# You can leave this on "local". If you change it to production most console commands will ask for extra confirmation. # Never set it to "testing". APP_ENV=local # Set to true if you want to see debug information in error screens. APP_DEBUG=false # This should be your email address SITE_OWNER=mail@example.com # The encryption key for your sessions. Keep this very secure. # If you generate a new one existing data must be considered LOST. # Change it to a string of exactly 32 chars or use command `php artisan key:generate` to generate it APP_KEY=SomeRandomStringOf32CharsExactly # Change this value to your preferred time zone. # Example: Europe/Amsterdam TZ=Europe/Amsterdam # This variable must match your installation's external address but keep in mind that # it's only used on the command line as a fallback value. APP_URL=http://localhost # TRUSTED_PROXIES is a useful variable when using Docker and/or a reverse proxy. # Set it to ** and reverse proxies work just fine. TRUSTED_PROXIES= # The log channel defines where your log entries go to. # - Docker + versions <= and before: use "stdout" # - Docker + versions > use "docker_out" # - For everything else, use 'daily' # Several other options exist. You can use 'single' for one big fat error log (not recommended). # Also available are 'syslog', 'errorlog' and 'stdout' which will log to the system itself. LOG_CHANNEL=stdout # Log level. You can set this from least severe to most severe: # debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency # If you set it to debug your logs will grow large, and fast. If you set it to emergency probably # nothing will get logged, ever. APP_LOG_LEVEL=notice # Database credentials. Make sure the database exists. I recommend a dedicated user for Firefly III # For other database types, please see the FAQ: https://docs.firefly-iii.org/support/faq DB_CONNECTION=pgsql DB_HOST=firefly_iii_db DB_PORT=5432 DB_DATABASE=firefly DB_USERNAME=firefly DB_PASSWORD=secret_firefly_password # PostgreSQL supports SSL. You can configure it here. PGSQL_SSL_MODE=prefer PGSQL_SSL_ROOT_CERT=null PGSQL_SSL_CERT=null PGSQL_SSL_KEY=null PGSQL_SSL_CRL_FILE=null # If you're looking for performance improvements, you could install memcached. CACHE_DRIVER=file SESSION_DRIVER=file # If you set either of these to 'redis', you might want to update these settings too REDIS_HOST= REDIS_PASSWORD=null REDIS_PORT=6379 REDIS_DB="0" # always use quotes REDIS_CACHE_DB="1" # Cookie settings. Should not be necessary to change these. COOKIE_PATH="/" COOKIE_DOMAIN= COOKIE_SECURE=false # If you want Firefly III to mail you, update these settings # For instructions, see: https://docs.firefly-iii.org/advanced-installation/email MAIL_DRIVER=log MAIL_HOST=smtp.mailtrap.io MAIL_PORT=2525 MAIL_FROM=changeme@example.com MAIL_USERNAME=null MAIL_PASSWORD=null MAIL_ENCRYPTION=null # Other mail drivers: MAILGUN_DOMAIN= MAILGUN_SECRET= # If you are on EU region in mailgun, use api.eu.mailgun.net, otherwise use api.mailgun.net MAILGUN_ENDPOINT=api.mailgun.net MANDRILL_SECRET= SPARKPOST_SECRET= # Firefly III can send you the following messages SEND_REGISTRATION_MAIL=true SEND_ERROR_MESSAGE=true # These messages contain (sensitive) transaction information: SEND_REPORT_JOURNALS=true # Set a Mapbox API key here (see mapbox.com) so there might be a map available at various places. MAPBOX_API_KEY= # The map will default to this location: MAP_DEFAULT_LAT=51.983333 MAP_DEFAULT_LONG=5.916667 MAP_DEFAULT_ZOOM=6 # Firefly III currently supports two provider for live Currency Exchange Rates: # "fixer", and "ratesapi". # RatesApi.IO (see https://ratesapi.io) is a FREE and OPEN SOURCE live currency exchange rates, # built compatible with Fixer.IO, based on data published by European Central Bank, and doesn't require API key. CER_PROVIDER=ratesapi # If you have select "fixer" as default currency exchange rates, # set a Fixer IO API key here (see https://fixer.io) to enable live currency exchange rates. # Please