. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace FireflyIII\Helpers\Collector; use Carbon\Carbon; use Carbon\Exceptions\InvalidDateException; use Exception; use FireflyIII\Helpers\Collector\Extensions\AccountCollection; use FireflyIII\Helpers\Collector\Extensions\AmountCollection; use FireflyIII\Helpers\Collector\Extensions\CollectorProperties; use FireflyIII\Helpers\Collector\Extensions\MetaCollection; use FireflyIII\Helpers\Collector\Extensions\TimeCollection; use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionCurrency; use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionGroup; use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionJournal; use FireflyIII\User; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder as EloquentBuilder; use Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause; use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; use Log; /** * Class GroupCollector * * @codeCoverageIgnore */ class GroupCollector implements GroupCollectorInterface { use CollectorProperties, AccountCollection, AmountCollection, TimeCollection, MetaCollection; /** * Group collector constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->hasAccountInfo = false; $this->hasCatInformation = false; $this->hasBudgetInformation = false; $this->hasBillInformation = false; $this->hasNotesInformation = false; $this->hasJoinedTagTables = false; $this->hasJoinedAttTables = false; $this->hasJoinedMetaTables = false; $this->integerFields = [ 'transaction_group_id', 'user_id', 'transaction_journal_id', 'transaction_type_id', 'order', 'source_transaction_id', 'source_account_id', 'currency_id', 'currency_decimal_places', 'foreign_currency_id', 'foreign_currency_decimal_places', 'destination_transaction_id', 'destination_account_id', 'category_id', 'budget_id', ]; $this->total = 0; $this->fields = [ # group 'transaction_groups.id as transaction_group_id', 'transaction_groups.user_id as user_id', 'transaction_groups.created_at as created_at', 'transaction_groups.updated_at as updated_at', 'transaction_groups.title as transaction_group_title', # journal 'transaction_journals.id as transaction_journal_id', 'transaction_journals.transaction_type_id', 'transaction_journals.description', 'transaction_journals.date', 'transaction_journals.order', # types 'transaction_types.type as transaction_type_type', # source info (always present) 'source.id as source_transaction_id', 'source.account_id as source_account_id', 'source.reconciled', # currency info: 'source.amount as amount', 'source.transaction_currency_id as currency_id', 'currency.code as currency_code', 'currency.name as currency_name', 'currency.symbol as currency_symbol', 'currency.decimal_places as currency_decimal_places', # foreign currency info 'source.foreign_amount as foreign_amount', 'source.foreign_currency_id as foreign_currency_id', 'foreign_currency.code as foreign_currency_code', 'foreign_currency.name as foreign_currency_name', 'foreign_currency.symbol as foreign_currency_symbol', 'foreign_currency.decimal_places as foreign_currency_decimal_places', # destination account info (always present) 'destination.account_id as destination_account_id', ]; } /** * */ public function dumpQuery(): void { echo $this->query->select($this->fields)->toSql(); echo '
'; print_r($this->query->getBindings()); echo ''; } /** * Return the transaction journals without group information. Is useful in some instances. * * @return array */ public function getExtractedJournals(): array { $selection = $this->getGroups(); $return = []; /** @var array $group */ foreach ($selection as $group) { $count = count($group['transactions']); foreach ($group['transactions'] as $journalId => $journal) { $journal['group_title'] = $group['title']; $journal['journals_in_group'] = $count; $return[$journalId] = $journal; } } return $return; } /** * Return the groups. * * @return Collection */ public function getGroups(): Collection { $filterQuery = false; // now filter the query according to the page and the limit (if necessary) if ($filterQuery) { if (null !== $this->limit && null !== $this->page) { $offset = ($this->page - 1) * $this->limit; $this->query->take($this->limit)->skip($offset); } } /** @var Collection $result */ $result = $this->query->get($this->fields); // now to parse this into an array. $collection = $this->parseArray($result); $this->total = $collection->count(); // now filter the array according to the page and the limit (if necessary) if (!$filterQuery) { if (null !== $this->limit && null !