values'] = array_unique($data[$index]['values']); } return $data; } /** * @return array */ private function getDataForColumnRoles():array { $config = $this->job->configuration; $data = [ 'columns' => [], 'columnCount' => 0, ]; // show user column role configuration. $content = $this->job->uploadFileContents(); // create CSV reader. $reader = Reader::createFromString($content); $start = $config['has-headers'] ? 1 : 0; $end = $start + self::EXAMPLE_ROWS; // first X rows // collect example data in $data['columns'] while ($start < $end) { $row = $reader->fetchOne($start); foreach ($row as $index => $value) { $value = trim($value); if (strlen($value) > 0) { $data['columns'][$index][] = $value; } } $start++; $data['columnCount'] = count($row); } // make unique example data foreach ($data['columns'] as $index => $values) { $data['columns'][$index] = array_unique($values); } $data['set_roles'] = []; // collect possible column roles: $data['available_roles'] = []; foreach (array_keys(config('csv.import_roles')) as $role) { $data['available_roles'][$role] = trans('csv.column_' . $role); } $config['column-count'] = $data['columnCount']; $this->job->configuration = $config; $this->job->save(); return $data; } }