. */ declare(strict_types=1); return [ // new user: 'bank_name' => 'Nama Bank', 'bank_balance' => 'Keseimbangan', 'savings_balance' => 'Saldo tabungan', 'credit_card_limit' => 'Batas kartu kredit', 'automatch' => 'Cocokkan secara otomatis', 'skip' => 'Melewatkan', 'enabled' => 'Enabled', 'name' => 'Nama', 'active' => 'Aktif', 'amount_min' => 'Jumlah minimal', 'amount_max' => 'Jumlah maksimum', 'match' => 'Cocok di', 'strict' => 'Strict mode', 'repeat_freq' => 'Berulang', 'object_group' => 'Group', 'location' => 'Location', 'update_channel' => 'Update channel', 'currency_id' => 'Mata uang', 'transaction_currency_id' => 'Currency', 'auto_budget_currency_id' => 'Currency', 'external_ip' => 'Your server\'s external IP', 'attachments' => 'Lampiran', 'BIC' => 'BIC', 'verify_password' => 'Verifikasi keamanan kata sandi', 'source_account' => 'Akun sumber', 'destination_account' => 'Akun tujuan', 'asset_destination_account' => 'Destination account', 'include_net_worth' => 'Include in net worth', 'asset_source_account' => 'Source account', 'journal_description' => 'Deskripsi', 'note' => 'Catatan', 'currency' => 'Mata uang', 'account_id' => 'Akun aset', 'budget_id' => 'Anggaran', 'opening_balance' => 'Opening balance', 'tagMode' => 'Mode Tag', 'virtual_balance' => 'Virtual balance', 'targetamount' => 'Jumlah target', 'account_role' => 'Account role', 'opening_balance_date' => 'Opening balance date', 'cc_type' => 'Credit card payment plan', 'cc_monthly_payment_date' => 'Credit card monthly payment date', 'piggy_bank_id' => 'Celengan', 'returnHere' => 'Kembali ke sini', 'returnHereExplanation' => 'Setelah menyimpan, kembali ke sini untuk membuat yang lain.', 'returnHereUpdateExplanation' => 'Setelah update, kembali ke sini.', 'description' => 'Deskripsi', 'expense_account' => 'Rekening pengeluaran', 'revenue_account' => 'Akun pendapatan', 'decimal_places' => 'Tempat desimal', 'destination_amount' => 'Jumlah (tujuan)', 'new_email_address' => 'Alamat email baru', 'verification' => 'Verifikasi', 'api_key' => 'Kunci API', 'remember_me' => 'Remember me', 'liability_type_id' => 'Liability type', 'interest' => 'Interest', 'interest_period' => 'Interest period', 'type' => 'Mengetik', 'convert_Withdrawal' => 'Mengkonversi penarikan', 'convert_Deposit' => 'Convert deposit', 'convert_Transfer' => 'Mengkonversi transfer', 'amount' => 'Jumlah', 'foreign_amount' => 'Foreign amount', 'date' => 'Tanggal', 'interest_date' => 'Tanggal bunga', 'book_date' => 'Tanggal buku', 'process_date' => 'Tanggal pemrosesan', 'category' => 'Kategori', 'tags' => 'Tag', 'deletePermanently' => 'Hapus secara permanen', 'cancel' => 'Membatalkan', 'targetdate' => 'Tanggal target', 'startdate' => 'Mulai tanggal', 'tag' => 'Menandai', 'under' => 'Dibawah', 'symbol' => 'Simbol', 'code' => 'Kode', 'iban' => 'IBAN', 'account_number' => 'Account number', 'creditCardNumber' => 'Nomor kartu kredit', 'has_headers' => 'Judul', 'date_format' => 'Format tanggal', 'specifix' => 'Perbaikan spesifik bank atau berkas', 'attachments[]' => 'Lampiran', 'title' => 'Judul', 'notes' => 'Catatan', 'filename' => 'Nama file', 'mime' => 'Tipe mime', 'size' => 'Ukuran', 'trigger' => 'Pelatuk', 'stop_processing' => 'Berhenti memproses', 'start_date' => 'Mulai dari jangkauan', 'end_date' => 'Akhir rentang', 'delete_account' => 'Delete account ":name"', 'delete_bill' => 'Hapus tagihan ":name"', 'delete_budget' => 'Hapus anggaran ":name"', 'delete_category' => 'Hapus kategori ":name"', 'delete_currency' => 'Hapus mata uang ":name"', 'delete_journal' => 'Hapus transaksi dengan deskripsi ":description"', 'delete_attachment' => 'Hapus lampiran ":name"', 'delete_rule' => 'Hapus aturan ":title"', 'delete_rule_group' => 'Hapus grup aturan ":title"', 'delete_link_type' => 'Hapus jenis tautan ":name"', 'delete_user' => 'Hapus pengguna ":email"', 'delete_recurring' => 'Delete recurring transaction ":title"', 'user_areYouSure' => 'Jika Anda menghapus pengguna ":email", semuanya akan hilang. Tidak ada undo, undelete atau apapun. Jika Anda menghapus diri Anda sendiri, Anda akan kehilangan akses ke Firefly III ini.', 'attachment_areYouSure' => 'Yakin ingin menghapus lampiran yang bernama ":name"?', 'account_areYouSure' => 'Yakin ingin menghapus akun dengan nama ":name"?', 'bill_areYouSure' => 'Yakin ingin menghapus tagihan yang bernama ":name"?', 'rule_areYouSure' => 'Yakin ingin menghapus aturan yang berjudul ":title"?', 'object_group_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the group titled ":title"?', 'ruleGroup_areYouSure' => 'Yakin ingin menghapus grup aturan yang berjudul ":title"?', 'budget_areYouSure' => 'Yakin ingin menghapus anggaran dengan nama ":name"?', 'category_areYouSure' => 'Yakin ingin menghapus kategori yang bernama ":name"?', 'recurring_areYouSure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the recurring transaction titled ":title"?', 'currency_areYouSure' => 'Yakin ingin menghapus mata uang dengan nama ":name"?', 'piggyBank_areYouSure' => 'Yakin ingin menghapus piggy bank yang bernama ":name"?', 'journal_areYouSure' => 'Yakin ingin menghapus transaksi yang dijelaskan ":description"?', 'mass_journal_are_you_sure' => 'Yakin ingin menghapus transaksi ini?', 'tag_areYouSure' => 'Yakin ingin menghapus tag ":tag"?', 'journal_link_areYouSure' => 'Yakin ingin menghapus tautan antara :source and :destination?', 'linkType_areYouSure' => 'Yakin ingin menghapus jenis tautan ":name" (":inward" / ":outward")?', 'permDeleteWarning' => 'Deleting stuff from Firefly III is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'mass_make_selection' => 'Anda masih dapat mencegah agar item dihapus dengan menghapus kotak centang.', 'delete_all_permanently' => 'Hapus yang dipilih secara permanen', 'update_all_journals' => 'Perbarui transaksi ini', 'also_delete_transactions' => 'Satu-satunya transaksi yang terhubung ke akun ini akan dihapus juga. | Semua :count transaksi yang terhubung ke akun ini akan dihapus juga.', 'also_delete_connections' => 'Satu-satunya transaksi yang terkait dengan jenis link ini akan kehilangan koneksi ini. Semua :count transaksi yang terkait dengan jenis link ini akan kehilangan koneksi mereka.', 'also_delete_rules' => 'Aturan satu-satunya yang terhubung ke grup aturan ini akan dihapus juga. Aturan All :count yang terhubung ke grup aturan ini akan dihapus juga.', 'also_delete_piggyBanks' => 'Satu-satunya piggy bank yang terhubung ke akun ini akan dihapus juga. Semua :count piggy bank yang terhubung ke akun ini akan dihapus juga.', 'not_delete_piggy_banks' => 'The piggy bank connected to this group will not be deleted.|The :count piggy banks connected to this group will not be deleted.', 'bill_keep_transactions' => 'The only transaction connected to this bill will not be deleted.|All :count transactions connected to this bill will be spared deletion.', 'budget_keep_transactions' => 'The only transaction connected to this budget will not be deleted.|All :count transactions connected to this budget will be spared deletion.', 'category_keep_transactions' => 'The only transaction connected to this category will not be deleted.|All :count transactions connected to this category will be spared deletion.', 'recurring_keep_transactions' => 'The only transaction created by this recurring transaction will not be deleted.|All :count transactions created by this recurring transaction will be spared deletion.', 'tag_keep_transactions' => 'The only transaction connected to this tag will not be deleted.|All :count transactions connected to this tag will be spared deletion.', 'check_for_updates' => 'Check for updates', 'delete_object_group' => 'Delete group ":title"', 'email' => 'Alamat email', 'password' => 'Kata sandi', 'password_confirmation' => 'Password (lagi)', 'blocked' => 'Apakah diblokir?', 'blocked_code' => 'Alasan untuk blok', 'login_name' => 'Login', 'is_owner' => 'Is admin?', // import 'apply_rules' => 'Apply rules', 'artist' => 'Artist', 'album' => 'Album', 'song' => 'Song', // admin 'domain' => 'Domain', 'single_user_mode' => 'Nonaktifkan pendaftaran pengguna', 'is_demo_site' => 'Apakah situs demo', // import 'configuration_file' => 'File konfigurasi', 'csv_comma' => 'Koma (,)', 'csv_semicolon' => 'Titik koma (;)', 'csv_tab' => 'Tab (tak terlihat)', 'csv_delimiter' => 'Pembatas lapangan CSV', 'client_id' => 'ID klien', 'app_id' => 'App ID', 'secret' => 'Secret', 'public_key' => 'Kunci publik', 'country_code' => 'Kode negara', 'provider_code' => 'Bank atau penyedia data', 'fints_url' => 'FinTS API URL', 'fints_port' => 'Port', 'fints_bank_code' => 'Bank code', 'fints_username' => 'Username', 'fints_password' => 'PIN / Password', 'fints_account' => 'FinTS account', 'local_account' => 'Firefly III account', 'from_date' => 'Date from', 'to_date' => 'Date to', 'due_date' => 'Batas tanggal terakhir', 'payment_date' => 'Tanggal pembayaran', 'invoice_date' => 'Tanggal faktur', 'internal_reference' => 'Referensi internal', 'inward' => 'Deskripsi dalam', 'outward' => 'Deskripsi luar', 'rule_group_id' => 'Kelompok aturan', 'transaction_description' => 'Transaction description', 'first_date' => 'First date', 'transaction_type' => 'Transaction type', 'repeat_until' => 'Repeat until', 'recurring_description' => 'Recurring transaction description', 'repetition_type' => 'Type of repetition', 'foreign_currency_id' => 'Foreign currency', 'repetition_end' => 'Repetition ends', 'repetitions' => 'Repetitions', 'calendar' => 'Calendar', 'weekend' => 'Weekend', 'client_secret' => 'Client secret', 'withdrawal_destination_id' => 'Destination account', 'deposit_source_id' => 'Source account', 'expected_on' => 'Expected on', 'paid' => 'Paid', 'auto_budget_type' => 'Auto-budget', 'auto_budget_amount' => 'Auto-budget amount', 'auto_budget_period' => 'Auto-budget period', 'collected' => 'Collected', 'submitted' => 'Submitted', 'key' => 'Key', 'value' => 'Content of record' ];