{{ trans('list.name') }} | {{ trans('list.matchingAmount') }} | ||||||
{{ objectGroup.object_group_title }} | |||||||
{% if not entry.active %} {% endif %} {{ entry.name }} {# count attachments #} {% if entry.attachments.count() > 0 %} {% endif %} | ~ {{ formatAmountBySymbol((entry.amount_max + entry.amount_min)/2, entry.currency_symbol, entry.currency_decimal_places) }} | {# paidDates = 0 (bill not paid in period) pay_dates = 0 (bill not expected to be paid in this period) bill is active. #} {% if entry.paid_dates|length == 0 and entry.pay_dates|length == 0 and entry.active %}{{ trans('firefly.not_expected_period') }} | {% endif %} {# paid_dates = 0 (bill not paid in period) pay_dates > 0 (bill IS expected to be paid in this period) bill is active first pay date is in the past. #} {% if entry.paid_dates|length == 0 and entry.pay_dates|length > 0 and entry.active %}{{ trans('firefly.bill_expected_date', {date: entry.next_expected_match_diff }) }} | {% endif %} {# paid_dates >= 0 (bill is paid X times). Don't care about pay_dates. #} {% if entry.paid_dates|length > 0 and entry.active %}
{% for currentPaid in entry.paid_dates %}
{{ formatDate(currentPaid.date, monthAndDayFormat) }}
{% endfor %} |
{% endif %}
{# bill is not active #}
{% if not entry.active %}
~ | {% endif %}||
{{ 'sum'|_ }} ({{ sum.currency_name }}) ({{ 'active_exp_bills_only'|_ }}) | {{ formatAmountBySymbol(sum.avg, sum.currency_symbol, sum.currency_decimal_places) }} | ||||||
{{ ('per_period_sum_'~sum.period)|_ }} ({{ sum.currency_name }}) ({{ 'active_bills_only'|_ }}) | {{ formatAmountBySymbol(sum.per_period, sum.currency_symbol, sum.currency_decimal_places) }} | ||||||
{{ 'sum'|_ }} ({{ sum.currency_name }}) ({{ 'active_exp_bills_only_total'|_ }}) | {{ formatAmountBySymbol(sum.avg, sum.currency_symbol, sum.currency_decimal_places) }} | ||||||
{{ ('per_period_sum_'~sum.period)|_ }} ({{ sum.currency_name }}) ({{ 'active_bills_only_total'|_ }}) | {{ formatAmountBySymbol(sum.per_period, sum.currency_symbol, sum.currency_decimal_places) }} |