
103 lines
7.2 KiB

"firefly": {
"welcome_back": "Ce se red\u0103?",
"flash_error": "Eroare!",
"flash_success": "Succes!",
"close": "\u00cenchide",
"split_transaction_title": "Descrierea tranzac\u021biei divizate",
"errors_submission": "A fost ceva \u00een neregul\u0103 cu transmiterea dvs. V\u0103 rug\u0103m s\u0103 consulta\u021bi erorile de mai jos.",
"split": "\u00cemparte",
"single_split": "Split",
"transaction_stored_link": "<a href=\"transactions\/show\/{ID}\">Tranzac\u021bia #{ID} (\"{title}\")<\/a> a fost stocat\u0103.",
"transaction_updated_link": "<a href=\"transactions\/show\/{ID}\">Tranzac\u021bia #{ID}<\/a> a fost actualizat\u0103.",
"transaction_new_stored_link": "<a href=\"transactions\/show\/{ID}\">Tranzac\u021bia #{ID}<\/a> a fost stocat\u0103.",
"transaction_journal_information": "Informa\u021bii despre tranzac\u021bii",
"no_budget_pointer": "You seem to have no budgets yet. You should create some on the <a href=\"budgets\">budgets<\/a>-page. Budgets can help you keep track of expenses.",
"no_bill_pointer": "You seem to have no bills yet. You should create some on the <a href=\"bills\">bills<\/a>-page. Bills can help you keep track of expenses.",
"source_account": "Contul surs\u0103",
"hidden_fields_preferences": "You can enable more transaction options in your <a href=\"preferences\">preferences<\/a>.",
"destination_account": "Contul de destina\u021bie",
"add_another_split": "Ad\u0103uga\u021bi o divizare",
"submission": "Transmitere",
"create_another": "Dup\u0103 stocare, reveni\u021bi aici pentru a crea alta.",
"reset_after": "Reseta\u021bi formularul dup\u0103 trimitere",
"submit": "Trimite",
"amount": "Sum\u0103",
"date": "Dat\u0103",
"tags": "Etichete",
"no_budget": "(nici un buget)",
"no_bill": "(no bill)",
"category": "Categorie",
"attachments": "Ata\u0219amente",
"notes": "Noti\u021be",
"external_uri": "External URI",
"update_transaction": "Actualiza\u021bi tranzac\u021bia",
"after_update_create_another": "Dup\u0103 actualizare, reveni\u021bi aici pentru a continua editarea.",
"store_as_new": "Stoca\u021bi ca o tranzac\u021bie nou\u0103 \u00een loc s\u0103 actualiza\u021bi.",
"split_title_help": "Dac\u0103 crea\u021bi o tranzac\u021bie divizat\u0103, trebuie s\u0103 existe o descriere global\u0103 pentru toate diviziunile tranzac\u021biei.",
"none_in_select_list": "(nici unul)",
"no_piggy_bank": "(nicio pu\u0219culi\u021b\u0103)",
"description": "Descriere",
"split_transaction_title_help": "Dac\u0103 crea\u021bi o tranzac\u021bie divizat\u0103, trebuie s\u0103 existe o descriere global\u0103 pentru toate diviziunile tranzac\u021biei.",
"destination_account_reconciliation": "Nu pute\u021bi edita contul de destina\u021bie al unei tranzac\u021bii de reconciliere.",
"source_account_reconciliation": "Nu pute\u021bi edita contul surs\u0103 al unei tranzac\u021bii de reconciliere.",
"budget": "Buget",
"bill": "Factur\u0103",
"you_create_withdrawal": "Creezi o retragere.",
"you_create_transfer": "Creezi un transfer.",
"you_create_deposit": "Creezi un depozit.",
"edit": "Editeaz\u0103",
"delete": "\u0218terge",
"name": "Nume",
"profile_whoops": "Hopaa!",
"profile_something_wrong": "A ap\u0103rut o eroare!",
"profile_try_again": "A ap\u0103rut o problem\u0103. \u00cencerca\u021bi din nou.",
"profile_oauth_clients": "Clien\u021bi OAuth",
"profile_oauth_no_clients": "Nu a\u021bi creat niciun client OAuth.",
"profile_oauth_clients_header": "Clien\u021bi",
"profile_oauth_client_id": "ID Client",
"profile_oauth_client_name": "Nume",
"profile_oauth_client_secret": "Secret",
"profile_oauth_create_new_client": "Creare client nou",
"profile_oauth_create_client": "Creare client",
"profile_oauth_edit_client": "Editare client",
"profile_oauth_name_help": "Ceva ce utilizatorii vor recunoa\u0219te \u0219i vor avea \u00eencredere.",
"profile_oauth_redirect_url": "Redirectioneaza URL",
"profile_oauth_redirect_url_help": "URL-ul de retroapelare al aplica\u021biei dvs.",
"profile_authorized_apps": "Aplica\u021biile dvs autorizate",
"profile_authorized_clients": "Clien\u021bi autoriza\u021bi",
"profile_scopes": "Domenii",
"profile_revoke": "Revoca\u021bi",
"profile_personal_access_tokens": "Token de acces personal",
"profile_personal_access_token": "Token de acces personal",
"profile_personal_access_token_explanation": "Aici este noul dvs. token de acces personal. Este singura dat\u0103 c\u00e2nd va fi afi\u0219at a\u0219a c\u0103 nu \u00eel pierde! Acum po\u021bi folosi acest token pentru a face cereri API.",
"profile_no_personal_access_token": "Nu a\u0163i creat nici un token personal de acces.",
"profile_create_new_token": "Creaz\u0103 un nou token",
"profile_create_token": "Creaz\u0103 token",
"profile_create": "Creaz\u0103",
"profile_save_changes": "Salveaz\u0103 modific\u0103rile",
"default_group_title_name": "(ungrouped)",
"piggy_bank": "Pu\u0219culi\u021b\u0103",
"profile_oauth_client_secret_title": "Client Secret",
"profile_oauth_client_secret_expl": "Here is your new client secret. This is the only time it will be shown so don't lose it! You may now use this secret to make API requests.",
"profile_oauth_confidential": "Confidential",
"profile_oauth_confidential_help": "Require the client to authenticate with a secret. Confidential clients can hold credentials in a secure way without exposing them to unauthorized parties. Public applications, such as native desktop or JavaScript SPA applications, are unable to hold secrets securely.",
"multi_account_warning_unknown": "Depending on the type of transaction you create, the source and\/or destination account of subsequent splits may be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transaction.",
"multi_account_warning_withdrawal": "Keep in mind that the source account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the withdrawal.",
"multi_account_warning_deposit": "Keep in mind that the destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the deposit.",
"multi_account_warning_transfer": "Keep in mind that the source + destination account of subsequent splits will be overruled by whatever is defined in the first split of the transfer."
"form": {
"interest_date": "Data de interes",
"book_date": "Rezerv\u0103 dat\u0103",
"process_date": "Data proces\u0103rii",
"due_date": "Data scadent\u0103",
"foreign_amount": "Sum\u0103 str\u0103in\u0103",
"payment_date": "Data de plat\u0103",
"invoice_date": "Data facturii",
"internal_reference": "Referin\u021b\u0103 intern\u0103"
"config": {
"html_language": "ro"