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* firefly.php
* Copyright (c) 2019 thegrumpydictator@gmail.com
* This file is part of Firefly III (https://github.com/firefly-iii).
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
return [
// general stuff:
'close' => 'Dekat',
'actions' => 'Tindakan',
'edit' => 'Edit',
'delete' => 'Menghapus',
'split' => 'Pisah',
'clone' => 'Duplikasi',
'last_seven_days' => '7 hari terakhir',
'last_thirty_days' => '30 hari terakhir',
'welcomeBack' => 'What\'s playing?',
'welcome_back' => 'What\'s playing?',
'everything' => 'Segala sesuatu',
'today' => 'hari ini',
'customRange' => 'Rentang khusus',
'apply' => 'Menerapkan',
'select_date' => 'Pilih tanggal..',
'cancel' => 'Membatalkan',
'from' => 'Dari',
'to' => 'Untuk',
'structure' => 'Structure',
'help_translating' => 'This help text is not yet available in your language. <a href="https://crowdin.com/project/firefly-iii-help">Will you help translate?</a>',
'showEverything' => 'Tunjukkan semuanya',
'never' => 'Tak pernah',
'no_results_for_empty_search' => 'Pencarian Anda kosong, jadi tidak ada yang ditemukan.',
'removed_amount' => 'Dihapus :amount',
'added_amount' => 'Ditambahkan :amount',
'asset_account_role_help' => 'Setiap pilihan tambahan yang dihasilkan dari pilihan Anda dapat diatur nanti.',
'Opening balance' => 'Saldo awal',
'create_new_stuff' => 'Buat barang baru',
'new_withdrawal' => 'Penarikan baru',
'create_new_transaction' => 'Create new transaction',
'new_transaction' => 'New transaction',
'no_rules_for_bill' => 'This bill has no rules associated to it.',
'go_to_asset_accounts' => 'View your asset accounts',
'go_to_budgets' => 'Go to your budgets',
'clone_instructions' => 'To clone a transaction, search for the "store as new" checkbox in the edit screen',
'go_to_categories' => 'Go to your categories',
'go_to_bills' => 'Go to your bills',
'go_to_expense_accounts' => 'See your expense accounts',
'go_to_revenue_accounts' => 'See your revenue accounts',
'go_to_piggies' => 'Go to your piggy banks',
'new_deposit' => 'Deposit baru',
'new_transfer' => 'Transfer baru',
'new_transfers' => 'New transfer',
'new_asset_account' => 'Akun aset baru',
'new_expense_account' => 'Akun pengeluaran baru',
'new_revenue_account' => 'Akun pendapatan baru',
'new_liabilities_account' => 'New liability',
'new_budget' => 'Anggaran baru',
'new_bill' => 'Tagihan baru',
'block_account_logout' => 'Kamu telah keluar Akun yang diblokir tidak dapat menggunakan situs ini. Apakah Anda mendaftar dengan alamat email yang benar?',
'flash_success' => 'Keberhasilan!',
'flash_info' => 'Pesan',
'flash_warning' => 'PERINGATAN!',
'flash_error' => 'Kesalahan!',
'flash_info_multiple' => 'Ada satu pesan|Ada :count pesan',
'flash_error_multiple' => 'Ada satu kesalahan|Ada :count kesalahan',
'net_worth' => 'Nilai bersih',
'route_has_no_help' => 'Tidak ada bantuan untuk rute ini.',
'help_for_this_page' => 'Help for this page',
'no_help_could_be_found' => 'No help text could be found.',
'no_help_title' => 'Apologies, an error occurred.',
'two_factor_welcome' => 'Hello!',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Untuk melanjutkan, masukkan kode otentikasi dua faktor Anda. Aplikasi Anda bisa menghasilkannya untuk Anda.',
'two_factor_code_here' => 'Masukkan kode di sini',
'two_factor_title' => 'Dua faktor otentikasi',
'authenticate' => 'Otentikasi',
'two_factor_forgot_title' => 'Kehilangan dua faktor otentikasi',
'two_factor_forgot' => 'Saya lupa dua faktor saya.',
'two_factor_lost_header' => 'Kehilangan autentikasi dua faktor Anda?',
'two_factor_lost_intro' => 'If you lost your backup codes as well, you have bad luck. This is not something you can fix from the web interface. You have two choices.',
'two_factor_lost_fix_self' => 'If you run your own instance of Firefly III, check the logs in <code>storage/logs</code> for instructions, or run <code>docker logs <container_id></code> to see the instructions (refresh this page).',
'two_factor_lost_fix_owner' => 'Jika tidak, kirimkan email ke pemilik situs, <a href="mailto::site_owner">:site_owner</a> dan mintalah mereka untuk menyetel ulang autentikasi dua faktor Anda.',
'mfa_backup_code' => 'You have used a backup code to login to Firefly III. It can\'t be used again, so cross it from your list.',
'pref_two_factor_new_backup_codes' => 'Get new backup codes',
'pref_two_factor_backup_code_count' => 'You have :count valid backup code(s).',
'2fa_i_have_them' => 'I stored them!',
'warning_much_data' => ':days hari data mungkin perlu beberapa saat untuk memuat.',
'registered' => 'Anda telah berhasil mendaftar!',
'Default asset account' => 'Akun aset standar',
'no_budget_pointer' => 'You seem to have no budgets yet. You should create some on the <a href=":link">budgets</a>-page. Budgets can help you keep track of expenses.',
'Savings account' => 'Rekening tabungan',
'Credit card' => 'Kartu kredit',
'source_accounts' => 'Akun sumber',
'destination_accounts' => 'Akun tujuan',
'user_id_is' => 'Id pengguna Anda adalah <strong>:user</strong>',
'field_supports_markdown' => 'Bidang ini mendukung <a href="https://en.support.wordpress.com/markdown-quick-reference/">Markdown</a>.',
'need_more_help' => 'Jika Anda memerlukan bantuan lebih banyak menggunakan Firefly III, silakan <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii/issues">opsi tiket di Github</a>.',
'reenable_intro_text' => 'You can also re-enable <a href="#" id="reenableGuidance">the introduction guidance</a>.',
'intro_boxes_after_refresh' => 'Kotak pengantar akan muncul kembali saat Anda menyegarkan halaman.',
'show_all_no_filter' => 'Tampilkan semua transaksi tanpa mengelompokkan mereka menurut tanggal.',
'expenses_by_category' => 'Biaya berdasarkan kategori',
'expenses_by_budget' => 'Biaya menurut anggaran',
'income_by_category' => 'Penghasilan menurut kategori',
'expenses_by_asset_account' => 'Beban menurut akun aset',
'expenses_by_expense_account' => 'Beban menurut akun beban',
'cannot_redirect_to_account' => 'Firefly III tidak bisa mengalihkan Anda ke halaman yang benar. Permintaan maaf.',
'sum_of_expenses' => 'Jumlah pengeluaran',
'sum_of_income' => 'Jumlah pendapatan',
'liabilities' => 'Liabilities',
'spent_in_specific_budget' => 'Menghabiskan anggaran ":budget"',
'spent_in_specific_double' => 'Spent in account(s) ":account"',
'earned_in_specific_double' => 'Earned in account(s) ":account"',
'source_account' => 'Source account',
'source_account_reconciliation' => 'You can\'t edit the source account of a reconciliation transaction.',
'destination_account' => 'Destination account',
'destination_account_reconciliation' => 'You can\'t edit the destination account of a reconciliation transaction.',
'sum_of_expenses_in_budget' => 'Menghabiskan total dalam anggaran ":budget"',
'left_in_budget_limit' => 'Kiri untuk dibelanjakan sesuai budget',
'current_period' => 'Periode sekarang',
'show_the_current_period_and_overview' => 'Tunjukkan periode dan ikhtisar saat ini',
'pref_languages_locale' => 'Agar bahasa selain bahasa Inggris berfungsi dengan benar, sistem operasi Anda harus dilengkapi dengan informasi lokal yang benar. Jika ini tidak ada, data mata uang, tanggal dan jumlah mungkin salah diformat.',
'budget_in_period' => 'All transactions for budget ":name" between :start and :end in :currency',
'chart_budget_in_period' => 'Chart for all transactions for budget ":name" between :start and :end in :currency',
'chart_budget_in_period_only_currency' => 'The amount you budgeted was in :currency, so this chart will only show transactions in :currency.',
'chart_account_in_period' => 'Bagan untuk semua transaksi untuk akun ":name" antara :start dan :end',
'chart_category_in_period' => 'Bagan untuk semua transaksi untuk kategori ":name" antara :start dan :end',
'chart_category_all' => 'Bagan untuk semua transaksi untuk kategori ":name"',
'clone_withdrawal' => 'Kloning penarikan ini',
'clone_deposit' => 'Kloning deposit ini',
'clone_transfer' => 'Kloning transfer ini',
'multi_select_no_selection' => 'Tidak ada yang di pilih',
'multi_select_select_all' => 'Select all',
'multi_select_n_selected' => 'selected',
'multi_select_all_selected' => 'Semua dipilih',
'multi_select_filter_placeholder' => 'Menemukan..',
'intro_next_label' => 'Next',
'intro_prev_label' => 'Previous',
'intro_skip_label' => 'Skip',
'intro_done_label' => 'Done',
'between_dates_breadcrumb' => 'Antara :start dan :end',
'all_journals_without_budget' => 'Semua transaksi tanpa anggaran',
'journals_without_budget' => 'Transaksi tanpa anggaran',
'all_journals_without_category' => 'Semua transaksi tanpa kategori',
'journals_without_category' => 'Transaksi tanpa kategori',
'all_journals_for_account' => 'Semua transaksi untuk akun :name',
'chart_all_journals_for_account' => 'Bagan semua transaksi untuk akun :name',
'journals_in_period_for_account' => 'Semua transaksi untuk akun :name antara :start dan :end',
'transferred' => 'Ditransfer',
'all_withdrawal' => 'Semua biaya',
'all_transactions' => 'Semua Transaksi',
'title_withdrawal_between' => 'Semua biaya antara :start dan :end',
'all_deposit' => 'Semua pendapatan',
'title_deposit_between' => 'Semua pendapatan antara :start dan :end',
'all_transfers' => 'Semua transfer',
'title_transfers_between' => 'Semua transfer antara :start dan :end',
'all_transfer' => 'Semua transfer',
'all_journals_for_tag' => 'Semua transaksi untuk tag ":tag"',
'title_transfer_between' => 'Semua transfer antara :start dan :end',
'all_journals_for_category' => 'Semua transaksi untuk kategori :name',
'all_journals_for_budget' => 'Semua transaksi untuk anggaran :name',
'chart_all_journals_for_budget' => 'Bagan semua transaksi untuk anggaran :name',
'journals_in_period_for_category' => 'Semua transaksi untuk kategori :name antara :start dan :end',
'journals_in_period_for_tag' => 'Semua transaksi untuk tag :tag antara :start and :end',
'not_available_demo_user' => 'Fitur yang Anda coba akses tidak tersedia untuk pengguna demo.',
'exchange_rate_instructions' => 'Akun aset "@name" hanya menerima transaksi di @native_currency. Jika Anda ingin menggunakan @foreign_currency sebagai gantinya, pastikan jumlahnya di @native_currency juga diketahui:',
'transfer_exchange_rate_instructions' => 'Akun aset sumber "@source_name" hanya menerima transaksi di @source_currency. Akun aset tujuan "@dest_name" hanya menerima transaksi di @dest_currency. Anda harus memberikan jumlah yang ditransfer dengan benar pada kedua mata uang tersebut.',
