uploadDisk = Storage::disk('upload'); $this->exportDisk = Storage::disk('export'); $this->expected = 'csv-upload-' . Auth::user()->id . '-'; } /** * */ public function run() { // grab upload directory. $files = $this->uploadDisk->files(); Log::debug('Found ' . count($files) . ' files in the upload directory.'); foreach ($files as $entry) { $this->processOldUpload($entry); } } /** * @param string $entry * * @return string */ private function getOriginalUploadDate(string $entry): string { // this is an original upload. $parts = explode('-', str_replace(['.csv.encrypted', $this->expected], '', $entry)); $originalUpload = intval($parts[1]); $date = date('Y-m-d \a\t H-i-s', $originalUpload); return $date; } /** * @param string $entry * * @return bool */ private function isValidFile(string $entry): bool { $len = strlen($this->expected); if (substr($entry, 0, $len) === $this->expected) { Log::debug($entry . ' is part of this users original uploads.'); return true; } Log::debug($entry . ' is not part of this users original uploads.'); return false; } /** * @param $entry */ private function processOldUpload(string $entry) { $content = ''; if ($this->isValidFile($entry)) { try { $content = Crypt::decrypt($this->uploadDisk->get($entry)); } catch (DecryptException $e) { Log::error('Could not decrypt old CSV import file ' . $entry . '. Skipped because ' . $e->getMessage()); } } if (strlen($content) > 0) { // continue with file: $date = $this->getOriginalUploadDate($entry); $file = $this->job->key . '-Old CSV import dated ' . $date . '.csv'; Log::debug('Will put "' . $file . '" in the zip file.'); $this->exportDisk->put($file, $content); $this->getFiles()->push($file); } } }