{{ accounts.links('v1.pagination.bootstrap-4')|raw }}
{% if objectType == 'asset' %} {% endif %} {% if objectType == 'liabilities' %} {% endif %} {# hide last activity to make room for other stuff #} {% if objectType != 'liabilities' %} {% endif %} {% for account in accounts %} {% if objectType == "asset" %} {% endif %} {% if objectType == 'liabilities' %} {% endif %} {# hide last activity to make room for other stuff #} {% if objectType != 'liabilities' %} {% if account.lastActivityDate %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ trans('list.name') }}{{ trans('list.liability_type') }} {{ trans('list.interest') }} ({{ trans('list.interest_period') }}) {{ trans('list.currentBalance') }}
{{ account.name }} {% if account.location %} {% endif %} {% if account.attachments.count() > 0 %} {% endif %} {{ account.accountTypeString }} {{ account.interest }}% ({{ account.interestPeriod|lower }}) {{ formatAmountByAccount(account, account.endBalance) }}
{{ accounts.links('v1.pagination.bootstrap-4')|raw }}