'transaction_data' => 'Data transaksi',
'invalid_server_configuration' => 'Konfigurasi server tidak valid',
'invalid_locale_settings' => 'Firefly III tidak dapat memformat jumlah uang karena server Anda kehilangan paket yang dibutuhkan. Ada <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/help/wiki/Missing-locale-packages">instructions bagaimana melakukan ini</a>.',
'quickswitch' => 'Quickswitch',
'sign_in_to_start' => 'Sign in to start your session',
'sign_in' => 'Sign in',
'register_new_account' => 'Register a new account',
'forgot_my_password' => 'I forgot my password',
'problems_with_input' => 'There were some problems with your input.',
'reset_password' => 'Reset your password',
'button_reset_password' => 'Reset password',
'reset_button' => 'Reset',
'want_to_login' => 'I want to login',
'login_page_title' => 'Login to Firefly III',
'register_page_title' => 'Register at Firefly III',
'forgot_pw_page_title' => 'Forgot your password for Firefly III',
'reset_pw_page_title' => 'Reset your password for Firefly III',
'cannot_reset_demo_user' => 'You cannot reset the password of the demo user.',
'button_register' => 'Register',
'authorization' => 'Authorization',
'active_bills_only' => 'active bills only',
'active_exp_bills_only' => 'active and expected bills only',
'average_per_bill' => 'average per bill',
'expected_total' => 'expected total',
// API access
'authorization_request' => 'Firefly III v:version Authorization Request',
'authorization_request_intro' => '<strong>:client</strong> is requesting permission to access your financial administration. Would you like to authorize <strong>:client</strong> to access these records?',
'scopes_will_be_able' => 'This application will be able to:',
'button_authorize' => 'Authorize',
'none_in_select_list' => '(none)',
'no_piggy_bank' => '(no piggy bank)',
'name_in_currency' => ':name in :currency',
'paid_in_currency' => 'Paid in :currency',
'unpaid_in_currency' => 'Unpaid in :currency',
// check for updates:
'update_check_title' => 'Check for updates',
'admin_update_check_title' => 'Automatically check for update',
'admin_update_check_explain' => 'Firefly III can check for updates automatically. When you enable this setting, it will contact Github to see if a new version of Firefly III is available. When it is, you will get a notification. You can test this notification using the button on the right. Please indicate below if you want Firefly III to check for updates.',
'check_for_updates_permission' => 'Firefly III can check for updates, but it needs your permission to do so. Please go to the <a href=":link">administration</a> to indicate if you would like this feature to be enabled.',
'updates_ask_me_later' => 'Ask me later',
'updates_do_not_check' => 'Do not check for updates',
'updates_enable_check' => 'Enable the check for updates',
'admin_update_check_now_title' => 'Check for updates now',
'admin_update_check_now_explain' => 'If you press the button, Firefly III will see if your current version is the latest.',
'check_for_updates_button' => 'Check now!',
'update_new_version_alert' => 'A new version of Firefly III is available. You are running :your_version, the latest version is :new_version which was released on :date.',
'update_version_beta' => 'This version is a BETA version. You may run into issues.',
'update_version_alpha' => 'This version is a ALPHA version. You may run into issues.',
'update_current_version_alert' => 'You are running :version, which is the latest available release.',
'update_newer_version_alert' => 'You are running :your_version, which is newer than the latest release, :new_version.',
'update_check_error' => 'An error occurred while checking for updates. Please view the log files.',
'admin_update_channel_title' => 'Update channel',
'admin_update_channel_explain' => 'Firefly III has three update "channels" which determine how ahead of the curve you are in terms of features, enhancements and bugs. Use the "beta" channel if you\'re adventurous and the "alpha" when you like to live life dangerously.',
'update_channel_stable' => 'Stable. Everything should work as expected.',
'update_channel_beta' => 'Beta. New features but things may be broken.',
'update_channel_alpha' => 'Alpha. We throw stuff in, and use whatever sticks.',
// search
'search' => 'Pencarian',
'search_query' => 'Pertanyaan',
'search_found_transactions' => 'Firefly III found :count transaction(s) in :time seconds.',
'search_for_query' => 'Firefly III is searching for transactions with all of these words in them: <span class="text-info">:query</span>',
'search_modifier_amount_is' => 'Amount is exactly :value',
'search_modifier_amount' => 'Amount is exactly :value',
'search_modifier_amount_max' => 'Amount is at most :value',
'search_modifier_amount_min' => 'Amount is at least :value',
'search_modifier_amount_less' => 'Amount is less than :value',
'search_modifier_amount_more' => 'Amount is more than :value',
'search_modifier_source' => 'Source account is :value',
'search_modifier_from' => 'Source account is :value',
'search_modifier_destination' => 'Destination account is :value',
'search_modifier_to' => 'Destination account is :value',
'search_modifier_tag' => 'Tag is ":value"',
'search_modifier_category' => 'Category is ":value"',
'search_modifier_budget' => 'Budget is ":value"',
'search_modifier_bill' => 'Bill is ":value"',
'search_modifier_type' => 'Transaction type is :value',
'search_modifier_date' => 'Transaction date is :value',
'search_modifier_date_before' => 'Transaction date is before :value',
'search_modifier_date_after' => 'Transaction date is after :value',
'search_modifier_on' => 'Transaction date is :value',
'search_modifier_before' => 'Transaction date is before :value',
'search_modifier_after' => 'Transaction date is after :value',
'search_modifier_created_on' => 'Transaction was created on :value',
'search_modifier_updated_on' => 'Transaction was last updated on :value',
'modifiers_applies_are' => 'The following modifiers are applied to the search as well:',
'general_search_error' => 'An error occurred while searching. Please check the log files for more information.',
'search_box' => 'Pencarian',
'search_box_intro' => 'Selamat datang di fungsi pencarian Firefly III. Masukkan kueri penelusuran Anda di dalam kotak. Pastikan Anda memeriksa file bantuan karena pencariannya cukup canggih.',
'search_error' => 'Kesalahan saat mencari',
'search_searching' => 'Mencari...',
'search_results' => 'Hasil Pencarian',
// repeat frequencies:
'repeat_freq_yearly' => 'tahunan',
'repeat_freq_half-year' => 'setiap setengah tahun',
'repeat_freq_quarterly' => 'triwulanan',
'repeat_freq_monthly' => 'bulanan',
'repeat_freq_weekly' => 'mingguan',
'weekly' => 'mingguan',
'quarterly' => 'triwulanan',
'half-year' => 'setiap setengah tahun',
'yearly' => 'tahunan',
// rules
'rules' => 'Aturan',
'rule_name' => 'Nama aturan',
'rule_triggers' => 'Aturan pemicu kapan',
'rule_actions' => 'Aturan akan',
'new_rule' => 'Aturan baru',
'new_rule_group' => 'Kelompok aturan baru',
'rule_priority_up' => 'Berikan peraturan prioritas lebih',
'rule_priority_down' => 'Berikan peraturan kurang prioritas',
'make_new_rule_group' => 'Buat grup aturan baru',
'store_new_rule_group' => 'Simpan grup aturan baru',
'created_new_rule_group' => 'Kelompok aturan baru ":title" disimpan!',
'updated_rule_group' => 'Grup aturan yang berhasil diperbarui ":title".',
'edit_rule_group' => 'Edit grup aturan ":title"',
'delete_rule_group' => 'Hapus grup aturan ":title"',
'deleted_rule_group' => 'Grup aturan yang dihapus ":title"',
'update_rule_group' => 'Perbarui grup aturan',
'no_rules_in_group' => 'Tidak ada aturan dalam kelompok ini',
'move_rule_group_up' => 'Pindahkan grup aturan ke atas',
'move_rule_group_down' => 'Pindahkan grup aturan ke bawah',
'save_rules_by_moving' => 'Simpan aturan ini dengan memindahkannya ke grup aturan lain:',
'make_new_rule' => 'Make a new rule in rule group ":title"',
'make_new_rule_no_group' => 'Make a new rule',
'instructions_rule_from_bill' => 'In order to match transactions to your new bill ":name", Firefly III can create a rule that will automatically be checked against any transactions you store. Please verify the details below and store the rule to have Firefly III automatically match transactions to your new bill.',
'rule_is_strict' => 'strict rule',
'rule_is_not_strict' => 'non-strict rule',
'rule_help_stop_processing' => 'Saat Anda mencentang kotak ini, nanti aturan dalam grup ini tidak akan dijalankan.',
'rule_help_strict' => 'In strict rules ALL triggers must fire for the action(s) to be executed. In non-strict rules, ANY trigger is enough for the action(s) to be executed.',
'rule_help_active' => 'Aturan tidak aktif tidak akan pernah menyala.',
'stored_new_rule' => 'Aturan baru yang tersimpan dengan judul ":title"',
'deleted_rule' => 'Aturan yang dihapus dengan judul ":title"',
'store_new_rule' => 'Simpan peraturan baru',
'updated_rule' => 'Aturan yang diperbarui dengan judul ":title"',
'default_rule_group_name' => 'Aturan baku',
'default_rule_group_description' => 'Semua peraturan Anda tidak ada dalam kelompok tertentu.',
'default_rule_name' => 'Aturan default pertama Anda',
'default_rule_description' => 'Aturan ini adalah sebuah contoh. Anda bisa menghapusnya dengan aman.',
'default_rule_trigger_description' => 'Orang yang menjual dunia',
'default_rule_trigger_from_account' => 'David Bowie',
'default_rule_action_prepend' => 'Membeli dunia dari',
'default_rule_action_set_category' => 'Biaya besar',
'trigger' => 'Pelatuk',
'trigger_value' => 'Memicu nilai',
'stop_processing_other_triggers' => 'Berhenti memproses pemicu lainnya',
'add_rule_trigger' => 'Tambahkan pemicu baru',
'action' => 'Tindakan',
'action_value' => 'Nilai tindakan',
'stop_executing_other_actions' => 'Berhenti mengeksekusi tindakan lainnya',
'add_rule_action' => 'Tambahkan tindakan baru',
'edit_rule' => 'Edit aturan ":title"',
'delete_rule' => 'Hapus aturan ":title"',
'update_rule' => 'Perbarui aturan',
'test_rule_triggers' => 'Lihat transaksi yang sesuai',
'warning_transaction_subset' => 'Untuk alasan kinerja daftar ini terbatas pada :max_num_transactions dan mungkin hanya menampilkan subset dari transaksi yang cocok',
'warning_no_matching_transactions' => 'Tidak ada transaksi yang cocok ditemukan. Harap dicatat bahwa untuk alasan kinerja, hanya yang terakhir transaksi :num_transactions telah diperiksa.',
'warning_no_valid_triggers' => 'Tidak ada pemicu yang valid.',