== $this->page) { $offset = ($this->page - 1) * $this->limit; return $collection->slice($offset, $this->limit); } } return $collection; } /** * Same as getGroups but everything is in a paginator. * * @return LengthAwarePaginator */ public function getPaginatedGroups(): LengthAwarePaginator { $set = $this->getGroups(); if (0 === $this->limit) { $this->setLimit(50); } return new LengthAwarePaginator($set, $this->total, $this->limit, $this->page); } /** * Limit results to a specific currency, either foreign or normal one. * * @param TransactionCurrency $currency * * @return GroupCollectorInterface */ public function setCurrency(TransactionCurrency $currency): GroupCollectorInterface { $this->query->where( static function (EloquentBuilder $q) use ($currency) { $q->where('source.transaction_currency_id', $currency->id); $q->orWhere('source.foreign_currency_id', $currency->id); } ); return $this; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function setForeignCurrency(TransactionCurrency $currency): GroupCollectorInterface { $this->query->where('source.foreign_currency_id', $currency->id); return $this; } /** * Limit the result to a set of specific journals. * * @param array $journalIds * * @return GroupCollectorInterface */ public function setJournalIds(array $journalIds): GroupCollectorInterface { if (!empty($journalIds)) { $this->query->whereIn('transaction_journals.id', $journalIds); } return $this; } /** * Limit the result to a set of specific transaction groups. * * @param array $groupIds * * @return GroupCollectorInterface */ public function setIds(array $groupIds): GroupCollectorInterface { $this->query->whereIn('transaction_groups.id', $groupIds); return $this; } /** * Limit the number of returned entries. * * @param int $limit * * @return GroupCollectorInterface */ public function setLimit(int $limit): GroupCollectorInterface { $this->limit = $limit; app('log')->debug(sprintf('GroupCollector: The limit is now %d', $limit)); return $this; } /** * Set the page to get. * * @param int $page * * @return GroupCollectorInterface */ public function setPage(int $page): GroupCollectorInterface { $page = 0 === $page ? 1 : $page; $this->page = $page; app('log')->debug(sprintf('GroupCollector: page is now %d', $page)); return $this; } /** * Search for words in descriptions. * * @param array $array * * @return GroupCollectorInterface */ public function setSearchWords(array $array): GroupCollectorInterface { $this->query->where( static function (EloquentBuilder $q) use ($array) { $q->where( static function (EloquentBuilder $q1) use ($array) { foreach ($array as $word) { $keyword = sprintf('%%%s%%', $word); $q1->where('transaction_journals.description', 'LIKE', $keyword); } } ); $q->orWhere( static function (EloquentBuilder $q2) use ($array) { foreach ($array as $word) { $keyword = sprintf('%%%s%%', $word); $q2->where('transaction_groups.title', 'LIKE', $keyword); } } ); } ); return $this; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function descriptionStarts(array $array): GroupCollectorInterface { $this->query->where( static function (EloquentBuilder $q) use ($array) { $q->where( static function (EloquentBuilder $q1) use ($array) { foreach ($array as $word) { $keyword = sprintf('%s%%', $word); $q1->where('transaction_journals.description', 'LIKE', $keyword); } } ); $q->orWhere( static function (EloquentBuilder $q2) use ($array) { foreach ($array as $word) { $keyword = sprintf('%s%%', $word); $q2->where('transaction_groups.title', 'LIKE', $keyword); } } ); } ); return $this; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function descriptionEnds(array $array): GroupCollectorInterface { $this->query->where( static function (EloquentBuilder $q) use ($array) { $q->where( static function (EloquentBuilder $q1) use ($array) { foreach ($array as $word) { $keyword = sprintf('%%%s', $word); $q1->where('transaction_journals.description', 'LIKE', $keyword); } } ); $q->orWhere( static function (EloquentBuilder $q2) use ($array) { foreach ($array as $word) { $keyword = sprintf('%%%s', $word); $q2->where('transaction_groups.title', 'LIKE', $keyword); } } ); } ); return $this; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function descriptionIs(string $value): GroupCollectorInterface { $this->query->where( static function (EloquentBuilder $q) use ($value) { $q->where('transaction_journals.description', '=', $value); $q->orWhere('transaction_groups.title', '=', $value); } ); return $this; } /** * Limit the search to one specific transaction group. * * @param TransactionGroup $transactionGroup * * @return GroupCollectorInterface */ public function setTransactionGroup(TransactionGroup $transactionGroup): GroupCollectorInterface { $this->query->where('transaction_groups.id', $transactionGroup->id); return $this; } /** * Limit the included transaction types. * * @param array $types * * @return GroupCollectorInterface */ public function setTypes(array $types): GroupCollectorInterface { $this->query->whereIn('transaction_types.type', $types); return $this; } /** * Set the user object and start the query. * * @param User $user * * @return GroupCollectorInterface */ public function