. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace FireflyIII\Handlers\Events; use FireflyIII\Events\StoredTransactionJournal; use FireflyIII\Models\Rule; use FireflyIII\Models\RuleGroup; use FireflyIII\Repositories\Journal\JournalRepositoryInterface as JRI; use FireflyIII\Repositories\PiggyBank\PiggyBankRepositoryInterface as PRI; use FireflyIII\Repositories\RuleGroup\RuleGroupRepositoryInterface as RGRI; use FireflyIII\Support\Events\BillScanner; use FireflyIII\TransactionRules\Processor; use Log; /** * @codeCoverageIgnore * * Class StoredJournalEventHandler */ class StoredJournalEventHandler { /** @var JRI */ public $journalRepository; /** @var PRI */ public $repository; /** @var RGRI */ public $ruleGroupRepository; /** * StoredJournalEventHandler constructor. * * @param PRI $repository * @param JRI $journalRepository * @param RGRI $ruleGroupRepository */ public function __construct(PRI $repository, JRI $journalRepository, RGRI $ruleGroupRepository) { $this->repository = $repository; $this->journalRepository = $journalRepository; $this->ruleGroupRepository = $ruleGroupRepository; } /** * This method connects a new transfer to a piggy bank. * * @param StoredTransactionJournal $event * * @return bool * * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity) * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength) */ public function connectToPiggyBank(StoredTransactionJournal $event): bool { $journal = $event->journal; $piggyBankId = $event->piggyBankId; $piggyBank = $this->repository->find($piggyBankId); // is a transfer? if (!$this->journalRepository->isTransfer($journal)) { Log::info(sprintf('Will not connect %s #%d to a piggy bank.', $journal->transactionType->type, $journal->id)); return true; } // piggy exists? if (null === $piggyBank->id) { Log::error(sprintf('There is no piggy bank with ID #%d', $piggyBankId)); return true; } // repetition exists? $repetition = $this->repository->getRepetition($piggyBank, $journal->date); if (null === $repetition->id) { Log::error(sprintf('No piggy bank repetition on %s!', $journal->date->format('Y-m-d'))); return true; } // get the amount $amount = $this->repository->getExactAmount($piggyBank, $repetition, $journal); if (0 === bccomp($amount, '0')) { Log::debug('Amount is zero, will not create event.'); return true; } // update amount $this->repository->addAmountToRepetition($repetition, $amount); $event = $this->repository->createEventWithJournal($piggyBank, $amount, $journal); Log::debug(sprintf('Created piggy bank event #%d', $event->id)); return true; } /** * This method grabs all the users rules and processes them. * * @param StoredTransactionJournal $storedJournalEvent * * @return bool */ public function processRules(StoredTransactionJournal $storedJournalEvent): bool { // get all the user's rule groups, with the rules, order by 'order'. $journal = $storedJournalEvent->journal; $groups = $this->ruleGroupRepository->getActiveGroups($journal->user); /** @var RuleGroup $group */ foreach ($groups as $group) { $rules = $this->ruleGroupRepository->getActiveStoreRules($group); /** @var Rule $rule */ foreach ($rules as $rule) { $processor = Processor::make($rule); $processor->handleTransactionJournal($journal); if ($rule->stop_processing) { break; } } } return true; } /** * This method calls a special bill scanner that will check if the stored journal is part of a bill. * * @param StoredTransactionJournal $storedJournalEvent * * @return bool */ public function scanBills(StoredTransactionJournal $storedJournalEvent): bool { $journal = $storedJournalEvent->journal; BillScanner::scan($journal); return true; } }