reportAccounts(); // budgets with no limits $this->reportBudgetLimits(); // budgets with no transactions $this->reportBudgets(); // categories with no transactions $this->reportCategories(); // tags with no transactions $this->reportTags(); // sum of transactions is not zero. $this->reportSum(); // any deleted transaction journals that have transactions that are NOT deleted: $this->reportJournals(); // deleted transactions that are connected to a not deleted journal. $this->reportTransactions(); // deleted accounts that still have not deleted transactions or journals attached to them. $this->reportDeletedAccounts(); // report on journals with no transactions at all. $this->reportNoTransactions(); } /** * Reports on accounts with no transactions. */ private function reportAccounts() { $set = Account ::leftJoin('transactions', 'transactions.account_id', '=', '') ->leftJoin('users', 'accounts.user_id', '=', '') ->groupBy('') ->having('transaction_count', '=', 0) ->get(['', '', 'accounts.user_id', '', DB::raw('COUNT(`transactions`.`id`) AS `transaction_count`')]); /** @var stdClass $entry */ foreach ($set as $entry) { $line = 'User #' . $entry->user_id . ' (' . $entry->email . ') has account #' . $entry->id . ' ("' . Crypt::decrypt($entry->name) . '") which has no transactions.'; $this->line($line); } } /** * Reports on budgets with no budget limits (which makes them pointless). */ private function reportBudgetLimits() { $set = Budget ::leftJoin('budget_limits', 'budget_limits.budget_id', '=', '') ->leftJoin('users', 'budgets.user_id', '=', '') ->groupBy('') ->having('budget_limit_count', '=', 0) ->get(['', '', 'budgets.user_id', '', DB::raw('COUNT(`budget_limits`.`id`) AS `budget_limit_count`')]); /** @var stdClass $entry */ foreach ($set as $entry) { $line = 'Notice: User #' . $entry->user_id . ' (' . $entry->email . ') has budget #' . $entry->id . ' ("' . Crypt::decrypt($entry->name) . '") which has no budget limits.'; $this->line($line); } } /** * Reports on budgets without any transactions. */ private function reportBudgets() { $set = Budget ::leftJoin('budget_transaction_journal', '', '=', 'budget_transaction_journal.budget_id') ->leftJoin('users', 'budgets.user_id', '=', '') ->distinct() ->whereNull('budget_transaction_journal.budget_id') ->whereNull('budgets.deleted_at') ->get(['', '', 'budgets.user_id', '']); /** @var stdClass $entry */ foreach ($set as $entry) { $line = 'Notice: User #' . $entry->user_id . ' (' . $entry->email . ') has budget #' . $entry->id . ' ("' . Crypt::decrypt($entry->name) . '") which has no transactions.'; $this->line($line); } } /** * Reports on categories without any transactions. */ private function reportCategories() { $set = Category ::leftJoin('category_transaction_journal', '', '=', 'category_transaction_journal.category_id') ->leftJoin('users', 'categories.user_id', '=', '') ->distinct() ->whereNull('category_transaction_journal.category_id') ->whereNull('categories.deleted_at') ->get(['', '', 'categories.user_id', '']); /** @var stdClass $entry */ foreach ($set as $entry) { $line = 'Notice: User #' . $entry->user_id . ' (' . $entry->email . ') has category #' . $entry->id . ' ("' . Crypt::decrypt($entry->name) . '") which has no transactions.'; $this->line($line); } } /** * Reports on deleted accounts that still have not deleted transactions or journals attached to them. */ private function reportDeletedAccounts() { $set = Account ::leftJoin('transactions', 'transactions.account_id', '=', '') ->leftJoin('transaction_journals', '', '=', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id') ->whereNotNull('accounts.deleted_at') ->whereNotNull('') ->where( function (Builder $q) { $q->whereNull('transactions.deleted_at'); $q->orWhereNull('transaction_journals.deleted_at'); } ) ->get( [' as account_id', 'accounts.deleted_at as account_deleted_at', ' as transaction_id', 'transactions.deleted_at