'apply_rule_selection' => 'Terapkan aturan ":title" untuk pilihan transaksi Anda',
'apply_rule_selection_intro' => 'Aturan seperti ":title" biasanya hanya diterapkan pada transaksi baru atau yang telah diperbarui, namun Anda bisa memberi tahu Firefly III untuk menjalankannya pada pilihan transaksi Anda yang ada. Ini bisa berguna bila Anda telah memperbarui peraturan dan Anda memerlukan perubahan yang akan diterapkan pada semua transaksi Anda yang lain.',
'include_transactions_from_accounts' => 'Sertakan transaksi dari akun ini',
'applied_rule_selection' => 'Aturan ":title" telah diterapkan pada pilihan Anda.',
'execute' => 'Menjalankan',
'apply_rule_group_selection' => 'Terapkan grup aturan ":title" ke pilihan transaksi Anda',
'apply_rule_group_selection_intro' => 'Kelompok aturan seperti ":title" biasanya hanya diterapkan pada transaksi baru atau yang diperbarui, namun Anda dapat memberi tahu Firefly III untuk menjalankan semua aturan dalam grup ini pada pilihan transaksi Anda saat ini. Ini bisa berguna bila Anda telah memperbarui sekumpulan aturan dan Anda memerlukan perubahan yang akan diterapkan pada semua transaksi Anda yang lain.',
'applied_rule_group_selection' => 'Rule group ":title" telah diterapkan pada pilihan Anda.',
// actions and triggers
'rule_trigger_user_action' => 'Tindakan pengguna adalah ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_from_account_starts_choice' => 'Source account name starts with..',
'rule_trigger_from_account_starts' => 'Source account name starts with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_from_account_ends_choice' => 'Source account name ends with..',
'rule_trigger_from_account_ends' => 'Source account name ends with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_from_account_is_choice' => 'Source account name is..',
'rule_trigger_from_account_is' => 'Source account name is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_from_account_contains_choice' => 'Source account name contains..',
'rule_trigger_from_account_contains' => 'Source account name contains ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_from_account_nr_starts_choice' => 'Source account number / IBAN starts with..',
'rule_trigger_from_account_nr_starts' => 'Source account number / IBAN starts with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_from_account_nr_ends_choice' => 'Source account number / IBAN ends with..',
'rule_trigger_from_account_nr_ends' => 'Source account number / IBAN ends with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_from_account_nr_is_choice' => 'Source account number / IBAN is..',
'rule_trigger_from_account_nr_is' => 'Source account number / IBAN is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_from_account_nr_contains_choice' => 'Source account number / IBAN contains..',
'rule_trigger_from_account_nr_contains' => 'Source account number / IBAN contains ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_to_account_starts_choice' => 'Destination account name starts with..',
'rule_trigger_to_account_starts' => 'Destination account name starts with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_to_account_ends_choice' => 'Destination account name ends with..',
'rule_trigger_to_account_ends' => 'Destination account name ends with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_to_account_is_choice' => 'Destination account name is..',
'rule_trigger_to_account_is' => 'Destination account name is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_to_account_contains_choice' => 'Destination account name contains..',
'rule_trigger_to_account_contains' => 'Destination account name contains ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_to_account_nr_starts_choice' => 'Destination account number / IBAN starts with..',
'rule_trigger_to_account_nr_starts' => 'Destination account number / IBAN starts with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_to_account_nr_ends_choice' => 'Destination account number / IBAN ends with..',
'rule_trigger_to_account_nr_ends' => 'Destination account number / IBAN ends with ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_to_account_nr_is_choice' => 'Destination account number / IBAN is..',
'rule_trigger_to_account_nr_is' => 'Destination account number / IBAN is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_to_account_nr_contains_choice' => 'Destination account number / IBAN contains..',
'rule_trigger_to_account_nr_contains' => 'Destination account number / IBAN contains ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_transaction_type_choice' => 'Transaksi adalah tipe..',
'rule_trigger_transaction_type' => 'Transaksi adalah tipe ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_category_is_choice' => 'Kategori adalah..',
'rule_trigger_category_is' => 'Kategori adalah ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_amount_less_choice' => 'Jumlahnya kurang dari..',
'rule_trigger_amount_less' => 'Jumlahnya kurang dari :trigger_value',
'rule_trigger_amount_exactly_choice' => 'Jumlahnya..',
'rule_trigger_amount_exactly' => 'Jumlahnya adalah:trigger_value',
'rule_trigger_amount_more_choice' => 'Jumlahnya lebih dari..',
'rule_trigger_amount_more' => 'Jumlahnya lebih dari :trigger_value',
'rule_trigger_description_starts_choice' => 'Deskripsi dimulai dengan..',
'rule_trigger_description_starts' => 'Deskripsi dimulai dengan ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_description_ends_choice' => 'Deskripsi diakhiri dengan..',
'rule_trigger_description_ends' => 'Deskripsi diakhiri dengan ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_description_contains_choice' => 'Deskripsi berisi..',
'rule_trigger_description_contains' => 'Deskripsi berisi ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_description_is_choice' => 'Deskripsi adalah..',
'rule_trigger_description_is' => 'Deskripsi adalah ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_budget_is_choice' => 'Anggaran adalah..',
'rule_trigger_budget_is' => 'Anggaran adalah ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_tag_is_choice' => '(A) tag adalah..',
'rule_trigger_tag_is' => 'Tag adalah ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_currency_is_choice' => 'Transaction currency is..',
'rule_trigger_currency_is' => 'Transaction currency is ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_has_attachments_choice' => 'Paling tidak banyak keterikatan ini',
'rule_trigger_has_attachments' => 'Paling tidak:trigger_value attachment (s)',
'rule_trigger_store_journal' => 'Saat transaksi dibuat',
'rule_trigger_update_journal' => 'Saat transaksi diperbarui',
'rule_trigger_has_no_category_choice' => 'Tidak memiliki kategori',
'rule_trigger_has_no_category' => 'Transaksi tidak memiliki kategori',
'rule_trigger_has_any_category_choice' => 'Memiliki kategori (apapun)',
'rule_trigger_has_any_category' => 'Transaksi tidak memiliki kategori (apapun)',
'rule_trigger_has_no_budget_choice' => 'Tidak memiliki anggaran',
'rule_trigger_has_no_budget' => 'Transaksi tidak memiliki anggaran',
'rule_trigger_has_any_budget_choice' => 'Memiliki anggaran (apapun)',
'rule_trigger_has_any_budget' => 'Transaksi memiliki anggaran (apapun)',
'rule_trigger_has_no_tag_choice' => 'Tidak memiliki tag',
'rule_trigger_has_no_tag' => 'Transaksi tidak memiliki tag(s)',
'rule_trigger_has_any_tag_choice' => 'Memiliki satu atau beberapa tag (apapun)',
'rule_trigger_has_any_tag' => 'Transaksi memiliki satu atau lebih tag (apapun)',
'rule_trigger_any_notes_choice' => 'Telah ada catatan',
'rule_trigger_any_notes' => 'Transaksi memiliki (ada) catatan',
'rule_trigger_no_notes_choice' => 'Tidak memiliki catatan',
'rule_trigger_no_notes' => 'Transaksi tidak memiliki catatan',
'rule_trigger_notes_are_choice' => 'Catatan adalah..',
'rule_trigger_notes_are' => 'Catatan adalah ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_notes_contain_choice' => 'Catatan berisi..',
'rule_trigger_notes_contain' => 'Catatan berisi ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_notes_start_choice' => 'Catatan dimulai dengan..',
'rule_trigger_notes_start' => 'Catatan dimulai dengan ":trigger_value"',
'rule_trigger_notes_end_choice' => 'Catatan diakhiri dengan..',
'rule_trigger_notes_end' => 'Catatan diakhiri dengan ":trigger_value"',
'rule_action_set_category' => 'Tetapkan kategori ke ":action_value"',
'rule_action_clear_category' => 'Kategori yang jelas',
'rule_action_set_budget' => 'Tetapkan anggaran ke ":action_value"',
'rule_action_clear_budget' => 'Jelas anggaran',
'rule_action_add_tag' => 'Tambahkan tag ":action_value"',
'rule_action_remove_tag' => 'Hapus tag ":action_value"',
'rule_action_remove_all_tags' => 'Hapus semua tag',
'rule_action_set_description' => 'Tetapkan deskripsi ke ":action_value"',
'rule_action_append_description' => 'Tambahkan deskripsi dengan ":action_value"',
'rule_action_prepend_description' => 'Masukan dulu deskripsi dengan ":action_value"',
'rule_action_set_category_choice' => 'Tetapkan kategori ke..',
'rule_action_clear_category_choice' => 'Kosongkan kategori apapun',
'rule_action_set_budget_choice' => 'Tetapkan anggaran ke..',
'rule_action_clear_budget_choice' => 'Kosongkan anggaran',
'rule_action_add_tag_choice' => 'Tambahkan tag..',
'rule_action_remove_tag_choice' => 'Hapus tanda..',
'rule_action_remove_all_tags_choice' => 'Hapus semua tag',
'rule_action_set_description_choice' => 'Setel deskripsi ke..',
'rule_action_append_description_choice' => 'Tambahkan deskripsi dengan..',
'rule_action_prepend_description_choice' => 'Tambahkan deskripsi dengan..',
'rule_action_set_source_account_choice' => 'Tetapkan akun sumber ke...',
'rule_action_set_source_account' => 'Tetapkan akun sumber ke :action_value',
'rule_action_set_destination_account_choice' => 'Tetapkan akun tujuan ke...',
'rule_action_set_destination_account' => 'Tetapkan akun tujuan ke :action_value',
'rule_action_append_notes_choice' => 'Tambahkan catatan dengan..',
'rule_action_append_notes' => 'Tambahkan catatan dengan ":action_value"',
'rule_action_prepend_notes_choice' => 'Prepend catatan dengan..',
'rule_action_prepend_notes' => 'Catatan prepend dengan ":action_value"',
'rule_action_clear_notes_choice' => 'Hapus catatan apapun',
'rule_action_clear_notes' => 'Hapus catatan apapun',
'rule_action_set_notes_choice' => 'Tetapkan catatan ke..',
'rule_action_link_to_bill_choice' => 'Link to a bill..',
'rule_action_link_to_bill' => 'Link to bill ":action_value"',
