{# CSS things #} {# the theme #} {% if 'browser' == darkMode %} {% endif %} {% if 'dark' == darkMode %} {% endif %} {% if 'light' == darkMode %} {% endif %} {# Firefly III customisations #} {# Extra CSS for the demo: #} {% if not shownDemo %} {% endif %} {# Any local custom CSS. #} {% block styles %}{% endblock %} {# this entry is in the header so it's loaded early #} {# favicons #} {% include 'partials.favicons' %}
{# Logo #}
{% include('partials.page-header') %} {% block breadcrumbs %}{% endblock %}
{% if IS_DEMO_SITE %}

{% include ['demo.' ~ Route.getCurrentRoute.getName, 'demo.no-demo-text'] %}

{% endif %} {% include('partials.flashes') %} {% block content %}{% endblock %}
{% include('partials.control-bar') %}
{# Java libraries and stuff: #} {% block definitions %}{% endblock %} {# Moment JS #} {# All kinds of variables. #} {# Base script: jquery and bootstrap #} {# Vue scripts and components. Only loaded when needed #} {% if VUE_SCRIPT_NAME %} {% endif %} {# date range picker, current template, etc. #} {# Firefly III code #} {% if not shownDemo %} {% endif %} {% block scripts %}{% endblock %} {% if config('firefly.tracker_site_id') != '' and config('firefly.tracker_url') != '' %} {% endif %}