note that this WILL ONLY WORK FOR PAID fixer.io accounts because they severely limited # the free API up to the point where you might as well offer nothing. FIXER_API_KEY= # Firefly III has two options for user authentication. "eloquent" is the default, # and "ldap" for LDAP servers. # For full instructions on these settings please visit: # https://docs.firefly-iii.org/advanced-installation/authentication LOGIN_PROVIDER=eloquent # LDAP connection configuration # OpenLDAP, FreeIPA or ActiveDirectory ADLDAP_CONNECTION_SCHEME=OpenLDAP ADLDAP_AUTO_CONNECT=true # LDAP connection settings ADLDAP_CONTROLLERS= ADLDAP_PORT=389 ADLDAP_TIMEOUT=5 ADLDAP_BASEDN="" ADLDAP_FOLLOW_REFFERALS=false ADLDAP_USE_SSL=false ADLDAP_USE_TLS=false ADLDAP_ADMIN_USERNAME= ADLDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD= ADLDAP_ACCOUNT_PREFIX= ADLDAP_ACCOUNT_SUFFIX= # LDAP authentication settings. ADLDAP_PASSWORD_SYNC=false ADLDAP_LOGIN_FALLBACK=false ADLDAP_DISCOVER_FIELD=distinguishedname ADLDAP_AUTH_FIELD=distinguishedname # Will allow SSO if your server provides an AUTH_USER field. WINDOWS_SSO_DISCOVER=samaccountname WINDOWS_SSO_KEY=AUTH_USER # field to sync as local username. ADLDAP_SYNC_FIELD=userprincipalname # You can disable the X-Frame-Options header if it interferes with tools like # Organizr. This is at your own risk. Applications running in frames run the risk # of leaking information to their parent frame. DISABLE_FRAME_HEADER=false # You can disable the Content Security Policy header when you're using an ancient browser # or any version of Microsoft Edge / Internet Explorer (which amounts to the same thing really) # This leaves you with the risk of not being able to stop XSS bugs should they ever surface. # This is at your own risk. DISABLE_CSP_HEADER=false # If you wish to track your own behavior over Firefly III, set valid analytics tracker information here. # Nobody uses this except for me on the demo site. But hey, feel free to use this if you want to. # Do not prepend the TRACKER_URL with http:// or https:// # The only tracker supported is Matomo. TRACKER_SITE_ID= TRACKER_URL= # You can fine tune the start-up of a Docker container by editing these environment variables. # Use this at your own risk. Disabling certain checks and features may result in lost of inconsistent data. # However if you know what you're doing you can significantly speed up container start times. # Set each value to true to enable, or false to disable. # Check if the SQLite database exists. Can be skipped if you're not using SQLite. # Won't significantly speed up things. DKR_CHECK_SQLITE=true # Run database creation and migration commands. Disable this only if you're 100% sure the DB exists # and is up to date. DKR_RUN_MIGRATION=true # Run database upgrade commands. Disable this only when you're 100% sure your DB is up-to-date # with the latest fixes (outside of migrations!) DKR_RUN_UPGRADE=true # Verify database integrity. Includes all data checks and verifications. # Disabling this makes Firefly III assume your DB is intact. DKR_RUN_VERIFY=true # Run database reporting commands. When disabled, Firefly III won't go over your data to report current state. # Disabling this should have no impact on data integrity or safety but it won't warn you of possible issues. DKR_RUN_REPORT=true # Generate OAuth2 keys. # When disabled, Firefly III won't attempt to generate OAuth2 Passport keys. This won't be an issue, IFF (if and only if) # you had previously generated keys already and they're stored in your database for restoration. DKR_RUN_PASSPORT_INSTALL=true # Leave the following configuration vars as is. # Unless you like to tinker and know what you're doing. APP_NAME=FireflyIII ADLDAP_CONNECTION=default BROADCAST_DRIVER=log QUEUE_DRIVER=sync CACHE_PREFIX=firefly SEARCH_RESULT_LIMIT=50 PUSHER_KEY= PUSHER_SECRET= PUSHER_ID= DEMO_USERNAME= DEMO_PASSWORD= USE_ENCRYPTION=false IS_SANDSTORM=false IS_DOCKER=false IS_HEROKU=false BUNQ_USE_SANDBOX=false