2024-01-01 14:43:56 +01:00

366 lines
15 KiB

* CreateAutoBudgetLimits.php
* Copyright (c) 2020
* This file is part of Firefly III (
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
namespace FireflyIII\Jobs;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use FireflyIII\Exceptions\FireflyException;
use FireflyIII\Models\AutoBudget;
use FireflyIII\Models\Budget;
use FireflyIII\Models\BudgetLimit;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Budget\OperationsRepositoryInterface;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
* Class CreateAutoBudgetLimits
class CreateAutoBudgetLimits implements ShouldQueue
use Dispatchable;
use InteractsWithQueue;
use Queueable;
use SerializesModels;
private Carbon $date;
* Create a new job instance.
public function __construct(?Carbon $date)
if (null !== $date) {
$newDate = clone $date;
$this->date = $newDate;
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Created new CreateAutoBudgetLimits("%s")', $this->date->format('Y-m-d')));
* Execute the job.
* @throws FireflyException
public function handle(): void
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Now at start of CreateAutoBudgetLimits() job for %s.', $this->date->format('D d M Y')));
$autoBudgets = AutoBudget::get();
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Found %d auto budgets.', $autoBudgets->count()));
foreach ($autoBudgets as $autoBudget) {
public function setDate(Carbon $date): void
$newDate = clone $date;
$this->date = $newDate;
* @throws FireflyException
private function handleAutoBudget(AutoBudget $autoBudget): void
if (null === $autoBudget->budget) {
app('log')->info(sprintf('Auto budget #%d is associated with a deleted budget.', $autoBudget->id));
if (false === $autoBudget->budget->active) {
app('log')->info(sprintf('Auto budget #%d is associated with an inactive budget.', $autoBudget->id));
if (!$this->isMagicDay($autoBudget)) {
'Today (%s) is not a magic day for %s auto-budget #%d (part of budget #%d "%s")',
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Done with auto budget #%d', $autoBudget->id));
'Today (%s) is a magic day for %s auto-budget #%d (part of budget #%d "%s")',
// get date range for budget limit, based on range in auto-budget
$start = app('navigation')->startOfPeriod($this->date, $autoBudget->period);
$end = app('navigation')->endOfPeriod($start, $autoBudget->period);
// find budget limit:
$budgetLimit = $this->findBudgetLimit($autoBudget->budget, $start, $end);
if (null === $budgetLimit && AutoBudget::AUTO_BUDGET_RESET === (int)$autoBudget->auto_budget_type) {
// that's easy: create one.
// do nothing else.
$this->createBudgetLimit($autoBudget, $start, $end);
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Done with auto budget #%d', $autoBudget->id));
if (null === $budgetLimit && AutoBudget::AUTO_BUDGET_ROLLOVER === (int)$autoBudget->auto_budget_type) {
// budget limit exists already,
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Done with auto budget #%d', $autoBudget->id));
if (null === $budgetLimit && AutoBudget::AUTO_BUDGET_ADJUSTED === (int)$autoBudget->auto_budget_type) {
// budget limit exists already,
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Done with auto budget #%d', $autoBudget->id));
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Done with auto budget #%d', $autoBudget->id));
* @throws FireflyException
private function isMagicDay(AutoBudget $autoBudget): bool
if ('daily' === $autoBudget->period) {
return true;
if ('weekly' === $autoBudget->period) {
return $this->date->isMonday();
if ('monthly' === $autoBudget->period) {
return 1 === $this->date->day;
if ('quarterly' === $autoBudget->period) {
$format = 'm-d';
$value = $this->date->format($format);
return in_array($value, ['01-01', '04-01', '07-01', '10-01'], true);
if ('half_year' === $autoBudget->period) {
$format = 'm-d';
$value = $this->date->format($format);
return in_array($value, ['01-01', '07-01'], true);
if ('yearly' === $autoBudget->period) {
$format = 'm-d';
$value = $this->date->format($format);
return '01-01' === $value;
throw new FireflyException(sprintf('isMagicDay() can\'t handle period "%s"', $autoBudget->period));
private function findBudgetLimit(Budget $budget, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): ?BudgetLimit
'Going to find a budget limit for budget #%d ("%s") between %s and %s',
return $budget->budgetlimits()
->where('start_date', $start->format('Y-m-d'))
->where('end_date', $end->format('Y-m-d'))->first()
private function createBudgetLimit(AutoBudget $autoBudget, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, ?string $amount = null): void
app('log')->debug(sprintf('No budget limit exist. Must create one for auto-budget #%d', $autoBudget->id));
if (null !== $amount) {
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Amount is overruled and will be set to %s', $amount));
$budgetLimit = new BudgetLimit();
$budgetLimit->start_date = $start;
$budgetLimit->end_date = $end;
$budgetLimit->amount = $amount ?? $autoBudget->amount;
$budgetLimit->period = $autoBudget->period;
$budgetLimit->generated = 1;
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Created budget limit #%d.', $budgetLimit->id));
* @throws FireflyException
private function createRollover(AutoBudget $autoBudget): void
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Will now manage rollover for auto budget #%d', $autoBudget->id));
// current period:
$start = app('navigation')->startOfPeriod($this->date, $autoBudget->period);
$end = app('navigation')->endOfPeriod($start, $autoBudget->period);
// which means previous period:
$previousStart = app('navigation')->subtractPeriod($start, $autoBudget->period);
$previousEnd = app('navigation')->endOfPeriod($previousStart, $autoBudget->period);
'Current period is %s-%s, so previous period is %s-%s',
// has budget limit in previous period?
