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* AccountController.php
* Copyright (C) 2016 thegrumpydictator@gmail.com
* This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
* of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace FireflyIII\Http\Controllers;
use Auth;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use ExpandedForm;
use FireflyIII\Crud\Account\AccountCrudInterface;
use FireflyIII\Http\Requests\AccountFormRequest;
use FireflyIII\Models\Account;
use FireflyIII\Models\AccountType;
use FireflyIII\Repositories\Account\AccountRepositoryInterface as ARI;
use FireflyIII\Support\CacheProperties;
use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Input;
use Navigation;
use Preferences;
use Session;
use Steam;
use URL;
use View;
* Class AccountController
* @package FireflyIII\Http\Controllers
class AccountController extends Controller
public function __construct()
View::share('mainTitleIcon', 'fa-credit-card');
View::share('title', trans('firefly.accounts'));
* @param string $what
* @return \Illuminate\View\View
public function create(string $what = 'asset')
$subTitleIcon = config('firefly.subIconsByIdentifier.' . $what);
$subTitle = trans('firefly.make_new_' . $what . '_account');
Session::flash('preFilled', []);
// put previous url in session if not redirect from store (not "create another").
if (session('accounts.create.fromStore') !== true) {
Session::put('accounts.create.url', URL::previous());
Session::flash('gaEventCategory', 'accounts');
Session::flash('gaEventAction', 'create-' . $what);
return view('accounts.create', compact('subTitleIcon', 'what', 'subTitle'));
* @param AccountCrudInterface $crud
* @param Account $account
* @return View
public function delete(AccountCrudInterface $crud, Account $account)
$typeName = config('firefly.shortNamesByFullName.' . $account->accountType->type);
$subTitle = trans('firefly.delete_' . $typeName . '_account', ['name' => $account->name]);
$accountList = ExpandedForm::makeSelectListWithEmpty($crud->getAccountsByType([$account->accountType->type]));
// put previous url in session
Session::put('accounts.delete.url', URL::previous());
Session::flash('gaEventCategory', 'accounts');
Session::flash('gaEventAction', 'delete-' . $typeName);
return view('accounts.delete', compact('account', 'subTitle', 'accountList'));
* @param AccountCrudInterface $crud
* @param Account $account
* @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
public function destroy(AccountCrudInterface $crud, Account $account)
$type = $account->accountType->type;
$typeName = config('firefly.shortNamesByFullName.' . $type);
$name = $account->name;
$moveTo = $crud->find(intval(Input::get('move_account_before_delete')));
$crud->destroy($account, $moveTo);
Session::flash('success', strval(trans('firefly.' . $typeName . '_deleted', ['name' => $name])));
return redirect(session('accounts.delete.url'));
* @param ARI $repository
* @param Account $account
* @return \Illuminate\View\View
public function edit(ARI $repository, Account $account)
$what = config('firefly.shortNamesByFullName')[$account->accountType->type];
$subTitle = trans('firefly.edit_' . $what . '_account', ['name' => $account->name]);
$subTitleIcon = config('firefly.subIconsByIdentifier.' . $what);
$openingBalance = $repository->openingBalanceTransaction($account);
// put previous url in session if not redirect from store (not "return_to_edit").
if (session('accounts.edit.fromUpdate') !== true) {
Session::put('accounts.edit.url', URL::previous());
// pre fill some useful values.
