2014-11-18 10:11:18 +01:00

160 lines
3.9 KiB

* Generated by PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator on 2014-11-18 at 09:03:30.
class BudgetControllerTest extends TestCase
* @var BudgetController
protected $object;
* Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
* This method is called before a test is executed.
public function setUp()
* Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.
* This method is called after a test is executed.
protected function tearDown()
* @covers BudgetController::amount
* @todo Implement testAmount().
public function testAmount()
// Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
'This test has not been implemented yet.'
* @covers BudgetController::create
* @todo Implement testCreate().
public function testCreate()
// Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
'This test has not been implemented yet.'
* @covers BudgetController::delete
* @todo Implement testDelete().
public function testDelete()
// Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
'This test has not been implemented yet.'
* @covers BudgetController::destroy
* @todo Implement testDestroy().
public function testDestroy()
// Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
'This test has not been implemented yet.'
* @covers BudgetController::edit
* @todo Implement testEdit().
public function testEdit()
// Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
'This test has not been implemented yet.'
* @covers BudgetController::index
* @todo Implement testIndex().
public function testIndex()
// Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
'This test has not been implemented yet.'
* @covers BudgetController::postUpdateIncome
* @todo Implement testPostUpdateIncome().
public function testPostUpdateIncome()
// Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
'This test has not been implemented yet.'
* @covers BudgetController::show
* @todo Implement testShow().
public function testShow()
// Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
'This test has not been implemented yet.'
* @covers BudgetController::store
* @todo Implement testStore().
public function testStore()
// Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
'This test has not been implemented yet.'
* @covers BudgetController::update
* @todo Implement testUpdate().
public function testUpdate()
// Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
'This test has not been implemented yet.'
* @covers BudgetController::updateIncome
* @todo Implement testUpdateIncome().
public function testUpdateIncome()
// Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
'This test has not been implemented yet.'