$budgetLimit = $this->findBudgetLimit($autoBudget->budget, $previousStart, $previousEnd);
if (null === $budgetLimit) {
app('log')->debug('No budget limit exists in previous period, so create one.');
// if not, create it and we're done.
$this->createBudgetLimit($autoBudget, $start, $end);
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Done with auto budget #%d', $autoBudget->id));
app('log')->debug('Budget limit exists for previous period.');
// if has one, calculate expenses and use that as a base.
$repository = app(OperationsRepositoryInterface::class);
$spent = $repository->sumExpenses($previousStart, $previousEnd, null, new Collection([$autoBudget->budget]), $autoBudget->transactionCurrency);
$currencyId = $autoBudget->transaction_currency_id;
$spentAmount = $spent[$currencyId]['sum'] ?? '0';
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Spent in previous budget period (%s-%s) is %s', $previousStart->format('Y-m-d'), $previousEnd->format('Y-m-d'), $spentAmount));
// if you spent more in previous budget period, than whatever you had previous budget period, the amount resets
// previous budget limit + spent
$budgetLeft = bcadd($budgetLimit->amount, $spentAmount);
$totalAmount = $autoBudget->amount;
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Total amount left for previous budget period is %s', $budgetLeft));
if (-1 !== bccomp('0', $budgetLeft)) {
app('log')->info(sprintf('The amount left is negative, so it will be reset to %s.', $totalAmount));
if (1 !== bccomp('0', $budgetLeft)) {
$totalAmount = bcadd($budgetLeft, $totalAmount);
app('log')->info(sprintf('The amount left is positive, so the new amount will be %s.', $totalAmount));
// create budget limit:
$this->createBudgetLimit($autoBudget, $start, $end, $totalAmount);
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Done with auto budget #%d', $autoBudget->id));
private function createAdjustedLimit(AutoBudget $autoBudget): void
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Will now manage rollover for auto budget #%d', $autoBudget->id));
// current period:
$start = app('navigation')->startOfPeriod($this->date, $autoBudget->period);
$end = app('navigation')->endOfPeriod($start, $autoBudget->period);
// which means previous period:
$previousStart = app('navigation')->subtractPeriod($start, $autoBudget->period);
$previousEnd = app('navigation')->endOfPeriod($previousStart, $autoBudget->period);
'Current period is %s-%s, so previous period is %s-%s',
// has budget limit in previous period?
$budgetLimit = $this->findBudgetLimit($autoBudget->budget, $previousStart, $previousEnd);
if (null === $budgetLimit) {
app('log')->debug('No budget limit exists in previous period, so create one.');
// if not, create standard amount, and we're done.
$this->createBudgetLimit($autoBudget, $start, $end);
app('log')->debug('Budget limit exists for previous period.');
// if has one, calculate expenses and use that as a base.
$repository = app(OperationsRepositoryInterface::class);
$spent = $repository->sumExpenses($previousStart, $previousEnd, null, new Collection([$autoBudget->budget]), $autoBudget->transactionCurrency);
$currencyId = $autoBudget->transaction_currency_id;
$spentAmount = $spent[$currencyId]['sum'] ?? '0';
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Spent in previous budget period (%s-%s) is %s', $previousStart->format('Y-m-d'), $previousEnd->format('Y-m-d'), $spentAmount));
// what you spent in previous period PLUS the amount for the current period,
// if that is more than zero, that's the amount that will be set.
$budgetAvailable = bcadd(bcadd($budgetLimit->amount, $autoBudget->amount), $spentAmount);
$totalAmount = $autoBudget->amount;
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Total amount available for current budget period is %s', $budgetAvailable));
if (-1 !== bccomp($budgetAvailable, $totalAmount)) {
app('log')->info(sprintf('There is no overspending, no need to adjust. Budget limit amount will be %s.', $budgetAvailable));
// create budget limit:
$this->createBudgetLimit($autoBudget, $start, $end, $budgetAvailable);
if (1 !== bccomp($budgetAvailable, $totalAmount) && 1 === bccomp($budgetAvailable, '0')) {
app('log')->info(sprintf('There was overspending, so the new amount will be %s.', $budgetAvailable));
// create budget limit:
$this->createBudgetLimit($autoBudget, $start, $end, $budgetAvailable);
if (1 !== bccomp($budgetAvailable, $totalAmount) && -1 === bccomp($budgetAvailable, '0')) {
app('log')->info('There was overspending, but so much even this period cant fix that. Reset it to 1.');
// create budget limit:
$this->createBudgetLimit($autoBudget, $start, $end, '1');
app('log')->debug(sprintf('Done with auto budget #%d', $autoBudget->id));