// the opening balance is tricky:
$openingBalanceAmount = null;
if ($openingBalance->id) {
$transaction = $repository->getFirstTransaction($openingBalance, $account);
$openingBalanceAmount = $transaction->amount;
$preFilled = [
'accountNumber' => $account->getMeta('accountNumber'),
'accountRole' => $account->getMeta('accountRole'),
'ccType' => $account->getMeta('ccType'),
'ccMonthlyPaymentDate' => $account->getMeta('ccMonthlyPaymentDate'),
'openingBalanceDate' => $openingBalance->id ? $openingBalance->date->format('Y-m-d') : null,
'openingBalance' => $openingBalanceAmount,
'virtualBalance' => round($account->virtual_balance, 2),
Session::flash('preFilled', $preFilled);
Session::flash('gaEventCategory', 'accounts');
Session::flash('gaEventAction', 'edit-' . $what);
return view('accounts.edit', compact('account', 'subTitle', 'subTitleIcon', 'openingBalance', 'what'));
* @param AccountCrudInterface $crud
* @param string $what
* @return View
public function index(AccountCrudInterface $crud, string $what)
$what = $what ?? 'asset';
$subTitle = trans('firefly.' . $what . '_accounts');
$subTitleIcon = config('firefly.subIconsByIdentifier.' . $what);
$types = config('firefly.accountTypesByIdentifier.' . $what);
$accounts = $crud->getAccountsByType($types);
$start = clone session('start', Carbon::now()->startOfMonth());
$end = clone session('end', Carbon::now()->endOfMonth());
$ids = $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray();
$startBalances = Steam::balancesById($ids, $start);
$endBalances = Steam::balancesById($ids, $end);
$activities = Steam::getLastActivities($ids);
function (Account $account) use ($activities, $startBalances, $endBalances) {
$account->lastActivityDate = $this->isInArray($activities, $account->id);
$account->startBalance = $this->isInArray($startBalances, $account->id);
$account->endBalance = $this->isInArray($endBalances, $account->id);
return view('accounts.index', compact('what', 'subTitleIcon', 'subTitle', 'accounts'));
* @param ARI $repository
* @param Account $account
* @return \Illuminate\View\View
public function show(ARI $repository, Account $account)
// show journals from current period only:
$subTitleIcon = config('firefly.subIconsByIdentifier.' . $account->accountType->type);
$subTitle = $account->name;
$range = Preferences::get('viewRange', '1M')->data;
$start = session('start', Navigation::startOfPeriod(new Carbon, $range));
$end = session('end', Navigation::endOfPeriod(new Carbon, $range));
$page = intval(Input::get('page'));
$pageSize = Preferences::get('transactionPageSize', 50)->data;
$offset = ($page - 1) * $pageSize;
$set = $repository->journalsInPeriod(new Collection([$account]), [], $start, $end);
$count = $set->count();
$subSet = $set->splice($offset, $pageSize);
$journals = new LengthAwarePaginator($subSet, $count, $pageSize, $page);
$journals->setPath('accounts/show/' . $account->id);
// grouped other months thing:
// oldest transaction in account:
$start = $repository->firstUseDate($account);
if ($start->year == 1900) {
$start = new Carbon;
$range = Preferences::get('viewRange', '1M')->data;
$start = Navigation::startOfPeriod($start, $range);
$end = Navigation::endOfX(new Carbon, $range);
$entries = new Collection;
// chart properties for cache:
$cache = new CacheProperties;
if ($cache->has()) {
$entries = $cache->get();
return view('accounts.show', compact('account', 'what', 'entries', 'subTitleIcon', 'journals', 'subTitle'));
while ($end >= $start) {
$end = Navigation::startOfPeriod($end, $range);
$currentEnd = Navigation::endOfPeriod($end, $range);
$spent = $this->spentInPeriod($account, $end, $currentEnd);
$earned = $this->earnedInPeriod($account, $end, $currentEnd);
$dateStr = $end->format('Y-m-d');
$dateName = Navigation::periodShow($end, $range);
$entries->push([$dateStr, $dateName, $spent, $earned]);
$end = Navigation::subtractPeriod($end, $range, 1);
return view('accounts.show', compact('account', 'what', 'entries', 'subTitleIcon', 'journals', 'subTitle'));
* @param ARI $repository
* @param Account $account
* @param string $date
* @return View
public function showWithDate(ARI $repository, Account $account, string $date)
$carbon = new Carbon($date);
$range = Preferences::get('viewRange', '1M')->data;
$start = Navigation::startOfPeriod($carbon, $range);
$end = Navigation::endOfPeriod($carbon, $range);
$subTitle = $account->name . ' (' . Navigation::periodShow($start, $range) . ')';
$page = intval(Input::get('page'));
$page = $page === 0 ? 1 : $page;
$pageSize = Preferences::get('transactionPageSize', 50)->data;
$offset = ($page - 1) * $pageSize;
$set = $repository->journalsInPeriod(new Collection([$account]), [], $start, $end);
$count = $set->count();
$subSet = $set->splice($offset, $pageSize);
$journals = new LengthAwarePaginator($subSet, $count, $pageSize, $page);
$journals->setPath('accounts/show/' . $account->id . '/' . $date);
return view('accounts.show_with_date', compact('category', 'date', 'account', 'journals', 'subTitle', 'carbon'));
* @param AccountFormRequest $request
* @param AccountCrudInterface $crud
* @return $this|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
public function store(AccountFormRequest $request, AccountCrudInterface $crud)
$accountData = [
'name' => $request->input('name'),
'accountType' => $request->input('what'),
'virtualBalance' => round($request->input('virtualBalance'), 2),
'virtualBalanceCurrency' => intval($request->input('amount_currency_id_virtualBalance')),
'active' => true,
'user' => Auth::user()->id,
'iban' => $request->input('iban'),
'accountNumber' => $request->input('accountNumber'),
'accountRole' => $request->input('accountRole'),
'openingBalance' => round($request->input('openingBalance'), 2),
'openingBalanceDate' => new Carbon((string)$request->input('openingBalanceDate')),
'openingBalanceCurrency' => intval($request->input('amount_currency_id_openingBalance')),
$account = $crud->store($accountData);
Session::flash('success', strval(trans('firefly.stored_new_account', ['name' => $account->name])));
// update preferences if necessary:
$frontPage = Preferences::get('frontPageAccounts', [])->data;
if (count($frontPage) > 0) {
$frontPage[] = $account->id;
Preferences::set('frontPageAccounts', $frontPage);
if (intval(Input::get('create_another')) === 1) {
// set value so create routine will not overwrite URL:
Session::put('accounts.create.fromStore', true);
return redirect(route('accounts.create', [$request->input('what')]))->withInput();
// redirect to previous URL.
