'Configure your import', 'import_configure_intro' => 'There are some options for your CSV import.', 'import_configure_form' => 'Form', 'header_help' => 'Check this if the first row of your CSV file are the column titles', 'date_help' => 'Date time format in your CSV. Follow the format like this page indicates. The default value will parse dates that look like this: :dateExample.', 'delimiter_help' => 'Choose the field delimiter that is used in your input file. If not sure, comma is the safest option.', 'config_file_help' => 'Select your CSV import configuration here. If you do not know what this is, ignore it. It will be explained later.', 'import_account_help' => 'If your CSV file does NOT contain information about your asset account(s), use this dropdown to select to which account the transactions in the CSV belong to.', 'upload_not_writeable' => 'The grey box contains a file path. It should be writeable. Please make sure it is.', // roles 'column_roles_title' => 'Define column roles', 'column_roles_text' => 'Each column contains some data. What data?', 'column_roles_table' => 'Table', 'column_name' => 'Name of column', 'column_example' => 'Column example data', 'column_role' => 'Column data meaning', 'do_map_value' => 'Map these values', 'column' => 'Column', 'no_example_data' => 'No example data available', 'store_column_roles' => 'Continue import', 'do_not_map' => '(do not map)', 'map_title' => 'Connect data in your files', 'map_text' => 'Connect data in your files', 'field_value' => 'Field value', 'field_mapped_to' => 'Mapped to', 'store_column_mapping' => 'Store mapping', // map things. 'column__ignore' => '(ignore this column)', 'column_account-iban' => 'Asset account (IBAN)', 'column_account-id' => 'Asset account ID (matching Firefly)', 'column_account-name' => 'Asset account (name)', 'column_amount' => 'Amount', 'column_amount-comma-separated' => 'Amount (comma as decimal separator)', 'column_bill-id' => 'Bill ID (matching Firefly)', 'column_bill-name' => 'Bill name', 'column_budget-id' => 'Budget ID (matching Firefly)', 'column_budget-name' => 'Budget name', 'column_category-id' => 'Category ID (matching Firefly)', 'column_category-name' => 'Category name', 'column_currency-code' => 'Currency code (ISO 4217)', 'column_currency-id' => 'Currency ID (matching Firefly)', 'column_currency-name' => 'Currency name (matching Firefly)', 'column_currency-symbol' => 'Currency symbol (matching Firefly)', 'column_date-rent' => 'Rent calculation date', 'column_date-transaction' => 'Date', 'column_description' => 'Description', 'column_opposing-iban' => 'Opposing account (IBAN)', 'column_opposing-id' => 'Opposing account ID (matching Firefly)', 'column_opposing-name' => 'Opposing account (name)', 'column_rabo-debet-credit' => 'Rabobank specific debet/credit indicator', 'column_ing-debet-credit' => 'ING specific debet/credit indicator', 'column_sepa-ct-id' => 'SEPA Credit Transfer end-to-end ID', 'column_sepa-ct-op' => 'SEPA Credit Transfer opposing account', 'column_sepa-db' => 'SEPA Direct Debet', 'column_tags-comma' => 'Tags (comma separated)', 'column_tags-space' => 'Tags (space separated)', 'column_account-number' => 'Asset account (account number)', 'column_opposing-number' => 'Opposing account (account number)', ];