'rule_action_set_notes' => 'Tetapkan catatan ke ":action_value"',
'rule_action_convert_deposit_choice' => 'Convert the transaction to a deposit',
'rule_action_convert_deposit' => 'Convert the transaction to a deposit from ":action_value"',
'rule_action_convert_withdrawal_choice' => 'Convert the transaction to a withdrawal',
'rule_action_convert_withdrawal' => 'Convert the transaction to a withdrawal to ":action_value"',
'rule_action_convert_transfer_choice' => 'Convert the transaction to a transfer',
'rule_action_convert_transfer' => 'Convert the transaction to a transfer with ":action_value"',
'rules_have_read_warning' => 'Sudahkah anda membaca peringatannya?',
'apply_rule_warning' => 'Peringatan: menjalankan aturan (grup) pada banyak pilihan transaksi bisa memakan waktu lama, dan bisa time-out. Jika ya, aturan (grup) hanya akan diterapkan ke subkumpulan transaksi yang tidak diketahui. Ini mungkin akan membuat administrasi keuangan Anda berantakan. Tolong hati-hati.',
'rulegroup_for_bills_title' => 'Rule group for bills',
'rulegroup_for_bills_description' => 'A special rule group for all the rules that involve bills.',
'rule_for_bill_title' => 'Auto-generated rule for bill ":name"',
'rule_for_bill_description' => 'This rule is auto-generated to try to match bill ":name".',
'create_rule_for_bill' => 'Create a new rule for bill ":name"',
'create_rule_for_bill_txt' => 'You have just created a new bill called ":name", congratulations! Firefly III can automagically match new withdrawals to this bill. For example, whenever you pay your rent, the bill "rent" will be linked to the expense. This way, Firefly III can accurately show you which bills are due and which ones aren\'t. In order to do so, a new rule must be created. Firefly III has filled in some sensible defaults for you. Please make sure these are correct. If these values are correct, Firefly III will automatically link the correct withdrawal to the correct bill. Please check out the triggers to see if they are correct, and add some if they\'re wrong.',
'new_rule_for_bill_title' => 'Rule for bill ":name"',
'new_rule_for_bill_description' => 'This rule marks transactions for bill ":name".',
// tags
'store_new_tag' => 'Simpan tag baru',
'update_tag' => 'Perbarui tag',
'no_location_set' => 'Tidak ada lokasi yang ditetapkan',
'meta_data' => 'Data meta',
'location' => 'Lokasi',
'without_date' => 'Tanpa tanggal',
'result' => 'Hasil',
'sums_apply_to_range' => 'Semua jumlah berlaku untuk rentang yang dipilih',
'mapbox_api_key' => 'To use map, get an API key from <a href="https://www.mapbox.com/">Mapbox</a>. Open your <code>.env</code> file and enter this code after <code>MAPBOX_API_KEY=</code>.',
'press_tag_location' => 'Klik kanan atau tekan agak lama untuk mengatur lokasi tag.',
'clear_location' => 'Lokasi yang jelas',
// preferences
'pref_home_screen_accounts' => 'Akun layar utama',
'pref_home_screen_accounts_help' => 'Akun mana yang harus ditampilkan di beranda?',
'pref_view_range' => 'Rentang tampilan',
'pref_view_range_help' => 'Some charts are automatically grouped in periods. Your budgets will also be grouped in periods. What period would you prefer?',
'pref_1D' => 'Suatu hari',
'pref_1W' => 'Satu minggu',
'pref_1M' => 'Satu bulan',
'pref_3M' => 'Tiga bulan (seperempat)',
'pref_6M' => 'Enam bulan',
'pref_1Y' => 'Satu tahun',
'pref_languages' => 'Bahasa',
'pref_languages_help' => 'Firefly III mendukung beberapa bahasa. Mana yang kamu suka?',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year' => 'Pengaturan tahun fiskal',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year_label' => 'Diaktifkan',
'pref_custom_fiscal_year_help' => 'Di negara-negara yang menggunakan tahun keuangan selain 1 Januari sampai 31 Desember, Anda dapat mengaktifkannya dan menentukan hari-hari awal / akhir dari tahun fiskal',
'pref_fiscal_year_start_label' => 'Tahun anggaran mulai tanggal',
'pref_two_factor_auth' => 'Verifikasi 2 langkah',
'pref_two_factor_auth_help' => 'Bila Anda mengaktifkan verifikasi 2 langkah (juga dikenal sebagai autentikasi dua faktor), Anda menambahkan lapisan keamanan ekstra ke akun Anda. Anda masuk dengan sesuatu yang Anda tahu (kata sandi Anda) dan sesuatu yang Anda miliki (kode verifikasi). Kode verifikasi dihasilkan oleh aplikasi di ponsel Anda, seperti Authy atau Google Authenticator.',
'pref_enable_two_factor_auth' => 'Aktifkan verifikasi 2 langkah',
'pref_two_factor_auth_disabled' => 'Kode verifikasi 2 langkah dihapus dan dinonaktifkan',
'pref_two_factor_auth_remove_it' => 'Jangan lupa menghapus akun dari aplikasi autentikasi Anda!',
'pref_two_factor_auth_code' => 'Kode verifikasi',
'pref_two_factor_auth_code_help' => 'Scan the QR code with an application on your phone such as Authy or Google Authenticator and enter the generated code.',
'pref_two_factor_auth_reset_code' => 'Setel ulang kode verifikasi',
'pref_two_factor_auth_disable_2fa' => 'Disable 2FA',
'2fa_use_secret_instead' => 'If you cannot scan the QR code, feel free to use the secret instead: <code>:secret</code>.',
'2fa_backup_codes' => 'Store these backup codes for access in case you lose your device.',
'2fa_already_enabled' => '2-step verification is already enabled.',
'wrong_mfa_code' => 'This MFA code is not valid.',
'pref_save_settings' => 'Simpan Pengaturan',
'saved_preferences' => 'Preferensi disimpan!',
'preferences_general' => 'Umum',
'preferences_frontpage' => 'Tampilan depan',
'preferences_security' => 'Keamanan',
'preferences_layout' => 'Tata ruang',
'pref_home_show_deposits' => 'Tampilkan deposito pada layar awal',
'pref_home_show_deposits_info' => 'Layar awal sudah menunjukkan rekening pengeluaran Anda. Harus itu juga menunjukkan akun pendapatan Anda?',
'pref_home_do_show_deposits' => 'Ya, menunjukkan kepada mereka',
'successful_count' => ':count menghitung sukses',
'list_page_size_title' => 'Ukuran halaman',
'list_page_size_help' => 'Setiap daftar hal-hal (rekening, transaksi, dll) menunjukkan paling ini banyak per halaman.',
'list_page_size_label' => 'Ukuran halaman',
'between_dates' => '(:start dan :end)',
'pref_optional_fields_transaction' => 'Bidang opsional untuk transaksi',
'pref_optional_fields_transaction_help' => 'Secara default tidak semua bidang diaktifkan saat membuat transaksi baru (karena kekacauan). Di bawah, Anda dapat mengaktifkan bidang ini jika Anda berpikir mereka bisa berguna bagi Anda. Tentu saja, setiap bidang yang dinonaktifkan, tapi sudah diisi, akan terlihat terlepas dari pengaturan.',
'optional_tj_date_fields' => 'Bidang tanggal',
'optional_tj_business_fields' => 'Bidang usaha',
'optional_tj_attachment_fields' => 'Bidang lampiran',
'pref_optional_tj_interest_date' => 'Tanggal bunga',
'pref_optional_tj_book_date' => 'Buku tanggal',
'pref_optional_tj_process_date' => 'Tanggal pengolahan',
'pref_optional_tj_due_date' => 'Batas tanggal terakhir',
'pref_optional_tj_payment_date' => 'Tanggal pembayaran',
'pref_optional_tj_invoice_date' => 'Tanggal faktur',
'pref_optional_tj_internal_reference' => 'Referensi internal',
'pref_optional_tj_notes' => 'Catatan',
'pref_optional_tj_attachments' => 'Lampiran',
'optional_field_meta_dates' => 'Tanggal',
'optional_field_meta_business' => 'Bisnis',
'optional_field_attachments' => 'Lampiran',
'optional_field_meta_data' => 'Data meta opsional',
// profile:
'permanent_delete_stuff' => 'Be careful with these buttons. Deleting stuff is permanent.',
'delete_all_budgets' => 'Delete ALL your budgets',
'delete_all_categories' => 'Delete ALL your categories',
'delete_all_tags' => 'Delete ALL your tags',
'deleted_all_budgets' => 'All budgets have been deleted',
'deleted_all_categories' => 'All categories have been deleted',
'deleted_all_tags' => 'All tags have been deleted',
'change_your_password' => 'Ubah password Anda',
'delete_account' => 'Hapus akun',
'current_password' => 'Kata sandi saat ini',
'new_password' => 'Kata sandi baru',
'new_password_again' => 'Password Baru Lagi)',
'delete_your_account' => 'Hapus akun anda',
'delete_your_account_help' => 'Menghapus akun juga akan menghapus akun, transaksi, <em>semua</em> Anda mungkin telah disimpan ke Firefly III. Ini akan HILANG.',
'delete_your_account_password' => 'Masukkan kata sandi Anda untuk melanjutkan.',
'password' => 'Kata sandi',
'are_you_sure' => 'Apakah Anda yakin? Anda tidak dapat membatalkan ini.',
'delete_account_button' => 'Hapus akun anda',
'invalid_current_password' => 'Kata sandi tidak valid saat ini!',
'password_changed' => 'Sandi berubah!',
'should_change' => 'Idenya adalah untuk mengubah password Anda.',
'invalid_password' => 'Kata sandi salah!',
'what_is_pw_security' => 'Apa itu "memverifikasi keamanan password"?',
'secure_pw_title' => 'Bagaimana memilih sebuah password yang aman',
'secure_pw_history' => 'Not a week goes by that you read in the news about a site losing the passwords of its users. Hackers and thieves use these passwords to try to steal your private information. This information is valuable.',
'secure_pw_ff' => 'Do you use the same password all over the internet? If one site loses your password, hackers have access to all your data. Firefly III relies on you to choose a strong and unique password to protect your financial records.',
'secure_pw_check_box' => 'To help you do that Firefly III can check if the password you want to use has been stolen in the past. If this is the case, Firefly III advises you NOT to use that password.',
'secure_pw_working_title' => 'How does it work?',
'secure_pw_working' => 'By checking the box, Firefly III will send the first five characters of the SHA1 hash of your password to <a href="https://www.troyhunt.com/introducing-306-million-freely-downloadable-pwned-passwords/">the website of Troy Hunt</a> to see if it is on the list. This will stop you from using unsafe passwords as is recommended in the latest <a href="https://pages.nist.gov/800-63-3/sp800-63b.html">NIST Special Publication</a> on this subject.',
'secure_pw_should' => 'Haruskah saya mencentang kotaknya?',
'secure_pw_long_password' => 'Yes. Always verify your password is safe.',
'command_line_token' => 'Command line token',
'explain_command_line_token' => 'You need this token to perform command line options, such as importing or exporting data. Without it, such sensitive commands will not work. Do not share your command line token. Nobody will ask you for this token, not even me. If you fear you lost this, or when you\'re paranoid, regenerate this token using the button.',
