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536 lines
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namespace Tests\Objects;
use Faker\Factory;
use RuntimeException;
* Class TestConfiguration
class TestConfiguration
protected const MAX_ITERATIONS = 3;
public const SHOW_DEBUG = false;
public array $ignores;
public array $mandatoryFieldSets;
public array $optionalFieldSets;
public array $parameters;
private array $expected;
private array $submission;
* TestConfiguration constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->submission = [];
$this->mandatoryFieldSets = [];
$this->optionalFieldSets = [];
$this->ignores = [];
$this->parameters = [];
$this->expected = [];
* @param FieldSet $set
public function addMandatoryFieldSet(FieldSet $set)
$this->mandatoryFieldSets[] = $set;
public function addOptionalFieldSet(string $key, FieldSet $set)
$this->optionalFieldSets[$key] = $set;
public function generateAll(): array
$this->debugMsg('Now in generateAll()');
// generate submissions
$array = $this->generateSubmissions();
//$expected = $this->generateExpected($array);
$parameters = $this->parameters;
$ignored = $this->ignores;
$expected = $this->expected;
// update ignored parameters:
$newIgnored = [];
foreach ($ignored as $index => $currentIgnored) {
$updated = [];
foreach ($currentIgnored as $key => $value) {
$key = (int)$key;
$positions = explode('/', $value);
$count = count($positions);
if (1 === $count) {
$updated[$key] = $value;
if (3 === $count) {
$root = $positions[0];
$count = (int)$positions[1];
$final = $positions[2];
$updated[$root][$count][] = $final;
$newIgnored[$index] = $updated;
// now create a combination for each submission and associated data:
$final = [];
foreach ($array as $index => $submission) {
$final[] = [[
'submission' => $submission,
'expected' => $expected[$index] ?? $submission,
'ignore' => $newIgnored[$index] ?? [],
'parameters' => $parameters[$index] ?? [],
return $final;
* @param string $message
private function debugMsg(string $message): void
if (true === self::SHOW_DEBUG) {
echo sprintf("%s\n", $message);
* @return array
private function generateSubmissions(): array
$this->debugMsg('Now in generateSubmissions()');
// first generate standard submissions:
$this->submission = [];
// loop each standard submission:
$this->debugMsg(sprintf('There are %d mandatory field sets', count($this->mandatoryFieldSets)));
/** @var FieldSet $set */
foreach ($this->mandatoryFieldSets as $set) {
$this->submission[] = $this->toArray($set);
// expand the standard submission with extra sets from the optional field set.
$setCount = count($this->optionalFieldSets);
$this->debugMsg('Just created a standard set');
if (0 !== $setCount) {
$keys = array_keys($this->optionalFieldSets);
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(' keys to consider are: %s', join(', ', $keys)));
$maxCount = count($keys) > self::MAX_ITERATIONS ? self::MAX_ITERATIONS : count($keys);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxCount; $i++) {
$combinationSets = $this->combinationsOf($i, $keys);
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(' will create %d extra sets.', count($combinationSets)));
foreach ($combinationSets as $ii => $combinationSet) {
$this->debugMsg(sprintf('Set %d/%d will consist of:', ($ii + 1), count($combinationSets)));
// the custom set is born!
$customFields = [];
$custom = $this->toArray($set);
$this->debugMsg(' refreshed!');
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(' %s', json_encode($custom)));
foreach ($combinationSet as $combination) {
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(' %s', $combination));
// here we start adding stuff to a copy of the standard submission.
/** @var FieldSet $customSet */
$customSet = $this->optionalFieldSets[$combination] ?? false;
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(' there are %d field(s) in this custom set', count(array_keys($customSet->fields))));
// loop each field in this custom set and add them, nothing more.
