_accounts = $accounts; $this->_preferences = $preferences; $this->_journal = $journal; $this->_reminders = $reminders; } public function jobDev() { $fullName = storage_path().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'firefly-export-2014-07-23.json'; \Log::notice('Pushed start job.'); Queue::push('Firefly\Queue\Import@start', ['file' => $fullName, 'user' => 1]); } /* * */ public function sessionPrev() { /** @var \Firefly\Helper\Toolkit\ToolkitInterface $toolkit */ $toolkit = App::make('Firefly\Helper\Toolkit\ToolkitInterface'); $toolkit->prev(); return Redirect::route('index'); } /* * */ public function sessionNext() { /** @var \Firefly\Helper\Toolkit\ToolkitInterface $toolkit */ $toolkit = App::make('Firefly\Helper\Toolkit\ToolkitInterface'); $toolkit->next(); return Redirect::route('index'); } /** * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function flush() { Cache::flush(); return Redirect::route('index'); } /** * @return $this|\Illuminate\View\View */ public function index() { Event::fire('limits.check'); Event::fire('piggybanks.check'); Event::fire('recurring.check'); // count, maybe Firefly needs some introducing text to show: $count = $this->_accounts->count(); $start = Session::get('start'); $end = Session::get('end'); // get the preference for the home accounts to show: $frontpage = $this->_preferences->get('frontpageAccounts', []); if ($frontpage->data == []) { $accounts = $this->_accounts->getActiveDefault(); } else { $accounts = $this->_accounts->getByIds($frontpage->data); } $transactions = []; foreach ($accounts as $account) { $set = $this->_journal->getByAccountInDateRange($account, 10, $start, $end); if (count($set) > 0) { $transactions[] = [$set, $account]; } } // build the home screen: return View::make('index')->with('count', $count)->with('transactions', $transactions)->with('title', 'Firefly') ->with('subTitle', 'What\'s playing?')->with('mainTitleIcon','fa-fire'); } }