as transaction_deleted_at', ' as journal_id', 'transaction_journals.deleted_at as journal_deleted_at'] ); /** @var stdClass $entry */ foreach ($set as $entry) { $date = is_null($entry->transaction_deleted_at) ? $entry->journal_deleted_at : $entry->transaction_deleted_at; $this->error( 'Error: Account #' . $entry->account_id . ' should have been deleted, but has not.' . ' Find it in the table called `accounts` and change the `deleted_at` field to: "' . $date . '"' ); } } /** * Any deleted transaction journals that have transactions that are NOT deleted: */ private function reportJournals() { $set = TransactionJournal ::leftJoin('transactions', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', '') ->whereNotNull('transaction_journals.deleted_at')// USE THIS ->whereNull('transactions.deleted_at') ->whereNotNull('') ->get( [ ' as journal_id', 'transaction_journals.description', 'transaction_journals.deleted_at as journal_deleted', ' as transaction_id', 'transactions.deleted_at as transaction_deleted_at'] ); /** @var stdClass $entry */ foreach ($set as $entry) { $this->error( 'Error: Transaction #' . $entry->transaction_id . ' should have been deleted, but has not.' . ' Find it in the table called `transactions` and change the `deleted_at` field to: "' . $entry->journal_deleted . '"' ); } } private function reportNoTransactions() { /* * select, count( as transaction_count from transaction_journals left join transactions ON = transactions.transaction_journal_id group by having transaction_count = 0 */ $set = TransactionJournal ::leftJoin('transactions', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', '') ->groupBy('') ->having('transaction_count', '=', 0) ->get(['', DB::raw('COUNT(`transactions`.`id`) as `transaction_count`')]); foreach ($set as $entry) { $this->error( 'Error: Journal #' . $entry->id . ' has zero transactions. Open table `transaction_journals` and delete the entry with id #' . $entry->id ); } } /** * Reports for each user when the sum of their transactions is not zero. */ private function reportSum() { /** @var UserRepositoryInterface $userRepository */ $userRepository = app(UserRepositoryInterface::class); /** @var User $user */ foreach ($userRepository->all() as $user) { /** @var AccountRepositoryInterface $repository */ $repository = app(AccountRepositoryInterface::class, [$user]); $sum = $repository->sumOfEverything(); if (bccomp($sum, '0') !== 0) { $this->error('Error: Transactions for user #' . $user->id . ' (' . $user->email . ') are off by ' . $sum . '!'); } } } /** * Reports on tags without any transactions. */ private function reportTags() { $set = Tag ::leftJoin('tag_transaction_journal', '', '=', 'tag_transaction_journal.tag_id') ->leftJoin('users', 'tags.user_id', '=', '') ->distinct() ->whereNull('tag_transaction_journal.tag_id') ->whereNull('tags.deleted_at') ->get(['', 'tags.tag', 'tags.user_id', '']); /** @var stdClass $entry */ foreach ($set as $entry) { $line = 'Notice: User #' . $entry->user_id . ' (' . $entry->email . ') has tag #' . $entry->id . ' ("' . $entry->tag . '") which has no transactions.'; $this->line($line); } } /** * Reports on deleted transactions that are connected to a not deleted journal. */ private function reportTransactions() { $set = Transaction ::leftJoin('transaction_journals', 'transactions.transaction_journal_id', '=', '') ->whereNotNull('transactions.deleted_at') ->whereNull('transaction_journals.deleted_at') ->get( [' as transaction_id', 'transactions.deleted_at as transaction_deleted', ' as journal_id', 'transaction_journals.deleted_at'] ); /** @var stdClass $entry */ foreach ($set as $entry) { $this->error( 'Error: Transaction journal #' . $entry->journal_id . ' should have been deleted, but has not.' . ' Find it in the table called `transaction_journals` and change the `deleted_at` field to: "' . $entry->transaction_deleted . '"' ); } } }