/** @var Field $field */
foreach ($customSet->fields as $field) {
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(' added field %s from custom set %s', $field->fieldTitle, $combination));
$custom = $this->parseField($custom, $field);
$customFields[] = $field;
$this->submission[] = $custom;
// at this point we can update the ignorable fields because we know the position
// of the submission in the array
$index = count($this->submission) - 1;
$this->updateIgnorables($index, $customFields);
$this->updateExpected($index, $customFields);
$totalCount = 0;
// no mandatory sets? Loop the optional sets:
if (0 === count($this->mandatoryFieldSets)) {
// expand the standard submission with extra sets from the optional field set.
$setCount = count($this->optionalFieldSets);
$this->debugMsg(sprintf('there are %d optional field sets', $setCount));
if (0 !== $setCount) {
$keys = array_keys($this->optionalFieldSets);
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(' keys to consider are: %s', join(', ', $keys)));
$maxCount = count($keys) > self::MAX_ITERATIONS ? self::MAX_ITERATIONS : count($keys);
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(' max count is %d', $maxCount));
for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxCount; $i++) {
$combinationSets = $this->combinationsOf($i, $keys);
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(' will create %d extra sets.', count($combinationSets)));
foreach ($combinationSets as $ii => $combinationSet) {
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(' Set #%d will consist of:', $totalCount));
// the custom set is born!
$custom = [];
$expected = [];
foreach ($combinationSet as $combination) {
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(' %s', $combination));
// here we start adding stuff to a copy of the standard submission.
/** @var FieldSet $customSet */
$customSet = $this->optionalFieldSets[$combination] ?? false;
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(sprintf(' there are %d field(s) in this custom set', count(array_keys($customSet->fields)))));
// loop each field in this custom set and add them, nothing more.
/** @var Field $field */
foreach ($customSet->fields as $field) {
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(' added field %s from custom set %s', $field->fieldTitle, $combination));
$custom = $this->parseField($custom, $field);
$expected = $this->parseExpected($expected, $field, $custom);
// for each field, add the ignores to the current index (+1!) of
// ignores.
$count = count($this->submission);
if (null !== $field->ignorableFields && count($field->ignorableFields) > 0) {
$currentIgnoreSet = $this->ignores[$count] ?? [];
$this->ignores[$count] = array_values(array_unique(array_values(array_merge($currentIgnoreSet, $field->ignorableFields))));
$this->expected[$count] = $expected;
$count = count($this->submission);
$this->parameters[$count] = $customSet->parameters ?? [];
$count = count($this->submission);
$this->submission[] = $custom;
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(' Created set #%d', $totalCount));
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(' Will submit: %s', json_encode($custom)));
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(' Will ignore: %s', json_encode($this->ignores[$count] ?? [])));
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(' Will expect: %s', json_encode($this->expected[$count] ?? [])));
return $this->submission;
* @param FieldSet $set
* @return array
private function toArray(FieldSet $set): array
$ignore = [];
$result = [];
$expected = [];
/** @var Field $field */
foreach ($set->fields as $field) {
// this is what we will submit:
$result = $this->parseField($result, $field);
$expected = $this->parseExpected($expected, $field, $result);
// this is what we will ignore:
$newIgnore = array_unique($ignore + $field->ignorableFields);
$ignore = $newIgnore;
$this->debugMsg(sprintf('Merged! ignores %s + %s = %s', json_encode($ignore), json_encode($field->ignorableFields), json_encode($newIgnore)));
$this->ignores[] = array_values($ignore);
$this->expected[] = $expected;
$this->parameters[] = $set->parameters ?? [];
return $result;
* @param array $current
* @param Field $field
* @return array
private function parseField(array $current, Field $field): array
// fieldTitle indicates the position:
$positions = explode('/', $field->fieldTitle);
$count = count($positions);
if (1 === $count) {
$current[$field->fieldTitle] = $this->generateFieldValue($field->fieldType);
return $current;
if (3 === $count) {
$root = $positions[0];
$count = (int)$positions[1];
$final = $positions[2];
$current[$root] = array_key_exists($root, $current) ? $current[$root] : [];
$current[$root][$count] = array_key_exists($count, $current[$root]) ? $current[$root][$count] : [];