return redirect(session('accounts.create.url'));
* @param AccountFormRequest $request
* @param AccountCrudInterface $crud
* @param Account $account
* @return $this|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
public function update(AccountFormRequest $request, AccountCrudInterface $crud, Account $account)
$accountData = [
'name' => $request->input('name'),
'active' => $request->input('active'),
'user' => Auth::user()->id,
'iban' => $request->input('iban'),
'accountNumber' => $request->input('accountNumber'),
'accountRole' => $request->input('accountRole'),
'virtualBalance' => round($request->input('virtualBalance'), 2),
'openingBalance' => round($request->input('openingBalance'), 2),
'openingBalanceDate' => new Carbon((string)$request->input('openingBalanceDate')),
'openingBalanceCurrency' => intval($request->input('amount_currency_id_openingBalance')),
'ccType' => $request->input('ccType'),
'ccMonthlyPaymentDate' => $request->input('ccMonthlyPaymentDate'),
$crud->update($account, $accountData);
Session::flash('success', strval(trans('firefly.updated_account', ['name' => $account->name])));
if (intval(Input::get('return_to_edit')) === 1) {
// set value so edit routine will not overwrite URL:
Session::put('accounts.edit.fromUpdate', true);
return redirect(route('accounts.edit', [$account->id]))->withInput(['return_to_edit' => 1]);
// redirect to previous URL.
return redirect(session('accounts.edit.url'));
* @param array $array
* @param int $entryId
* @return null|mixed
protected function isInArray(array $array, int $entryId)
if (isset($array[$entryId])) {
return $array[$entryId];
return '';
* Asset accounts actually earn money by being the destination of a deposit or the destination
* of a transfer. The money moves to them.
* A revenue account doesn't really earn money itself. Money is earned "from" the revenue account.
* So, the call to find out how many money has been earned by/from a revenue account is slightly different.
* @param Account $account
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return string
private function earnedInPeriod(Account $account, Carbon $start, Carbon $end)
/** @var ARI $repository */
$repository = app(ARI::class);
$collection = new Collection([$account]);
$type = $account->accountType->type;
switch ($type) {
case AccountType::DEFAULT:
case AccountType::ASSET:
return $repository->earnedInPeriod($collection, $start, $end);
case AccountType::REVENUE:
return $repository->earnedFromInPeriod($collection, $start, $end);
return '0';
* Asset accounts actually spend money by being the source of a withdrawal or the source
* of a transfer. The money moves away from them.
* An expense account doesn't really spend money itself. Money is spent "at" the expense account.
* So, the call to find out how many money has been spent on/at an expense account is slightly different.
* @param Account $account
* @param Carbon $start
* @param Carbon $end
* @return string
private function spentInPeriod(Account $account, Carbon $start, Carbon $end): string
/** @var ARI $repository */
$repository = app(ARI::class);
$collection = new Collection([$account]);
$type = $account->accountType->type;
switch ($type) {
case AccountType::DEFAULT:
case AccountType::ASSET:
return $repository->spentInPeriod($collection, $start, $end);
case AccountType::EXPENSE:
return $repository->spentAtInPeriod($collection, $start, $end);
return '0';