'regenerate_command_line_token' => 'Regenerate command line token',
'token_regenerated' => 'A new command line token was generated',
'change_your_email' => 'Ubah alamat email anda',
'email_verification' => 'Pesan email akan dikirim ke alamat email lama DAN baru Anda. Untuk tujuan keamanan, Anda tidak dapat masuk sampai Anda memverifikasi alamat email baru Anda. Jika Anda tidak yakin apakah instalasi Firefly III Anda bisa mengirim email, tolong jangan gunakan fitur ini. Jika Anda seorang administrator, Anda dapat mengujinya di <a href="/admin">Administrasi</a>.',
'email_changed_logout' => 'Sampai Anda memverifikasi alamat email Anda, Anda tidak dapat login.',
'login_with_new_email' => 'Anda sekarang bisa masuk dengan alamat email baru Anda.',
'login_with_old_email' => 'Anda sekarang dapat login dengan alamat email lama Anda lagi.',
'login_provider_local_only' => 'This action is not available when authenticating through ":login_provider".',
'delete_local_info_only' => 'Because you authenticate through ":login_provider", this will only delete local Firefly III information.',
// attachments
'nr_of_attachments' => 'Satu lampiran |:count lampiran',
'attachments' => 'Lampiran',
'edit_attachment' => 'Edit lampiran ":name"',
'update_attachment' => 'Perbarui lampiran',
'delete_attachment' => 'Hapus lampiran ":name"',
'attachment_deleted' => 'Lampiran yang dihapus ":name"',
'liabilities_deleted' => 'Deleted liability ":name"',
'attachment_updated' => 'Lampiran yang diperbarui ":name"',
'upload_max_file_size' => 'Ukuran file maksimum: :size',
'list_all_attachments' => 'List of all attachments',
// transaction index
'title_expenses' => 'Beban',
'title_withdrawal' => 'Beban',
'title_revenue' => 'Pendapatan / penghasilan',
'title_deposit' => 'Pendapatan / penghasilan',
'title_transfer' => 'Transfer',
'title_transfers' => 'Transfer',
// convert stuff:
'convert_is_already_type_Withdrawal' => 'Transaksi ini sudah menjadi penarikan',
'convert_is_already_type_Deposit' => 'Transaksi ini sudah menjadi deposit',
'convert_is_already_type_Transfer' => 'Transaksi ini sudah di transfer',
'convert_to_Withdrawal' => 'Convert ":description" ke penarikan',
'convert_to_Deposit' => 'Convert ":description" ke deposit',
'convert_to_Transfer' => 'Convert ":description" ke sebuah transfer',
'convert_options_WithdrawalDeposit' => 'Mengkonversi penarikan menjadi deposit',
'convert_options_WithdrawalTransfer' => 'Mengkonversi penarikan ke dalam transfer',
'convert_options_DepositTransfer' => 'Mengkonversi deposit ke transfer',
'convert_options_DepositWithdrawal' => 'Mengkonversi deposit menjadi penarikan',
'convert_options_TransferWithdrawal' => 'Mengkonversi transfer menjadi penarikan',
'convert_options_TransferDeposit' => 'Mengkonversi transfer menjadi deposit',
'convert_Withdrawal_to_deposit' => 'Mengkonversi penarikan ini ke deposit',
'convert_Withdrawal_to_transfer' => 'Mengkonversi penarikan ini ke transfer',
'convert_Deposit_to_withdrawal' => 'Convert this deposit to a withdrawal',
'convert_Deposit_to_transfer' => 'Konversikan deposit ini ke transfer',
'convert_Transfer_to_deposit' => 'Mengkonversi transfer ini ke deposit',
'convert_Transfer_to_withdrawal' => 'Mengkonversi transfer ini ke penarikan',
'convert_please_set_revenue_source' => 'Silakan pilih akun pendapatan dari mana uang itu berasal.',
'convert_please_set_asset_destination' => 'Silakan pilih akun aset dimana uangnya akan digunakan.',
'convert_please_set_expense_destination' => 'Tolong pilih rekening pengeluaran yang akan digunakan untuk uang.',
'convert_please_set_asset_source' => 'Silakan pilih akun aset dari mana uang itu berasal.',
'convert_expl_w_d' => 'When converting from a withdrawal to a deposit, the money will be deposited into the displayed destination account(s), instead of being withdrawn from them. To complete the conversion, please set the new source account(s) below.',
'convert_expl_w_t' => 'When converting a withdrawal into a transfer, the money will be transferred away from the source account(s) into other asset or liability account(s) instead of being spent on the original expense accounts. To complete the conversion, please select new destination account(s).',
'convert_expl_d_w' => 'When converting a deposit into a withdrawal, the money will be withdrawn from the displayed source account(s), instead of being deposited into them. To complete the conversion, please select new destination accounts.',
'convert_expl_d_t' => 'When you convert a deposit into a transfer, the money will be deposited into the listed destination account(s) from any of your asset or liability account(s). Please select the new source account(s) to complete the conversion.',
'convert_expl_t_w' => 'When you convert a transfer into a withdrawal, the money will be spent on the destination account(s) you set here, instead of being transferred away. Please select the new destination account(s) to complete the conversion.',
'convert_expl_t_d' => 'When you convert a transfer into a deposit, the money will be deposited into the destination account(s) you see here, instead of being transferred into them. Please select the new source account(s) to complete the conversion.',
'converted_to_Withdrawal' => 'Transaksi telah dikonversi menjadi penarikan',
'converted_to_Deposit' => 'Transaksi telah dikonversi menjadi deposit',
'converted_to_Transfer' => 'Transaksi telah dikonversi menjadi transfer',
'invalid_convert_selection' => 'Akun yang telah Anda pilih sudah digunakan dalam transaksi ini atau tidak ada.',
'source_or_dest_invalid' => 'Cannot find the correct transaction details. Conversion is not possible.',
'convert_to_withdrawal' => 'Convert to a withdrawal',
'convert_to_deposit' => 'Convert to a deposit',
'convert_to_transfer' => 'Convert to a transfer',
// create new stuff:
'create_new_withdrawal' => 'Buat penarikan baru',
'create_new_deposit' => 'Buat deposit baru',
'create_new_transfer' => 'Buat transfer baru',
'create_new_asset' => 'Buat akun aset baru',
'create_new_expense' => 'Buat akun biaya baru',
'create_new_revenue' => 'Buat akun pendapatan baru',
'create_new_piggy_bank' => 'Buat celengan baru',
'create_new_bill' => 'Buat tagihan baru',
// currencies:
'create_currency' => 'Buat mata uang baru',
'store_currency' => 'Simpan mata uang baru',
'update_currency' => 'Perbarui mata uang',
'new_default_currency' => ' :name sekarang adalah mata uang default.',
'cannot_delete_currency' => 'Tidak dapat menghapus :name karena masih digunakan.',
'cannot_disable_currency_journals' => 'Cannot disable :name because transactions are still using it.',
'cannot_disable_currency_last_left' => 'Cannot disable :name because it is the last enabled currency.',
'cannot_disable_currency_account_meta' => 'Cannot disable :name because it is used in asset accounts.',
'cannot_disable_currency_bills' => 'Cannot disable :name because it is used in bills.',
'cannot_disable_currency_recurring' => 'Cannot disable :name because it is used in recurring transactions.',
'cannot_disable_currency_available_budgets' => 'Cannot disable :name because it is used in available budgets.',
'cannot_disable_currency_budget_limits' => 'Cannot disable :name because it is used in budget limits.',
'cannot_disable_currency_current_default' => 'Cannot disable :name because it is the current default currency.',
'cannot_disable_currency_system_fallback' => 'Cannot disable :name because it is the system default currency.',
'disable_EUR_side_effects' => 'The Euro is the system\'s emergency fallback currency. Disabling it may have unintended side-effects and may void your warranty.',
'deleted_currency' => 'Mata uang :name dihapus',
'created_currency' => 'Mata uang :name dibuat',
'could_not_store_currency' => 'Could not store the new currency.',
'updated_currency' => 'Mata uang :name diperbarui',
'ask_site_owner' => 'Harap bertanya :owner untuk menambahkan, menghapus atau mengedit mata uang.',
'currencies_intro' => 'Firefly III mendukung berbagai mata uang yang dapat Anda atur dan aktifkan di sini.',
'make_default_currency' => 'Make default',
'default_currency' => 'default',
'currency_is_disabled' => 'Disabled',
'enable_currency' => 'Enable',
'disable_currency' => 'Disable',
'currencies_default_disabled' => 'Most of these currencies are disabled by default. To use them, you must enable them first.',
'currency_is_now_enabled' => 'Currency ":name" has been enabled',
'currency_is_now_disabled' => 'Currency ":name" has been disabled',
// forms:
'mandatoryFields' => 'Bidang wajib',
'optionalFields' => 'Bidang pilihan',
'options' => 'Pilihan',
// budgets:
'total_available_budget' => 'Total available budget (between :start and :end)',
'total_available_budget_in_currency' => 'Total available budget in :currency',
'see_below' => 'see below',
'create_new_budget' => 'Buat anggaran baru',
'store_new_budget' => 'Simpan anggaran baru',
'stored_new_budget' => 'Anggaran baru tersimpan ":name"',
'available_between' => 'Tersedia antara :start dan :end',
'transactionsWithoutBudget' => 'Biaya tanpa anggaran',
'transactions_no_budget' => 'Biaya tanpa anggaran antara :start dan :end',
'spent_between' => 'Already spent between :start and :end',
'set_available_amount' => 'Set available amount',
'update_available_amount' => 'Update available amount',
'ab_basic_modal_explain' => 'Use this form to indicate how much you expect to be able to budget (in total, in :currency) in the indicated period.',
'createBudget' => 'Anggaran baru',
'invalid_currency' => 'This is an invalid currency',
'set_ab' => 'The available budget amount has been set',
'updated_ab' => 'The available budget amount has been updated',
'deleted_ab' => 'The available budget amount has been deleted',
'deleted_bl' => 'The budgeted amount has been removed',
'alt_currency_ab_create' => 'Set the available budget in another currency',
'bl_create_btn' => 'Set budget in another currency',
'inactiveBudgets' => 'Anggaran tidak aktif',
'without_budget_between' => 'Transaksi tanpa anggaran antara :start dan :end',
'delete_budget' => 'Hapus anggaran ":name"',
'deleted_budget' => 'Anggaran yang telah dihapus ":name"',
'edit_budget' => 'Edit anggaran ":name"',
'updated_budget' => 'Anggaran yang diperbarui ":name"',
'update_amount' => 'Perbarui jumlah',
'update_budget' => 'Perbarui anggaran',
'update_budget_amount_range' => 'Update (expected) jumlah yang tersedia antara :start and :end',
'set_budget_limit_title' => 'Set budgeted amount for budget :budget between :start and :end',