$current[$root][$count][$final] = $this->generateFieldValue($field->fieldType);
return $current;
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Did not expect count %d from fieldTitle "%s".', $count, $field->fieldTitle));
* @param string $type
* @return mixed
private function generateFieldValue(string $type)
$faker = Factory::create();
switch ($type) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot handle field "%s"', $type));
case 'uuid':
return $faker->uuid;
case 'static-asset':
return 'asset';
case 'static-expense':
return 'expense';
case 'static-liabilities':
return 'liabilities';
case 'static-ccAsset':
return 'ccAsset';
case 'static-monthlyFull':
return 'monthlyFull';
case 'static-one':
return 1;
case 'static-journal-type':
return 'TransactionJournal';
case 'random-liability-type':
return $faker->randomElement(['loan', 'debt', 'mortgage']);
case 'random-journal-id':
return $faker->numberBetween(1, 25);
case 'random-amount':
return number_format($faker->randomFloat(2, 10, 100), 2);
case 'random-percentage':
return $faker->randomFloat(2, 1, 99);
case 'random-interest-period':
return $faker->randomElement(['daily', 'monthly', 'yearly']);
case 'random-bill-repeat-freq':
return $faker->randomElement(['half-year', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly']);
case 'random-past-date':
return $faker->dateTimeBetween('-3 years', '-1 years')->format('Y-m-d');
case 'random-future-date':
return $faker->dateTimeBetween('1 years', '3 years')->format('Y-m-d');
case 'random-date-two-year':
return $faker->dateTimeBetween('-2 years', '-1 years')->format('Y-m-d');
case 'random-date-one-year':
return $faker->dateTimeBetween('-1 years', 'now')->format('Y-m-d');
case 'random-asset-accountRole':
return $faker->randomElement(['defaultAsset', 'savingAsset']);
case 'random-transactionType':
return $faker->randomElement(['withdrawal', 'deposit', 'transfer']);
case 'boolean':
return $faker->boolean;
case 'iban':
case 'account_number':
return $faker->iban();
case 'bic':
return $faker->swiftBicNumber;
case 'random-currency-id':
return $faker->numberBetween(1, 10);
case 'random-currency-code':
return $faker->randomElement(['EUR', 'USD', 'HUF', 'GBP']);
case 'order':
return $faker->numberBetween(1, 5);
case 'latitude':
return $faker->latitude;
case 'longitude':
return $faker->longitude;
case 'random-zoom_level':
return $faker->numberBetween(1, 12);
case 'null':
return null;
case 'random-attachment-type':
return $faker->randomElement(['Account', 'Budget', 'Bill', 'TransactionJournal', 'PiggyBank', 'Tag',]);
case 'random-amount-min':
return number_format($faker->randomFloat(2, 10, 50), 2);
case 'random-amount-max':
return number_format($faker->randomFloat(2, 50, 100), 2);
case 'random-skip':
return $faker->numberBetween(0, 4);
case 'random-budget-id':
case 'random-category-id':
case 'random-piggy-id':
case 'random-og-id':
return $faker->numberBetween(1, 2);
case 'random-tags':
return $faker->randomElements(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'ef', 'gh'], 3);
case 'random-auto-type':
return $faker->randomElement(['rollover', 'reset']);
case 'random-auto-period':
return $faker->randomElement(['weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly']);
case 'static-auto-none':
return 'none';
case 'random-piggy-account':
return $faker->numberBetween(1, 3);
case 'static-withdrawal':
return 'withdrawal';
case 'static-ndom':
return 'ndom';
case 'moment-ndom':
return sprintf('%d,%d', $faker->numberBetween(1, 4), $faker->numberBetween(1, 7));
case 'static-monthly':
return 'monthly';
case 'moment-monthly':
return $faker->numberBetween(1, 28);
case 'static-yearly':
return 'yearly';
case 'static-deposit':
return 'deposit';
case 'static-transfer':
return 'transfer';
case 'static-type-weekly':
return 'weekly';
case 'random-nr-of-reps':
return $faker->numberBetween(5, 12);
case 'weekend':
return $faker->numberBetween(1, 4);
case 'random-asset-id':
return $faker->randomElement([1, 2, 3]);
case 'random-other-asset-id':
return $faker->randomElement([4, 5, 6]);
case 'random-expense-id':
return $faker->randomElement([8, 11, 12]);
case 'random-revenue-id':
return $faker->randomElement([9, 10]);
* @param array $expected
* @param Field $field
* @param array $result
* @return array
private function parseExpected(array $expected, Field $field, array $result): array
// fieldTitle indicates the position:
$positions = explode('/', $field->fieldTitle);
$count = count($positions);
if (1 === $count && null === $field->expectedReturn) {
$expected[$field->fieldTitle] = $result[$field->fieldTitle];
$this->debugMsg(sprintf(' Expected result of field "%s" = "%s"', $field->fieldTitle, $expected[$field->fieldTitle]));
return $expected;
if (1 === $count && null !== $field->expectedReturn) {
// call the closure!
