'Bank name', 'bank_balance' => 'Balance', 'savings_balance' => 'Savings balance', 'credit_card_limit' => 'Credit card limit', 'automatch' => 'Match automatically', 'skip' => 'Skip', 'name' => 'Name', 'active' => 'Active', 'amount_min' => 'Minimum amount', 'amount_max' => 'Maximum amount', 'match' => 'Matches on', 'repeat_freq' => 'Repeats', 'journal_currency_id' => 'Currency', 'journal_amount' => 'Amount', 'journal_asset_source_account' => 'Asset account (source)', 'journal_source_account_name' => 'Revenue account (source)', 'journal_source_account_id' => 'Asset account (source)', 'account_from_id' => 'From account', 'account_to_id' => 'To account', 'journal_destination_account_id' => 'Asset account (destination)', 'asset_destination_account' => 'Asset account (destination)', 'asset_source_account' => 'Asset account (source)', 'journal_description' => 'Description', 'split_journal' => 'Split this transaction', 'split_journal_explanation' => 'Split this transaction in multiple parts', 'currency' => 'Currency', 'account_id' => 'Asset account', 'budget_id' => 'Budget', 'openingBalance' => 'Opening balance', 'tagMode' => 'Tag mode', 'tagPosition' => 'Tag location', 'virtualBalance' => 'Virtual balance', 'longitude_latitude' => 'Location', 'targetamount' => 'Target amount', 'accountRole' => 'Account role', 'openingBalanceDate' => 'Opening balance date', 'ccType' => 'Credit card payment plan', 'ccMonthlyPaymentDate' => 'Credit card monthly payment date', 'piggy_bank_id' => 'Piggy bank', 'returnHere' => 'Return here', 'returnHereExplanation' => 'After storing, return here to create another one.', 'returnHereUpdateExplanation' => 'After updating, return here.', 'description' => 'Description', 'expense_account' => 'Expense account', 'revenue_account' => 'Revenue account', 'amount' => 'Amount', 'date' => 'Date', 'interest_date' => 'Interest date', 'book_date' => 'Book date', 'process_date' => 'Processing date', 'category' => 'Category', 'tags' => 'Tags', 'deletePermanently' => 'Delete permanently', 'cancel' => 'Cancel', 'targetdate' => 'Target date', 'tag' => 'Tag', 'under' => 'Under', 'symbol' => 'Symbol', 'code' => 'Code', 'iban' => 'IBAN', 'accountNumber' => 'Account number', 'has_headers' => 'Headers', 'date_format' => 'Date format', 'specifix' => 'Bank- or file specific fixes', 'attachments[]' => 'Attachments', 'store_new_withdrawal' => 'Store new withdrawal', 'store_new_deposit' => 'Store new deposit', 'store_new_transfer' => 'Store new transfer', 'add_new_withdrawal' => 'Add a new withdrawal', 'add_new_deposit' => 'Add a new deposit', 'add_new_transfer' => 'Add a new transfer', 'noPiggybank' => '(no piggy bank)', 'title' => 'Title', 'notes' => 'Notes', 'filename' => 'File name', 'mime' => 'Mime type', 'size' => 'Size', 'trigger' => 'Trigger', 'stop_processing' => 'Stop processing', 'start_date' => 'Start of range', 'end_date' => 'End of range', 'export_start_range' => 'Start of export range', 'export_end_range' => 'End of export range', 'export_format' => 'File format', 'include_attachments' => 'Include uploaded attachments', 'include_config' => 'Include configuration file', 'include_old_uploads' => 'Include imported data', 'accounts' => 'Export transactions from these accounts', 'delete_account' => 'Delete account ":name"', 'delete_bill' => 'Delete bill ":name"', 'delete_budget' => 'Delete budget ":name"', 'delete_category' => 'Delete category ":name"', 'delete_currency' => 'Delete currency ":name"', 'delete_journal' => 'Delete transaction with description ":description"', 'delete_attachment' => 'Delete attachment ":name"', 'delete_rule' => 'Delete rule ":title"', 'delete_rule_group' => 'Delete rule group ":title"', 'attachment_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the attachment named ":name"?', 'account_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the account named ":name"?', 'bill_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the bill named ":name"?', 'rule_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the rule titled ":title"?', 'ruleGroup_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the rule group titled ":title"?', 'budget_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the budget named ":name"?', 'category_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the category named ":name"?', 'currency_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the currency named ":name"?', 'piggyBank_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the piggy bank named ":name"?', 'journal_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the transaction described ":description"?', 'mass_journal_are_you_sure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete these transactions?', 'tag_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the tag ":tag"?', 'permDeleteWarning' => 'Deleting stuff from Firely is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'mass_make_selection' => 'You can still prevent items from being deleted by removing the checkbox.', 'delete_all_permanently' => 'Delete selected permanently', 'update_all_journals' => 'Update these transactions', 'also_delete_transactions' => 'The only transaction connected to this account will be deleted as well.|All :count transactions connected to this account will be deleted as well.', 'also_delete_rules' => 'The only rule connected to this rule group will be deleted as well.|All :count rules connected to this rule group will be deleted as well.', 'also_delete_piggyBanks' => 'The only piggy bank connected to this account will be deleted as well.|All :count piggy bank connected to this account will be deleted as well.', 'bill_keep_transactions' => 'The only transaction connected to this bill will not be deleted.|All :count transactions connected to this bill will spared deletion.', 'budget_keep_transactions' => 'The only transaction connected to this budget will not be deleted.|All :count transactions connected to this budget will spared deletion.', 'category_keep_transactions' => 'The only transaction connected to this category will not be deleted.|All :count transactions connected to this category will spared deletion.', 'tag_keep_transactions' => 'The only transaction connected to this tag will not be deleted.|All :count transactions connected to this tag will spared deletion.', // import 'import_file' => 'Import file', 'import_file_type' => 'Import file type', 'csv_comma' => 'A comma (,)', 'csv_semicolon' => 'A semicolon (;)', 'csv_tab' => 'A tab (invisible)', 'csv_delimiter' => 'CSV field delimiter', 'csv_import_account' => 'Default import account', 'csv_config' => 'CSV import configuration', ];