'set_budget_limit' => 'Set budgeted amount',
'budget_period_navigator' => 'Navigator periode',
'info_on_available_amount' => 'Apa yang telah tersedia?',
'available_amount_indication' => 'Gunakan jumlah ini untuk mendapatkan indikasi berapa total anggaran Anda.',
'suggested' => 'Disarankan',
'average_between' => 'Rata-rata antara :start dan :end',
'over_budget_warn' => '<i class="fa fa-money"></i> Usually you budget about :amount per day. This time it\'s :over_amount per day. Are you sure?',
'transferred_in' => 'Transferred (in)',
'transferred_away' => 'Transferred (away)',
// bills:
'match_between_amounts' => 'Bill matches transactions between :low and :high.',
'running_again_loss' => 'Previously linked transactions to this bill may lose their connection, if they (no longer) match the rule(s).',
'bill_related_rules' => 'Rules related to this bill',
'repeats' => 'Berulang',
'connected_journals' => 'Transaksi yang terhubung',
'auto_match_on' => 'Automatically matched by Firefly III',
'auto_match_off' => 'Not automatically matched by Firefly III',
'next_expected_match' => 'Pertandingan yang diharapkan berikutnya',
'delete_bill' => 'Hapus tagihan ":name"',
'deleted_bill' => 'Tagihan yang dihapus ":name"',
'edit_bill' => 'Edit tagihan ":name"',
'more' => 'Lebih',
'rescan_old' => 'Run rules again, on all transactions',
'update_bill' => 'Perbarui tagihan',
'updated_bill' => 'Diperbarui tagihan ":name"',
'store_new_bill' => 'Simpan tagihan baru',
'stored_new_bill' => 'Stored tagihan baru ":name"',
'cannot_scan_inactive_bill' => 'Tagihan tidak aktif tidak dapat dipindai.',
'rescanned_bill' => 'Rescanned everything, and linked :total transaction(s) to the bill.',
'average_bill_amount_year' => 'Jumlah tagihan rata-rata (:year)',
'average_bill_amount_overall' => 'Jumlah tagihan rata-rata (keseluruhan)',
'bill_is_active' => 'Tagihan aktif',
'bill_expected_between' => 'Diharapkan antara :start dan :end',
'bill_will_automatch' => 'Tagihan akan secara otomatis terhubung ke transaksi yang sesuai',
'skips_over' => 'melompati',
'bill_store_error' => 'An unexpected error occurred while storing your new bill. Please check the log files',
'list_inactive_rule' => 'inactive rule',
// accounts:
'inactive_account_link' => 'You have :count inactive (archived) accounts, which you can view on this separate page.',
'all_accounts_inactive' => 'These are your inactive accounts.',
'active_account_link' => 'This link goes back to your active accounts.',
'account_missing_transaction' => 'Account #:id (":name") cannot be viewed directly, but Firefly is missing redirect information.',
'details_for_asset' => 'Rincian akun aset ":name"',
'details_for_expense' => 'Rincian untuk akun biaya ":name"',
'details_for_revenue' => 'Rincian untuk akun pendapatan ":name"',
'details_for_cash' => 'Rincian untuk rekening kas ":name"',
'store_new_asset_account' => 'Simpan akun aset baru',
'store_new_expense_account' => 'Simpan akun pengeluaran baru',
'store_new_revenue_account' => 'Simpan akun pendapatan baru',
'edit_asset_account' => 'Edit akun aset ":name"',
'edit_expense_account' => 'Edit akun biaya ":name"',
'edit_revenue_account' => 'Edit akun pendapatan ":name"',
'delete_asset_account' => 'Hapus akun aset ":name"',
'delete_expense_account' => 'Hapus akun pengeluaran ":name"',
'delete_revenue_account' => 'Hapus akun pendapatan ":name"',
'delete_liabilities_account' => 'Delete liability ":name"',
'asset_deleted' => 'Berhasil menghapus akun aset ":name"',
'expense_deleted' => 'Akun pengeluaran yang berhasil dihapus ":name"',
'revenue_deleted' => 'Berhasil menghapus akun pendapatan ":name"',
'update_asset_account' => 'Perbarui akun aset',
'update_liabilities_account' => 'Update liability',
'update_expense_account' => 'Rekening pengeluaran pembaruan',
'update_revenue_account' => 'Perbarui akun pendapatan',
'make_new_asset_account' => 'Buat akun aset baru',
'make_new_expense_account' => 'Buat akun pengeluaran baru',
'make_new_revenue_account' => 'Buat akun pendapatan baru',
'make_new_liabilities_account' => 'Create a new liability',
'asset_accounts' => 'Akun aset',
'asset_accounts_inactive' => 'Asset accounts (inactive)',
'expense_accounts' => 'Rekening pengeluaran',
'expense_accounts_inactive' => 'Expense accounts (inactive)',
'revenue_accounts' => 'Akun pendapatan',
'cash_accounts' => 'Akun kas',
'Cash account' => 'Akun kas',
'liabilities_accounts' => 'Liabilities',
'reconcile_account' => 'Rekonsiliasi akun ":account"',
'overview_of_reconcile_modal' => 'Overview of reconciliation',
'delete_reconciliation' => 'Hapus rekonsiliasi',
'update_reconciliation' => 'Rekonsiliasi pembaruan',
'amount_cannot_be_zero' => 'Jumlah tersebut tidak dapat menjadi nol',
'end_of_reconcile_period' => 'Akhir periode rekonsiliasi: :period',
'start_of_reconcile_period' => 'Mulai dari periode rekonsiliasi: :period',
'start_balance' => 'Saldo awal',
'end_balance' => 'Saldo akhir',
'update_balance_dates_instruction' => 'Sesuai jumlah dan tanggal di atas pernyataan bank Anda, dan tekan "Mulai rekonsiliasi"',
'select_transactions_instruction' => 'Pilih transaksi yang muncul di laporan bank Anda.',
'select_range_and_balance' => 'Pertama memverifikasi rentang tanggal dan saldo. Kemudian tekan "Mulai rekonsiliasi"',
'date_change_instruction' => 'Jika Anda mengubah rentang tanggal sekarang, kemajuan akan hilang.',
'update_selection' => 'Memperbarui pilihan',
'store_reconcile' => 'Rekonsiliasi toko',
'reconciliation_transaction' => 'Transaksi rekonsiliasi',
'Reconciliation' => 'Rekonsiliasi',
'reconciliation' => 'Rekonsiliasi',
'reconcile_options' => 'Pilihan rekonsiliasi',
'reconcile_range' => 'Jangkauan rekonsiliasi',
'start_reconcile' => 'Mulai rekonsiliasi',
'cash_account_type' => 'Cash',
'cash' => 'tunai',
'cant_find_redirect_account' => 'Firefly III tried to redirect you but couldn\'t. Sorry about that. Back to the index.',
'account_type' => 'Jenis akun',
'save_transactions_by_moving' => 'Menyimpan transaksi tersebut(s) dengan memindahkan mereka ke akun lain:',
'stored_new_account' => 'Akun baru ":name" disimpan!',
'updated_account' => 'Memperbarui akun ":name"',
'credit_card_options' => 'Pilihan kartu kredit',
'no_transactions_account' => 'Tidak ada transaksi (dalam periode ini) untuk akun aset ":name".',
'no_transactions_period' => 'There are no transactions (in this period).',
'no_data_for_chart' => 'Tidak ada informasi yang cukup (belum) untuk menghasilkan grafik ini.',
'select_at_least_one_account' => 'Please select at least one asset account',
'select_at_least_one_category' => 'Please select at least one category',
'select_at_least_one_budget' => 'Please select at least one budget',
'select_at_least_one_tag' => 'Please select at least one tag',
'select_at_least_one_expense' => 'Please select at least one combination of expense/revenue accounts. If you have none (the list is empty) this report is not available.',
'account_default_currency' => 'This will be the default currency associated with this account.',
'reconcile_has_more' => 'Buku Firefly III Anda memiliki lebih banyak uang di dalamnya dari bank Anda klaim Anda harus. Ada beberapa pilihan. Silahkan memilih apa yang harus dilakukan. Kemudian, tekan "Konfirmasi rekonsiliasi".',
'reconcile_has_less' => 'Buku Firefly III Anda memiliki sedikit uang di dalamnya daripada bank Anda klaim Anda harus. Ada beberapa pilihan. Silahkan memilih apa yang harus dilakukan. Kemudian, tekan "Konfirmasi rekonsiliasi".',
'reconcile_is_equal' => 'Buku Firefly III Anda dan pernyataan bank Anda cocok. Tidak ada hubungannya. Silahkan tekan "Konfirmasi rekonsiliasi" untuk mengkonfirmasi masukan Anda.',
'create_pos_reconcile_transaction' => 'Menghapus transaksi yang dipilih, dan membuat koreksi menambahkan :amount ke akun aset ini.',
'create_neg_reconcile_transaction' => 'Menghapus transaksi yang dipilih, dan membuat koreksi menghapus:amount dari akun aset ini.',
'reconcile_do_nothing' => 'Menghapus transaksi yang dipilih, tetapi tidak benar.',
'reconcile_go_back' => 'Anda selalu dapat mengedit atau menghapus koreksi kemudian.',
'must_be_asset_account' => 'Anda hanya bisa mendamaikan akun aset',
'reconciliation_stored' => 'Rekonsiliasi disimpan',
'reconciliation_error' => 'Due to an error the transactions were marked as reconciled but the correction has not been stored: :error.',
'reconciliation_transaction_title' => 'Reconciliation (:from to :to)',
'sum_of_reconciliation' => 'Sum of reconciliation',
'reconcile_this_account' => 'Rekonsiliasi akun ini',
'confirm_reconciliation' => 'Konfirmasikan rekonsiliasi',
'submitted_start_balance' => 'Saldo awal yang dikirim',
'selected_transactions' => 'Transaksi yang dipilih (:count)',
'already_cleared_transactions' => 'Sudah dibersihkan transaksi (:count)',
'submitted_end_balance' => 'Saldo akhir yang dikirim',
'initial_balance_description' => 'Initial balance for ":account"',
'interest_calc_' => 'unknown',
'interest_calc_daily' => 'Per day',
'interest_calc_monthly' => 'Per month',
'interest_calc_yearly' => 'Per year',
'initial_balance_account' => 'Initial balance account of :account',
// categories:
'new_category' => 'Kategori baru',
'create_new_category' => 'Buat kategori baru',
'without_category' => 'Tanpa kategori',
'update_category' => 'Perbarui kategori',
'updated_category' => 'Kategori yang Diperbarui ":name"',
'categories' => 'Kategori',
'edit_category' => 'Edit kategori ":name"',
'no_category' => '(tidak ada kategori)',
'category' => 'Kategori',
'delete_category' => 'Hapus kategori ":name"',
'deleted_category' => 'Kategori yang dihapus ":name"',
'store_category' => 'Simpan kategori baru',
'stored_category' => 'Stored new category ":name"',
'without_category_between' => 'Tanpa kategori antara :start dan :end',
// transactions:
'update_withdrawal' => 'Perbarui penarikan',
'update_deposit' => 'Perbarui setoran',
'update_transaction' => 'Update transaction',
'update_transfer' => 'Perbarui transfer',
'updated_withdrawal' => 'Penarikan yang telah diupdate ":description"',
'updated_deposit' => 'Deposit Diperbarui ":description"',
'updated_transfer' => 'Transfer yang diperbarui ":description"',
'delete_withdrawal' => 'Hapus penarikan ":description"',
'delete_deposit' => 'Hapus deposit ":description"',
'delete_transfer' => 'Hapus transfer ":description"',
'deleted_withdrawal' => 'Penarikan yang berhasil dihapus ":description"',
'deleted_deposit' => 'Berhasil menghapus deposit ":description"',
'deleted_transfer' => 'Berhasil menghapus transfer ":description"',