$expected[$field->fieldTitle] = ($field->expectedReturn)($result[$field->fieldTitle]);
return $expected;
if (3 === $count) {
$root = $positions[0];
$count = (int)$positions[1];
$final = $positions[2];
$expected[$root] = array_key_exists($root, $expected) ? $expected[$root] : [];
$expected[$root][$count] = array_key_exists($count, $expected[$root]) ? $expected[$root][$count] : [];
$expected[$root][$count][$final] = null;
if (null === $field->expectedReturn) {
$expected[$root][$count][$final] = $result[$root][$count][$final] ?? false;
if (null !== $field->expectedReturn) {
$expected[$root][$count][$final] = ($field->expectedReturn)($result[$root][$count][$final] ?? false);
return $expected;
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Did not expect count %d from fieldTitle "%s".', $count, $field->fieldTitle));
* @param $k
* @param $xs
* @return array|array[]
private function combinationsOf($k, $xs): array
if ($k === 0) {
return [[]];
if (count($xs) === 0) {
return [];
$x = $xs[0];
$xs1 = array_slice($xs, 1, count($xs) - 1);
$res1 = $this->combinationsOf($k - 1, $xs1);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($res1); $i++) {
array_splice($res1[$i], 0, 0, $x);
$res2 = $this->combinationsOf($k, $xs1);
return array_merge($res1, $res2);
* @param int $index
* @param array $customFields
function updateIgnorables(int $index, array $customFields): void
if (count($customFields) > 0) {
/** @var Field $field */
foreach ($customFields as $field) {
if (0 !== count($field->ignorableFields)) {
$this->ignores[$index] = array_values(array_unique(array_values(array_merge($this->ignores[$index], $field->ignorableFields))));
* @param int $index
* @param array $customFields
function updateExpected(int $index, array $customFields): void
if (count($customFields) > 0) {
/** @var Field $field */
foreach ($customFields as $field) {
// fieldTitle indicates the position:
$positions = explode('/', $field->fieldTitle);
$count = count($positions);
if (1 === $count) {
if (null === $field->expectedReturn) {
$this->expected[$index][$field->fieldTitle] = $this->submission[$index][$field->fieldTitle];
if (null !== $field->expectedReturn) {
$this->expected[$index][$field->fieldTitle] = ($field->expectedReturn)($this->submission[$index][$field->fieldTitle]);
if (3 === $count) {
$root = $positions[0];
$count = (int)$positions[1];
$final = $positions[2];
$this->expected[$index][$root] = array_key_exists($root, $this->expected[$index]) ? $this->expected[$index][$root] : [];
$this->expected[$index][$root][$count] = array_key_exists($count, $this->expected[$index][$root])
? $this->expected[$index][$root][$count] : [];
$this->expected[$index][$root][$count][$final] = $this->submission[$index][$root][$count][$final];
* @param FieldSet $optionalFieldSet
public function setOptionalFieldSet(FieldSet $optionalFieldSet): void
$this->optionalFieldSet = $optionalFieldSet;
} |