setUser(User $user): GroupCollectorInterface { if (null === $this->user) { $this->user = $user; $this->startQuery(); } return $this; } /** * Automatically include all stuff required to make API calls work. * * @return GroupCollectorInterface */ public function withAPIInformation(): GroupCollectorInterface { // include source + destination account name and type. $this->withAccountInformation() // include category ID + name (if any) ->withCategoryInformation() // include budget ID + name (if any) ->withBudgetInformation() // include bill ID + name (if any) ->withBillInformation(); return $this; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function withAttachmentInformation(): GroupCollectorInterface { $this->fields[] = 'attachments.id as attachment_id'; $this->joinAttachmentTables(); return $this; } /** * Convert a selected set of fields to arrays. * * @param array $array * * @return array */ private function convertToInteger(array $array): array { foreach ($this->integerFields as $field) { $array[$field] = array_key_exists($field, $array) ? (int)$array[$field] : null; } return $array; } /** * Has attachments * * @return GroupCollectorInterface */ public function hasAttachments(): GroupCollectorInterface { Log::debug('Add filter on attachment ID.'); $this->joinAttachmentTables(); $this->query->whereNotNull('attachments.attachable_id'); return $this; } /** * Join table to get attachment information. */ private function joinAttachmentTables(): void { if (false === $this->hasJoinedAttTables) { // join some extra tables: $this->hasJoinedAttTables = true; $this->query->leftJoin('attachments', 'attachments.attachable_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id') ->where( static function (EloquentBuilder $q1) { $q1->where('attachments.attachable_type', TransactionJournal::class); $q1->where('attachments.uploaded', 1); $q1->orWhereNull('attachments.attachable_type'); } ); } } /** * @param array $existingJournal * @param TransactionJournal $newJournal * * @return array */ private function mergeAttachments(array $existingJournal, TransactionJournal $newJournal): array { $newArray = $newJournal->toArray(); if (array_key_exists('attachment_id', $newArray)) { $attachmentId = (int)$newJournal['tag_id']; $existingJournal['attachments'][$attachmentId] = [ 'id' => $attachmentId, ]; } return $existingJournal; } /** * @param array $existingJournal * @param TransactionJournal $newJournal * * @return array */ private function mergeTags(array $existingJournal, TransactionJournal $newJournal): array { $newArray = $newJournal->toArray(); if (array_key_exists('tag_id', $newArray)) { // assume the other fields are present as well. $tagId = (int)$newJournal['tag_id']; $tagDate = null; try { $tagDate = Carbon::parse($newArray['tag_date']); } catch (InvalidDateException $e) { Log::debug(sprintf('Could not parse date: %s', $e->getMessage())); } $existingJournal['tags'][$tagId] = [ 'id' => (int)$newArray['tag_id'], 'name' => $newArray['tag_name'], 'date' => $tagDate, 'description' => $newArray['tag_description'], ]; } return $existingJournal; } /** * @param Collection $collection * * @return Collection */ private function parseArray(Collection $collection): Collection { $groups = []; /** @var TransactionJournal $augumentedJournal */ foreach ($collection as $augumentedJournal) { $groupId = $augumentedJournal->transaction_group_id; if (!array_key_exists($groupId, $groups)) { // make new array $parsedGroup = $this->parseAugmentedJournal($augumentedJournal); $groupArray = [ 'id' => (int)$augumentedJournal->transaction_group_id, 'user_id' => (int)$augumentedJournal->user_id, 'title' => $augumentedJournal->transaction_group_title, 'transaction_type' => $parsedGroup['transaction_type_type'], 'count' => 1, 'sums' => [], 'transactions' => [], ]; $journalId = (int)$augumentedJournal->transaction_journal_id; $groupArray['transactions'][$journalId] = $parsedGroup; $groups[$groupId] = $groupArray; continue; } // or parse the rest. $journalId = (int)$augumentedJournal->transaction_journal_id; if (array_key_exists($journalId, $groups[$groupId]['transactions'])) { // append data to existing group + journal (for multiple tags or multiple attachments) $groups[$groupId]['transactions'][$journalId] = $this->mergeTags($groups[$groupId]['transactions'][$journalId], $augumentedJournal); $groups[$groupId]['transactions'][$journalId] = $this->mergeAttachments($groups[$groupId]['transactions'][$journalId], $augumentedJournal); } if (!array_key_exists($journalId, $groups[$groupId]['transactions'])) { // create second, third, fourth split: $groups[$groupId]['count']++; $groups[$groupId]['transactions'][$journalId] = $this->parseAugmentedJournal($augumentedJournal); } } $groups = $this->parseSums($groups); return new Collection($groups); } /** * @param TransactionJournal $augumentedJournal * * @return