'addDays', 'daily' => 'addDays', '1W' => 'addWeeks', 'weekly' => 'addWeeks', 'week' => 'addWeeks', '1M' => 'addMonths', 'month' => 'addMonths', 'monthly' => 'addMonths', '3M' => 'addMonths', 'quarter' => 'addMonths', 'quarterly' => 'addMonths', '6M' => 'addMonths', 'half-year' => 'addMonths', 'year' => 'addYears', 'yearly' => 'addYears', '1Y' => 'addYears', 'custom' => 'addMonths', // custom? just add one month. ]; $modifierMap = [ 'quarter' => 3, '3M' => 3, 'quarterly' => 3, '6M' => 6, 'half-year' => 6, ]; if (!isset($functionMap[$repeatFreq])) { throw new FireflyException(sprintf('Cannot do addPeriod for $repeat_freq "%s"', $repeatFreq)); } if (isset($modifierMap[$repeatFreq])) { $add = $add * $modifierMap[$repeatFreq]; } $function = $functionMap[$repeatFreq]; $date->$function($add); return $date; } /** * @param \Carbon\Carbon $end * @param $repeatFreq * * @return \Carbon\Carbon * @throws FireflyException */ public function endOfPeriod(\Carbon\Carbon $end, string $repeatFreq): Carbon { $currentEnd = clone $end; $functionMap = [ '1D' => 'endOfDay', 'daily' => 'endOfDay', '1W' => 'addWeek', 'week' => 'addWeek', 'weekly' => 'addWeek', '1M' => 'addMonth', 'month' => 'addMonth', 'monthly' => 'addMonth', '3M' => 'addMonths', 'quarter' => 'addMonths', 'quarterly' => 'addMonths', '6M' => 'addMonths', 'half-year' => 'addMonths', 'year' => 'addYear', 'yearly' => 'addYear', '1Y' => 'addYear', ]; $modifierMap = [ 'quarter' => 3, '3M' => 3, 'quarterly' => 3, 'half-year' => 6, '6M' => 6, ]; $subDay = ['week', 'weekly', '1W', 'month', 'monthly', '1M', '3M', 'quarter', 'quarterly', '6M', 'half-year', 'year', 'yearly']; // if the range is custom, the end of the period // is another X days (x is the difference between start) // and end added to $theCurrentEnd if ($repeatFreq === 'custom') { /** @var Carbon $tStart */ $tStart = session('start', Carbon::now()->startOfMonth()); /** @var Carbon $tEnd */ $tEnd = session('end', Carbon::now()->endOfMonth()); $diffInDays = $tStart->diffInDays($tEnd); $currentEnd->addDays($diffInDays); return $currentEnd; } if (!isset($functionMap[$repeatFreq])) { throw new FireflyException(sprintf('Cannot do endOfPeriod for $repeat_freq "%s"', $repeatFreq)); } $function = $functionMap[$repeatFreq]; if (isset($modifierMap[$repeatFreq])) { $currentEnd->$function($modifierMap[$repeatFreq]); if (in_array($repeatFreq, $subDay)) { $currentEnd->subDay(); } return $currentEnd; } $currentEnd->$function(); if (in_array($repeatFreq, $subDay)) { $currentEnd->subDay(); } return $currentEnd; } /** * @param \Carbon\Carbon $theCurrentEnd * @param string $repeatFreq * @param \Carbon\Carbon|null $maxDate * * @return Carbon */ public function endOfX(Carbon $theCurrentEnd, string $repeatFreq, Carbon $maxDate = null): Carbon { $functionMap = [ '1D' => 'endOfDay', 'daily' => 'endOfDay', '1W' => 'endOfWeek', 'week' => 'endOfWeek', 'weekly' => 'endOfWeek', 'month' => 'endOfMonth', '1M' => 'endOfMonth', 'monthly' => 'endOfMonth', '3M' => 'lastOfQuarter', 'quarter' => 'lastOfQuarter', 'quarterly' => 'lastOfQuarter', '1Y' => 'endOfYear', 'year' => 'endOfYear', 'yearly' => 'endOfYear', ]; $currentEnd = clone $theCurrentEnd; if (isset($functionMap[$repeatFreq])) { $function = $functionMap[$repeatFreq]; $currentEnd->$function(); } if (!is_null($maxDate) && $currentEnd > $maxDate) { return clone $maxDate; } return $currentEnd; } /** * @param \Carbon\Carbon $start * @param \Carbon\Carbon $end * * @return array */ public function listOfPeriods(Carbon $start, Carbon $end): array { // define period to increment $increment = 'addDay'; $format = self::preferredCarbonFormat($start, $end); $displayFormat = strval(trans('config.month_and_day')); // increment by month (for year) if ($start->diffInMonths($end) > 1) { $increment = 'addMonth'; $displayFormat = strval(trans('config.month')); } // increment by year (for multi year) if ($start->diffInMonths($end) > 12) { $increment = 'addYear'; $displayFormat = strval(trans('config.year')); } $begin = clone $start; $entries = []; while ($begin < $end) { $formatted = $begin->format($format); $displayed = $begin->formatLocalized($displayFormat); $entries[$formatted] = $displayed; $begin->$increment(); } return $entries; } /** * @param \Carbon\Carbon $date * @param $repeatFrequency * * @return string * @throws FireflyException */ public function periodShow(Carbon $date, string $repeatFrequency): string { $formatMap = [ '1D' => trans('config.specific_day'), 'daily' => trans('config.specific_day'), 'custom' => trans('config.specific_day'), '1W' => trans('config.week_in_year'), 'week' => trans('config.week_in_year'), 'weekly' => trans('config.week_in_year'), '3M' => trans('config.quarter_of_year'), 'quarter' => trans('config.quarter_of_year'), '1M' => trans('config.month'), 'month' => trans('config.month'), 'monthly' => trans('config.month'), '1Y' => trans('config.year'), 'year' => trans('config.year'), 'yearly' => trans('config.year'), '6M' => trans('config.half_year'), ]; if (isset($formatMap[$repeatFrequency])) { return $date->formatLocalized(strval($formatMap[$repeatFrequency])); } throw new FireflyException(sprintf('No date formats for frequency "%s"!', $repeatFrequency)); } /** * If the date difference between start and end is less than a month, method returns "Y-m-d". If the difference is less than a year, * method returns "Y-m". If the date difference is larger, method returns "Y". * * @param \Carbon\Carbon $start * @param \Carbon\Carbon $end * * @return string */ public function preferredCarbonFormat(Carbon $start, Carbon $end): string { $format = 'Y-m-d'; if ($start->diffInMonths($end) > 1) { $format = 'Y-m'; } if ($start->diffInMonths($end) > 12) { $format = 'Y'; } return $format; } /** * If the date difference between start and end is less than a month, method returns trans(config.month_and_day). If the difference is less than a year, * method returns "config.month". If the date difference is larger, method returns "config.year". * * @param \Carbon\Carbon $start * @param \Carbon\Carbon $end * * @return string */ public function preferredCarbonLocalizedFormat(Carbon $start, Carbon $end): string { $format = strval(trans('config.month_and_day')); if ($start->diffInMonths($end) > 1) { $format = strval(trans('config.month')); } if ($start->diffInMonths($end) > 12) { $format = strval(trans('config.year')); } return $format; } /** * If the date difference between start and end is less than a month, method returns "endOfDay". If the difference is less than a year, * method returns "endOfMonth". If the date difference is larger, method returns "endOfYear". * * @param \Carbon\Carbon $start * @param \Carbon\Carbon $end * * @return string */ public function preferredEndOfPeriod(Carbon $start, Carbon $end): string { $format = 'endOfDay'; if ($start->diffInMonths($end) > 1) { $format = 'endOfMonth'; } if ($start->diffInMonths($end) > 12) { $format = 'endOfYear'; } return $format; } /** * If the date difference between start and end is less than a month, method returns "1D". If the difference is less than a year, * method returns "1M". If the date difference is larger, method returns "1Y". * * @param \Carbon\Carbon $start * @param \Carbon\Carbon $end * * @return string */ public function preferredRangeFormat(Carbon $start, Carbon $end): string { $format = '1D'; if ($start->diffInMonths($end) > 1) { $format = '1M'; } if ($start->diffInMonths($end) > 12) { $format = '1Y'; } return $format; } /** * If the date difference between start and end is less than a month, method returns "%Y-%m-%d". If the difference is less than a year, * method returns "%Y-%m". If the date difference is larger, method returns "%Y". * * @param \Carbon\Carbon $start * @param \Carbon\Carbon $end * * @return string */ public function preferredSqlFormat(Carbon $start, Carbon $end): string { $format = '%Y-%m-%d'; if ($start->diffInMonths($end) > 1) { $format = '%Y-%m'; } if ($start->diffInMonths($end) > 12) { $format = '%Y'; } return $format; } /** * @param \Carbon\Carbon $theDate * @param $repeatFreq * * @return \Carbon\Carbon * @throws FireflyException */ public function startOfPeriod(Carbon $theDate, string $repeatFreq): Carbon { $date = clone $theDate; $functionMap = [ '1D' => 'startOfDay', 'daily' => 'startOfDay', '1W' => 'startOfWeek', 'week' => 'startOfWeek', 'weekly' => 'startOfWeek', 'month' => 'startOfMonth', '1M' => 'startOfMonth', 'monthly' => 'startOfMonth', '3M' => 'firstOfQuarter', 'quarter' => 'firstOfQuarter', 'quarterly' => 'firstOfQuarter', 'year' => 'startOfYear', 'yearly' => 'startOfYear', '1Y' => 'startOfYear', ]; if (isset($functionMap[$repeatFreq])) { $function = $functionMap[$repeatFreq]; $date->$function(); return $date; } if ($repeatFreq === 'half-year' || $repeatFreq === '6M') { $month = $date->month; $date->startOfYear(); if ($month >= 7) { $date->addMonths(6); } return $date; } if ($repeatFreq === 'custom') { return $date; // the date is already at the start. } throw new FireflyException(sprintf('Cannot do startOfPeriod for $repeat_freq "%s"', $repeatFreq)); } /** * @param \Carbon\Carbon $theDate * @param $repeatFreq * @param int $subtract * * @return \Carbon\Carbon * @throws FireflyException */ public function subtractPeriod(Carbon $theDate, string $repeatFreq, int $subtract = 1): Carbon { $date = clone $theDate; // 1D 1W 1M 3M 6M 1Y $functionMap = [ '1D' => 'subDays', 'daily' => 'subDays', 'week' => 'subWeeks', '1W' => 'subWeeks', 'weekly' => 'subWeeks', 'month' => 'subMonths', '1M' => 'subMonths', 'monthly' => 'subMonths', 'year' => 'subYears', '1Y' => 'subYears', 'yearly' => 'subYears', ]; $modifierMap = [ 'quarter' => 3, '3M' => 3, 'quarterly' => 3, 'half-year' => 6, '6M' => 6, ]; if (isset($functionMap[$repeatFreq])) { $function = $functionMap[$repeatFreq]; $date->$function($subtract); return $date; } if (isset($modifierMap[$repeatFreq])) { $subtract = $subtract * $modifierMap[$repeatFreq]; $date->subMonths($subtract); return $date; } // a custom range requires the session start // and session end to calculate the difference in days. // this is then subtracted from $theDate (* $subtract). if ($repeatFreq === 'custom') { /** @var Carbon $tStart */ $tStart = session('start', Carbon::now()->startOfMonth()); /** @var Carbon $tEnd */ $tEnd = session('end', Carbon::now()->endOfMonth()); $diffInDays = $tStart->diffInDays($tEnd); $date->subDays($diffInDays * $subtract); return $date; } throw new FireflyException(sprintf('Cannot do subtractPeriod for $repeat_freq "%s"', $repeatFreq)); } /** * @param $range * @param \Carbon\Carbon $start * * @return \Carbon\Carbon * @throws FireflyException */ public function updateEndDate(string $range, Carbon $start): Carbon { $functionMap = [ '1D' => 'endOfDay', '1W' => 'endOfWeek', '1M' => 'endOfMonth', '3M' => 'lastOfQuarter', '1Y' => 'endOfYear', 'custom' => 'startOfMonth', // this only happens in test situations. ]; $end = clone $start; if (isset($functionMap[$range])) { $function = $functionMap[$range]; $end->$function(); return $end; } if ($range === '6M') { if ($start->month >= 7) { $end->endOfYear(); return $end; } $end->startOfYear()->addMonths(6); return $end; } throw new FireflyException(sprintf('updateEndDate cannot handle range "%s"', $range)); } /** * @param $range * @param \Carbon\Carbon $start * * @return \Carbon\Carbon * @throws FireflyException */ public function updateStartDate(string $range, Carbon $start): Carbon { $functionMap = [ '1D' => 'startOfDay', '1W' => 'startOfWeek', '1M' => 'startOfMonth', '3M' => 'firstOfQuarter', '1Y' => 'startOfYear', 'custom' => 'startOfMonth', // this only happens in test situations. ]; if (isset($functionMap[$range])) { $function = $functionMap[$range]; $start->$function(); return $start; } if ($range === '6M') { if ($start->month >= 7) { $start->startOfYear()->addMonths(6); return $start; } $start->startOfYear(); return $start; } throw new FireflyException(sprintf('updateStartDate cannot handle range "%s"', $range)); } }