. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace FireflyIII\Transformers\V2; use Carbon\Carbon; use FireflyIII\Exceptions\FireflyException; use FireflyIII\Models\Account; use FireflyIII\Models\AccountMeta; use FireflyIII\Models\AccountType; use FireflyIII\Models\TransactionCurrency; use FireflyIII\Repositories\UserGroups\Currency\CurrencyRepositoryInterface; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; /** * Class AccountTransformer */ class AccountTransformer extends AbstractTransformer { private array $accountMeta; private array $accountTypes; private array $balances; private array $convertedBalances; private array $currencies; private TransactionCurrency $default; /** * @throws FireflyException */ public function collectMetaData(Collection $objects): Collection { $this->currencies = []; $this->accountMeta = []; $this->accountTypes = []; $this->balances = app('steam')->balancesByAccounts($objects, $this->getDate()); $this->convertedBalances = app('steam')->balancesByAccountsConverted($objects, $this->getDate()); /** @var CurrencyRepositoryInterface $repository */ $repository = app(CurrencyRepositoryInterface::class); $this->default = app('amount')->getDefaultCurrency(); // get currencies: $accountIds = $objects->pluck('id')->toArray(); $meta = AccountMeta::whereIn('account_id', $accountIds) ->whereIn('name', ['currency_id', 'account_role', 'account_number']) ->get(['account_meta.id', 'account_meta.account_id', 'account_meta.name', 'account_meta.data']) ; $currencyIds = $meta->where('name', 'currency_id')->pluck('data')->toArray(); $currencies = $repository->getByIds($currencyIds); foreach ($currencies as $currency) { $id = $currency->id; $this->currencies[$id] = $currency; } foreach ($meta as $entry) { $id = $entry->account_id; $this->accountMeta[$id][$entry->name] = $entry->data; } // get account types: // select accounts.id, account_types.type from account_types left join accounts on accounts.account_type_id = account_types.id; $accountTypes = AccountType::leftJoin('accounts', 'accounts.account_type_id', '=', 'account_types.id') ->whereIn('accounts.id', $accountIds) ->get(['accounts.id', 'account_types.type']) ; /** @var AccountType $row */ foreach ($accountTypes as $row) { $this->accountTypes[$row->id] = (string)config(sprintf('firefly.shortNamesByFullName.%s', $row->type)); } // TODO needs separate method. $sort = $this->parameters->get('sort'); if (is_countable($sort) && count($sort) > 0) { foreach ($sort as $column => $direction) { // account_number + iban if ('iban' === $column) { $meta = $this->accountMeta; $objects = $objects->sort(function (Account $left, Account $right) use ($meta, $direction) { $leftIban = trim(sprintf('%s%s', $left->iban, $meta[$left->id]['account_number'] ?? '')); $rightIban = trim(sprintf('%s%s', $right->iban, $meta[$right->id]['account_number'] ?? '')); if ('asc' === $direction) { return strcasecmp($leftIban, $rightIban); } return strcasecmp($rightIban, $leftIban); }); } if ('balance' === $column) { $balances = $this->convertedBalances; $objects = $objects->sort(function (Account $left, Account $right) use ($balances, $direction) { $leftBalance = (float)($balances[$left->id]['native_balance'] ?? 0); $rightBalance = (float)($balances[$right->id]['native_balance'] ?? 0); if ('asc' === $direction) { return $leftBalance <=> $rightBalance; } return $rightBalance <=> $leftBalance; }); } } } // $objects = $objects->sortByDesc('name'); return $objects; } private function getDate(): Carbon { $date = today(config('app.timezone')); if (null !== $this->parameters->get('date')) { $date = $this->parameters->get('date'); } return $date; } /** * Transform the account. */ public function transform(Account $account): array { $id = $account->id; // various meta $accountRole = $this->accountMeta[$id]['account_role'] ?? null; $accountType = $this->accountTypes[$id]; $order = $account->order; // no currency? use default $currency = $this->default; if (array_key_exists($id, $this->accountMeta) && 0 !== (int)$this->accountMeta[$id]['currency_id']) { $currency = $this->currencies[(int)$this->accountMeta[$id]['currency_id']]; } // amounts and calculation. $balance = $this->balances[$id] ?? null; $nativeBalance = $this->convertedBalances[$id]['native_balance'] ?? null; // no order for some accounts: if (!in_array(strtolower($accountType), ['liability', 'liabilities', 'asset'], true)) { $order = null; } return [ 'id' => (string)$account->id, 'created_at' => $account->created_at->toAtomString(), 'updated_at' => $account->updated_at->toAtomString(), 'active' => $account->active, 'order' => $order, 'name' => $account->name, 'iban' => '' === (string)$account->iban ? null : $account->iban, 'account_number' => $this->accountMeta[$id]['account_number'] ?? null, 'type' => strtolower($accountType), 'account_role' => $accountRole, 'currency_id' => (string)$currency->id, 'currency_code' => $currency->code, 'currency_symbol' => $currency->symbol, 'currency_decimal_places' => $currency->decimal_places, 'native_currency_id' => (string)$this->default->id, 'native_currency_code' => $this->default->code, 'native_currency_symbol' => $this->default->symbol, 'native_currency_decimal_places' => $this->default->decimal_places, // balance: 'current_balance' => $balance, 'native_current_balance' => $nativeBalance, 'current_balance_date' => $this->getDate()->endOfDay()->toAtomString(), // more meta // 'notes' => $this->repository->getNoteText($account), // 'monthly_payment_date' => $monthlyPaymentDate, // 'credit_card_type' => $creditCardType, // 'account_number' => $this->repository->getMetaValue($account, 'account_number'), // 'bic' => $this->repository->getMetaValue($account, 'BIC'), // 'virtual_balance' => number_format((float) $account->virtual_balance, $decimalPlaces, '.', ''), // 'opening_balance' => $openingBalance, // 'opening_balance_date' => $openingBalanceDate, // 'liability_type' => $liabilityType, // 'liability_direction' => $liabilityDirection, // 'interest' => $interest, // 'interest_period' => $interestPeriod, // 'current_debt' => $this->repository->getMetaValue($account, 'current_debt'), // 'include_net_worth' => $includeNetWorth, // 'longitude' => $longitude, // 'latitude' => $latitude, // 'zoom_level' => $zoomLevel, 'links' => [ [ 'rel' => 'self', 'uri' => '/accounts/'.$account->id, ], ], ]; } }