'stored_journal' => 'Berhasil membuat transaksi baru ":description"',
'stored_journal_no_descr' => 'Successfully created your new transaction',
'updated_journal_no_descr' => 'Successfully updated your transaction',
'select_transactions' => 'Pilih transaksi',
'rule_group_select_transactions' => 'Terapkan ":title" untuk transaksi',
'rule_select_transactions' => 'Terapkan ":title" untuk transaksi',
'stop_selection' => 'Berhentilah memilih transaksi',
'reconcile_selected' => 'Mendamaikan',
'mass_delete_journals' => 'Hapus sejumlah transaksi',
'mass_edit_journals' => 'Edit sejumlah transaksi',
'mass_bulk_journals' => 'Bulk edit a number of transactions',
'mass_bulk_journals_explain' => 'This form allows you to change properties of the transactions listed below in one sweeping update. All the transactions in the table will be updated when you change the parameters you see here.',
'part_of_split' => 'This transaction is part of a split transaction. If you have not selected all the splits, you may end up with changing only half the transaction.',
'bulk_set_new_values' => 'Use the inputs below to set new values. If you leave them empty, they will be made empty for all. Also, note that only withdrawals will be given a budget.',
'no_bulk_category' => 'Don\'t update category',
'no_bulk_budget' => 'Don\'t update budget',
'no_bulk_tags' => 'Don\'t update tag(s)',
'mass_edit' => 'Edit selected individually',
'bulk_edit' => 'Edit selected in bulk',
'mass_delete' => 'Delete selected',
'cannot_edit_other_fields' => 'Anda tidak bisa menyunting bidang lain dari yang lain di sini, karena tidak ada ruang untuk ditunjukkan kepada mereka. Ikuti tautan dan edit dengan satu per satu, jika Anda perlu mengedit bidang ini.',
'cannot_change_amount_reconciled' => 'You can\'t change the amount of reconciled transactions.',
'no_budget' => '(no budget)',
'account_per_budget' => 'Account per budget',
'account_per_category' => 'Account per category',
'empty' => '(empty)',
'all_other_budgets' => '(all other budgets)',
'all_other_accounts' => '(all other accounts)',
'expense_per_source_account' => 'Expenses per source account',
'expense_per_destination_account' => 'Expenses per destination account',
'income_per_destination_account' => 'Income per destination account',
'spent_in_specific_category' => 'Spent in category ":category"',
'earned_in_specific_category' => 'Earned in category ":category"',
'spent_in_specific_tag' => 'Spent in tag ":tag"',
'earned_in_specific_tag' => 'Earned in tag ":tag"',
'income_per_source_account' => 'Income per source account',
'average_spending_per_destination' => 'Average expense per destination account',
'average_spending_per_source' => 'Average expense per source account',
'average_earning_per_source' => 'Average earning per source account',
'average_earning_per_destination' => 'Average earning per destination account',
'account_per_tag' => 'Account per tag',
'tag_report_expenses_listed_once' => 'Expenses and income are never listed twice. If a transaction has multiple tags, it may only show up under one of its tags. This list may appear to be missing data, but the amounts will be correct.',
'double_report_expenses_charted_once' => 'Expenses and income are never displayed twice. If a transaction has multiple tags, it may only show up under one of its tags. This chart may appear to be missing data, but the amounts will be correct.',
'tag_report_chart_single_tag' => 'This chart applies to a single tag. If a transaction has multiple tags, what you see here may be reflected in the charts of other tags as well.',
'tag' => 'Tag',
'no_budget_squared' => '(tidak ada anggaran)',
'perm-delete-many' => 'Deleting many items in one go can be very disruptive. Please be cautious. You can delete part of a split transaction from this page, so take care.',
'mass_deleted_transactions_success' => 'Dihapus:amount transaksi.',
'mass_edited_transactions_success' => 'Diperbarui:amount transaksi',
'opt_group_' => '(no account type)',
'opt_group_no_account_type' => '(tidak ada jenis akun)',
'opt_group_defaultAsset' => 'Akun aset standar',
'opt_group_savingAsset' => 'Menyimpan akun',
'opt_group_sharedAsset' => 'Akun aset bersama',
'opt_group_ccAsset' => 'Kartu kredit',
'opt_group_cashWalletAsset' => 'Cash wallets',
'opt_group_expense_account' => 'Expense accounts',
'opt_group_revenue_account' => 'Revenue accounts',
'opt_group_l_Loan' => 'Liability: Loan',
'opt_group_cash_account' => 'Cash account',
'opt_group_l_Debt' => 'Liability: Debt',
'opt_group_l_Mortgage' => 'Liability: Mortgage',
'opt_group_l_Credit card' => 'Liability: Credit card',
'notes' => 'Notes',
'unknown_journal_error' => 'Could not store the transaction. Please check the log files.',
'attachment_not_found' => 'This attachment could not be found.',
'journal_link_bill' => 'This transaction is linked to bill <a href=":route">:name</a>. To remove the connection, uncheck the checkbox. Use rules to connect it to another bill.',
// new user:
'welcome' => 'Welcome to Firefly III!',
'submit' => 'Menyerahkan',
'submission' => 'Submission',
'submit_yes_really' => 'Submit (I know what I\'m doing)',
'getting_started' => 'Mulai',
'to_get_started' => 'Senang melihat Anda berhasil memasang Firefly III. Untuk memulai dengan alat ini, harap masukkan nama bank dan saldo rekening giro utama Anda. Jangan khawatir jika Anda memiliki banyak akun. Anda bisa menambahkannya nanti. Hanya saja Firefly III butuh sesuatu untuk memulai.',
'savings_balance_text' => 'Firefly III secara otomatis akan membuat rekening tabungan untuk Anda. Secara default, tidak akan ada uang di rekening tabungan Anda, tapi jika Anda memberi tahu Firefly III, saldo itu akan disimpan seperti itu.',
'finish_up_new_user' => 'Itu dia! Anda dapat melanjutkan dengan menekan <strong>Kirim</strong>. Anda akan dibawa ke indeks Firefly III.',
'stored_new_accounts_new_user' => 'Yay! Akun baru Anda telah disimpan.',
'set_preferred_language' => 'If you prefer to use Firefly III in another language, please indicate so here.',
'language' => 'Language',
'new_savings_account' => ':bank_name savings account',
'cash_wallet' => 'Cash wallet',
'currency_not_present' => 'If the currency you normally use is not listed do not worry. You can create your own currencies under Options > Currencies.',
// home page:
'yourAccounts' => 'Akun anda',
'your_accounts' => 'Your account overview',
'category_overview' => 'Category overview',
'expense_overview' => 'Expense account overview',
'revenue_overview' => 'Revenue account overview',
'budgetsAndSpending' => 'Anggaran dan belanja',
'budgets_and_spending' => 'Budgets and spending',
'go_to_budget' => 'Go to budget "{budget}"',
'savings' => 'Tabungan',
'newWithdrawal' => 'Biaya baru',
'newDeposit' => 'Deposit baru',
'newTransfer' => 'Transfer baru',
'bills_to_pay' => 'Bills untuk membayar',
'per_day' => 'Per hari',
'left_to_spend_per_day' => 'Kiri untuk dibelanjakan per hari',
'bills_paid' => 'Tagihan dibayar',
// menu and titles, should be recycled as often as possible:
'currency' => 'Mata uang',
'preferences' => 'Preferensi',
'logout' => 'Keluar',
'toggleNavigation' => 'Toggle navigation',
'searchPlaceholder' => 'Pencarian...',
'version' => 'Versi',
'dashboard' => 'Dasbor',
'available_budget' => 'Available budget ({currency})',
'currencies' => 'Mata uang',
'activity' => 'Activity',
'usage' => 'Usage',
'accounts' => 'Akun',
'Asset account' => 'Akun aset',
'Default account' => 'Akun aset',
'Expense account' => 'Rekening pengeluaran',
'Revenue account' => 'Akun pendapatan',
'Initial balance account' => 'Akun saldo awal',
'account_type_Debt' => 'Debt',
'account_type_Loan' => 'Loan',
'account_type_Mortgage' => 'Mortgage',
'account_type_Credit card' => 'Credit card',
'budgets' => 'Anggaran',
'tags' => 'Tag',
'reports' => 'Laporan',
'transactions' => 'Transaksi',
'expenses' => 'Beban',
'income' => 'Pendapatan / penghasilan',
'transfers' => 'Transfer',
'moneyManagement' => 'Manajemen keuangan',
'money_management' => 'Money management',
'tools' => 'Tools',
'piggyBanks' => 'Celengan babi',
'piggy_banks' => 'Piggy banks',
'amount_x_of_y' => '{current} of {total}',
'bills' => 'Tagihan',
'withdrawal' => 'Penarikan',
'opening_balance' => 'Saldo awal',
'deposit' => 'Deposito',
'account' => 'Rekening',
'transfer' => 'Transfer',
'Withdrawal' => 'Penarikan',
'Deposit' => 'Deposit',
'Transfer' => 'Transfer',
'bill' => 'Tagihan',
'yes' => 'Iya',
'no' => 'Tidak',
'amount' => 'Jumlah',
'overview' => 'Ikhtisar',
'saveOnAccount' => 'Simpan di rekening',
'unknown' => 'Tidak diketahui',
'daily' => 'Harian',
'monthly' => 'Bulanan',
'profile' => 'Profil',
'errors' => 'Kesalahan',
'debt_start_date' => 'Start date of debt',
'debt_start_amount' => 'Start amount of debt',
'debt_start_amount_help' => 'If you owe an amount its best to enter a negative amount, because it influences your net worth. If you\'re owed an amount the same applies. Check out the help pages for more information.',
'store_new_liabilities_account' => 'Store new liability',
'edit_liabilities_account' => 'Edit liability ":name"',
// reports:
'report_default' => 'Laporan keuangan standar antara :start dan :end',
'report_audit' => 'Ikhtisar riwayat transaksi antara :start dan :end',
'report_category' => 'Kategori laporan antara :start dan :end',
'report_double' => 'Expense/revenue account report between :start and :end',
'report_budget' => 'Laporan anggaran antara :start dan :end',
'report_tag' => 'Tag laporan antara :start dan :end',
'quick_link_reports' => 'Tautan langsung',
'quick_link_examples' => 'These are just some example links to get you started. Check out the help pages under the (?)-button for information on all reports and the magic words you can use.',
'quick_link_default_report' => 'Laporan keuangan standar',
'quick_link_audit_report' => 'Ikhtisar sejarah transaksi',
'report_this_month_quick' => 'Bulan ini, semua akun',
'report_last_month_quick' => 'Last month, all accounts',
'report_this_year_quick' => 'Tahun berjalan, semua akun',
'report_this_fiscal_year_quick' => 'Tahun fiskal berjalan, semua akun',
'report_all_time_quick' => 'Semua waktu, semua akun',
'reports_can_bookmark' => 'Ingat bahwa laporan bisa di bookmark.',
'incomeVsExpenses' => 'Penghasilan vs beban',
'accountBalances' => 'Saldo akun',
'balanceStart' => 'Saldo awal periode',
'balanceEnd' => 'Saldo akhir periode',
'splitByAccount' => 'Dibagi oleh akun',
'coveredWithTags' => 'Ditutupi dengan tag',