array */ private function parseAugmentedJournal(TransactionJournal $augumentedJournal): array { $result = $augumentedJournal->toArray(); $result['tags'] = []; $result['attachments'] = []; try { $result['date'] = new Carbon($result['date'], 'UTC'); $result['created_at'] = new Carbon($result['created_at'], 'UTC'); $result['updated_at'] = new Carbon($result['updated_at'], 'UTC'); // this is going to happen a lot: $result['date']->setTimezone(config('app.timezone')); $result['created_at']->setTimezone(config('app.timezone')); $result['updated_at']->setTimezone(config('app.timezone')); } catch (Exception $e) { Log::error($e->getMessage()); } // convert values to integers: $result = $this->convertToInteger($result); $result['reconciled'] = 1 === (int)$result['reconciled']; if (isset($augumentedJournal['tag_id'])) { // assume the other fields are present as well. $tagId = (int)$augumentedJournal['tag_id']; $tagDate = null; try { $tagDate = Carbon::parse($augumentedJournal['tag_date']); } catch (InvalidDateException $e) { Log::debug(sprintf('Could not parse date: %s', $e->getMessage())); } $result['tags'][$tagId] = [ 'id' => (int)$result['tag_id'], 'name' => $result['tag_name'], 'date' => $tagDate, 'description' => $result['tag_description'], ]; } // also merge attachments: if (isset($augumentedJournal['attachment_id'])) { $attachmentId = (int)$augumentedJournal['attachment_id']; $result['attachments'][$attachmentId] = [ 'id' => $attachmentId, ]; } return $result; } /** * @param array $groups * * @return array */ private function parseSums(array $groups): array { /** * @var int $groudId * @var array $group */ foreach ($groups as $groudId => $group) { /** @var array $transaction */ foreach ($group['transactions'] as $transaction) { $currencyId = (int)$transaction['currency_id']; // set default: if (!isset($groups[$groudId]['sums'][$currencyId])) { $groups[$groudId]['sums'][$currencyId]['currency_id'] = $currencyId; $groups[$groudId]['sums'][$currencyId]['currency_code'] = $transaction['currency_code']; $groups[$groudId]['sums'][$currencyId]['currency_symbol'] = $transaction['currency_symbol']; $groups[$groudId]['sums'][$currencyId]['currency_decimal_places'] = $transaction['currency_decimal_places']; $groups[$groudId]['sums'][$currencyId]['amount'] = '0'; } $groups[$groudId]['sums'][$currencyId]['amount'] = bcadd($groups[$groudId]['sums'][$currencyId]['amount'], $transaction['amount'] ?? '0'); if (null !== $transaction['foreign_amount'] && null !== $transaction['foreign_currency_id']) { $currencyId = (int)$transaction['foreign_currency_id']; // set default: if (!isset($groups[$groudId]['sums'][$currencyId])) { $groups[$groudId]['sums'][$currencyId]['currency_id'] = $currencyId; $groups[$groudId]['sums'][$currencyId]['currency_code'] = $transaction['foreign_currency_code']; $groups[$groudId]['sums'][$currencyId]['currency_symbol'] = $transaction['foreign_currency_symbol']; $groups[$groudId]['sums'][$currencyId]['currency_decimal_places'] = $transaction['foreign_currency_decimal_places']; $groups[$groudId]['sums'][$currencyId]['amount'] = '0'; } $groups[$groudId]['sums'][$currencyId]['amount'] = bcadd( $groups[$groudId]['sums'][$currencyId]['amount'], $transaction['foreign_amount'] ?? '0' ); } } } return $groups; } /** * Build the query. */ private function startQuery(): void { //app('log')->debug('GroupCollector::startQuery'); $this->query = $this->user //->transactionGroups() //->leftJoin('transaction_journals', 'transaction_journals.transaction_group_id', 'transaction_groups.id') ->transactionJournals() ->leftJoin('transaction_groups', 'transaction_journals.transaction_group_id', 'transaction_groups.id') // join source transaction. ->leftJoin( 'transactions as source', function (JoinClause $join) { $join->on('source.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id') ->where('source.amount', '<', 0); } ) // join destination transaction ->leftJoin( 'transactions as destination', function (JoinClause $join) { $join->on('destination.transaction_journal_id', '=', 'transaction_journals.id') ->where('destination.amount', '>', 0); } ) // left join transaction type. ->leftJoin('transaction_types', 'transaction_types.id', '=', 'transaction_journals.transaction_type_id') ->leftJoin('transaction_currencies as currency', 'currency.id', '=', 'source.transaction_currency_id') ->leftJoin('transaction_currencies as foreign_currency', 'foreign_currency.id', '=', 'source.foreign_currency_id') ->whereNull('transaction_groups.deleted_at') ->whereNull('transaction_journals.deleted_at') ->whereNull('source.deleted_at') ->whereNull('destination.deleted_at') ->orderBy('transaction_journals.date', 'DESC') ->orderBy('transaction_journals.order', 'ASC') ->orderBy('transaction_journals.id', 'DESC') ->orderBy('transaction_journals.description', 'DESC') ->orderBy('source.amount', 'DESC'); } }