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synced 2025-02-25 18:45:27 -06:00
55 lines
3.1 KiB
55 lines
3.1 KiB
"firefly": {
"welcome_back": "What's playing?",
"flash_error": "Hiba!",
"flash_success": "Siker!",
"close": "Bez\u00e1r\u00e1s",
"split_transaction_title": "Felosztott tranzakci\u00f3 le\u00edr\u00e1sa",
"errors_submission": "There was something wrong with your submission. Please check out the errors below.",
"split": "Feloszt\u00e1s",
"transaction_journal_information": "Tranzakci\u00f3s inform\u00e1ci\u00f3k",
"no_budget_pointer": "You seem to have no budgets yet. You should create some on the <a href=\"\/budgets\">budgets<\/a>-page. Budgets can help you keep track of expenses.",
"source_account": "Forr\u00e1s sz\u00e1mla",
"hidden_fields_preferences": "You can enable more transaction options in your <a href=\"\/preferences\">settings<\/a>.",
"destination_account": "C\u00e9lsz\u00e1mla",
"add_another_split": "M\u00e1sik feloszt\u00e1s hozz\u00e1ad\u00e1sa",
"submission": "Submission",
"create_another": "After storing, return here to create another one.",
"reset_after": "Reset form after submission",
"submit": "Bek\u00fcld\u00e9s",
"amount": "\u00d6sszeg",
"date": "D\u00e1tum",
"tags": "C\u00edmk\u00e9k",
"no_budget": "(nincs k\u00f6lts\u00e9gkeret)",
"category": "Kateg\u00f3ria",
"attachments": "Mell\u00e9kletek",
"notes": "Megjegyz\u00e9sek",
"update_transaction": "Update transaction",
"after_update_create_another": "After updating, return here to continue editing.",
"store_as_new": "Store as a new transaction instead of updating.",
"split_title_help": "Felosztott tranzakci\u00f3 l\u00e9trehoz\u00e1sakor meg kell adni egy glob\u00e1lis le\u00edr\u00e1st a tranzakci\u00f3 \u00f6sszes feloszt\u00e1sa r\u00e9sz\u00e9re.",
"none_in_select_list": "(nincs)",
"no_piggy_bank": "(no piggy bank)",
"description": "Le\u00edr\u00e1s",
"split_transaction_title_help": "If you create a split transaction, there must be a global description for all splits of the transaction.",
"destination_account_reconciliation": "You can't edit the destination account of a reconciliation transaction.",
"source_account_reconciliation": "You can't edit the source account of a reconciliation transaction.",
"budget": "K\u00f6lts\u00e9gkeret",
"you_create_withdrawal": "You're creating a withdrawal.",
"you_create_transfer": "You're creating a transfer.",
"you_create_deposit": "You're creating a deposit."
"form": {
"interest_date": "Kamatfizet\u00e9si id\u0151pont",
"book_date": "K\u00f6nyvel\u00e9s d\u00e1tuma",
"process_date": "Feldolgoz\u00e1s d\u00e1tuma",
"due_date": "Lej\u00e1rati id\u0151pont",
"foreign_amount": "Foreign amount",
"payment_date": "Fizet\u00e9s d\u00e1tuma",
"invoice_date": "Sz\u00e1mla d\u00e1tuma",
"internal_reference": "Bels\u0151 hivatkoz\u00e1s"
"config": {
"html_language": "hu"
} |