'leftInBudget' => 'Yang tersisa di anggaran',
'sumOfSums' => 'Jumlah dari jumlah',
'noCategory' => '(Tidak ada kategori)',
'notCharged' => 'Tidak dikenakan biaya (belum)',
'inactive' => 'Tidak-aktif',
'active' => 'Aktif',
'difference' => 'Perbedaan',
'money_flowing_in' => 'Dalam',
'money_flowing_out' => 'Keluar',
'topX' => 'atas :number',
'show_full_list' => 'Tampilkan seluruh daftar',
'show_only_top' => 'Tampilkan hanya atas :number',
'report_type' => 'Tipe laporan',
'report_type_default' => 'Laporan keuangan standar',
'report_type_audit' => 'Gambaran riwayat transaksi (audit)',
'report_type_category' => 'Laporan Kategori',
'report_type_budget' => 'Laporan anggaran',
'report_type_tag' => 'Tag laporan',
'report_type_double' => 'Expense/revenue account report',
'more_info_help' => 'Informasi lebih lanjut tentang jenis laporan dapat ditemukan di halaman bantuan. Tekan ikon (?) Di sudut kanan atas.',
'report_included_accounts' => 'Termasuk akun',
'report_date_range' => 'Rentang tanggal',
'report_preset_ranges' => 'Rentang pre-set',
'shared' => 'Bagikan',
'fiscal_year' => 'Tahun fiskal',
'income_entry' => 'Penghasilan dari akun ":name" antara :start dan :end',
'expense_entry' => 'Biaya untuk akun ":name" antara :start dan :end',
'category_entry' => 'Expenses and income in category ":name" between :start and :end',
'budget_spent_amount' => 'Biaya anggaran ":budget" antara :start dan :end',
'balance_amount' => 'Biaya dalam anggaran ":budget" dibayar dari rekening ":account" antara :start dan :end',
'no_audit_activity' => 'Tidak ada aktivitas yang tercatat dalam akun <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> antara :start and :end.',
'audit_end_balance' => 'Saldo akun <a href=":url" title=":account_name">:account_name</a> di akhir :end adalah :balance',
'reports_extra_options' => 'Pilihan ekstra',
'report_has_no_extra_options' => 'Laporan ini tidak memiliki pilihan tambahan',
'reports_submit' => 'Melihat laporan',
'end_after_start_date' => 'Tanggal akhir laporan harus setelah tanggal mulai.',
'select_category' => 'Pilih kategori (ies)',
'select_budget' => 'Pilih anggaran.',
'select_tag' => 'Pilih tag.',
'income_per_category' => 'Pendapatan per kategori',
'expense_per_category' => 'Biaya per kategori',
'expense_per_budget' => 'Biaya per anggaran',
'income_per_account' => 'Pendapatan per rekening',
'expense_per_account' => 'Biaya per akun',
'expense_per_tag' => 'Biaya per tag',
'income_per_tag' => 'Penghasilan per tag',
'include_expense_not_in_budget' => 'Termasuk biaya tidak dalam anggaran yang dipilih',
'include_expense_not_in_account' => 'Termasuk biaya yang tidak termasuk dalam akun yang dipilih',
'include_expense_not_in_category' => 'Termasuk biaya yang tidak termasuk dalam kategori yang dipilih',
'include_income_not_in_category' => 'Termasuk pendapatan tidak dalam kategori yang dipilih (ies)',
'include_income_not_in_account' => 'Termasuk pendapatan tidak dalam akun yang dipilih(s)',
'include_income_not_in_tags' => 'Termasuk pendapatan tidak dalam tag yang dipilih',
'include_expense_not_in_tags' => 'Termasuk biaya yang tidak termasuk dalam tag yang dipilih',
'everything_else' => 'Yang lainnya',
'income_and_expenses' => 'Penghasilan dan beban',
'spent_average' => 'Menghabiskan (rata-rata)',
'income_average' => 'Penghasilan (rata-rata)',
'transaction_count' => 'Jumlah transaksi',
'average_spending_per_account' => 'Rata-rata pengeluaran per akun',
'average_income_per_account' => 'Pendapatan rata-rata per rekening',
'total' => 'Total',
'description' => 'Deskripsi',
'sum_of_period' => 'Jumlah periode',
'average_in_period' => 'Rata-rata dalam periode',
'account_role_defaultAsset' => 'Akun aset standar',
'account_role_sharedAsset' => 'Akun aset bersama',
'account_role_savingAsset' => 'Rekening tabungan',
'account_role_ccAsset' => 'Kartu kredit',
'account_role_cashWalletAsset' => 'Cash wallet',
'budget_chart_click' => 'Silahkan klik nama anggaran pada tabel di atas untuk melihat grafik.',
'category_chart_click' => 'Silahkan klik pada nama kategori pada tabel di atas untuk melihat grafik.',
'in_out_accounts' => 'Diperoleh dan dihabiskan per kombinasi',
'in_out_accounts_per_asset' => 'Earned and spent (per asset account)',
'in_out_per_category' => 'Diperoleh dan dibelanjakan per kategori',
'out_per_budget' => 'Menghabiskan per anggaran',
'select_expense_revenue' => 'Pilih akun biaya / pendapatan',
'multi_currency_report_sum' => 'Because this list contains accounts with multiple currencies, the sum(s) you see may not make sense. The report will always fall back to your default currency.',
'sum_in_default_currency' => 'The sum will always be in your default currency.',
'net_filtered_prefs' => 'This chart will never include accounts that have the "Include in net worth"-option unchecked.',
// charts:
'chart' => 'Grafik',
'month' => 'Bulan',
'budget' => 'Anggaran',
'spent' => 'Menghabiskan',
'spent_in_budget' => 'Menghabiskan anggaran',
'left_to_spend' => 'Kiri untuk dibelanjakan',
'earned' => 'Diperoleh',
'overspent' => 'Overspent',
'left' => 'Kiri',
'max-amount' => 'Jumlah maksimum',
'min-amount' => 'Minimum amount',
'journal-amount' => 'Entri tagihan saat ini',
'name' => 'Nama',
'date' => 'Tanggal',
'paid' => 'Dibayar',
'unpaid' => 'Tidak dibayar',
'day' => 'Hari',
'budgeted' => 'Dianggarkan',
'period' => 'Periode',
'balance' => 'Keseimbangan',
'sum' => 'Jumlah',
'summary' => 'Summary',
'average' => 'Rata-rata',
'balanceFor' => 'Saldo untuk :name',
'no_tags_for_cloud' => 'No tags to generate cloud',
'no_tags' => '(no tags)',
'tag_cloud' => 'Tag cloud',
// piggy banks:
'add_money_to_piggy' => 'Tambahkan uang ke celengan ":name"',
'piggy_bank' => 'Celengan',
'new_piggy_bank' => 'Celengan baru',
'store_piggy_bank' => 'Simpan celengan baru',
'stored_piggy_bank' => 'Simpan celengan baru ":name"',
'account_status' => 'Status akun',
'left_for_piggy_banks' => 'Kiri untuk celengan',
'sum_of_piggy_banks' => 'Jumlah celengan',
'saved_so_far' => 'Disimpan sejauh ini',
'left_to_save' => 'Kiri untuk menyimpan',
'suggested_amount' => 'Jumlah bulanan yang disarankan untuk disimpan',
'add_money_to_piggy_title' => 'Tambahkan uang ke celengan ":name"',
'remove_money_from_piggy_title' => 'Hapus uang dari celengan ":name"',
'add' => 'Menambahkan',
'no_money_for_piggy' => 'Anda tidak punya uang untuk dimasukkan ke dalam celengan ini.',
'suggested_savings_per_month' => 'Suggested per month',
'remove' => 'Menghapus',
'max_amount_add' => 'Jumlah maksimum yang bisa Anda tambahkan adalah',
'max_amount_remove' => 'Jumlah maksimal yang bisa Anda hapus adalah',
'update_piggy_button' => 'Update celengan',
'update_piggy_title' => 'Update piggy bank ":name"',
'updated_piggy_bank' => 'Diperbarui piggy bank ":name"',
'details' => 'Rincian',
'events' => 'Acara',
'target_amount' => 'Jumlah target',
'start_date' => 'Mulai tanggal',
'no_start_date' => 'No start date',
'target_date' => 'Tanggal target',
'no_target_date' => 'Tidak ada tanggal target',
'table' => 'Meja',
'delete_piggy_bank' => 'Hapus celengan ":name"',
'cannot_add_amount_piggy' => 'Tidak dapat menambahkan:amount ke ":name".',
'cannot_remove_from_piggy' => 'Tidak dapat menghapus:amount dari ":name".',
'deleted_piggy_bank' => 'Dihapus celengan ":name"',
'added_amount_to_piggy' => 'Ditambahkan:amount ke ":name"',
'removed_amount_from_piggy' => 'Dihapus:amount dari ":name"',
'piggy_events' => 'Related piggy banks',
// tags
'delete_tag' => 'Hapus tag " :tag"',
'deleted_tag' => 'Tag dihapus " :tag"',
'new_tag' => 'Buat tag baru',
'edit_tag' => 'Edit tag " :tag"',
'updated_tag' => 'Diperbarui tag " :tag"',
'created_tag' => 'Tag " :tag" telah dibuat!',
'transaction_journal_information' => 'Informasi transaksi',
'transaction_journal_meta' => 'Informasi meta',
'transaction_journal_more' => 'More information',
'att_part_of_journal' => 'Stored under ":journal"',
'total_amount' => 'Jumlah total',
'number_of_decimals' => 'Jumlah desimal',
// administration
'administration' => 'Administrasi',
'user_administration' => 'Administrasi pengguna',
'list_all_users' => 'Semua pengguna',
'all_users' => 'Semua pengguna',
'instance_configuration' => 'Konfigurasi',
'firefly_instance_configuration' => 'Pilihan konfigurasi untuk Firefly III',
'setting_single_user_mode' => 'Mode pengguna tunggal',
'setting_single_user_mode_explain' => 'By default, Firefly III only accepts one (1) registration: you. This is a security measure, preventing others from using your instance unless you allow them to. Future registrations are blocked. When you uncheck this box, others can use your instance as well, assuming they can reach it (when it is connected to the internet).',
'store_configuration' => 'Konfigurasi toko',
'single_user_administration' => 'Administrasi pengguna untuk :email',
'edit_user' => 'Edit pengguna :email',
'hidden_fields_preferences' => 'You can enable more transaction options in your <a href=":link">settings</a>.',
'user_data_information' => 'Data pengguna',
'user_information' => 'Informasi pengguna',
'total_size' => 'ukuran total',
'budget_or_budgets' => 'anggaran',
'budgets_with_limits' => 'anggaran dengan jumlah yang dikonfigurasi',
'nr_of_rules_in_total_groups' => ':count_rules aturan di:count_groups rule group (s)',
'tag_or_tags' => 'tag (s)',
'configuration_updated' => 'Konfigurasi telah diperbarui',
'setting_is_demo_site' => 'Situs demo',
'setting_is_demo_site_explain' => 'Jika Anda mencentang kotak ini, instalasi ini akan berperilaku seolah-olah itu adalah situs demo, yang dapat memiliki efek samping yang aneh.',
'block_code_bounced' => 'Pesan email terpental',
'block_code_expired' => 'Akun demo kadaluarsa',
'no_block_code' => 'Tidak ada alasan untuk memblokir atau pengguna tidak diblokir',
'block_code_email_changed' => 'Pengguna belum mengkonfirmasi alamat email baru',
'admin_update_email' => 'Bertentangan dengan halaman profil, pengguna TIDAK akan diberitahu alamat email mereka telah berubah!',
'update_user' => 'Perbarui pengguna',
'updated_user' => 'Data pengguna telah diubah.',
'delete_user' => 'Hapus pengguna :email',
'user_deleted' => 'Pengguna telah dihapus',
'send_test_email' => 'Kirim pesan email percobaan',
'send_test_email_text' => 'Untuk melihat apakah pemasangan Anda mampu mengirim email, tekan tombol ini. Anda tidak akan melihat kesalahan di sini (jika ada), <strong>file log akan mencerminkan kesalahan</strong>. Anda bisa menekan tombol ini sebanyak yang Anda mau. Tidak ada kontrol spam. Pesan akan dikirim ke <code>:email</code> dan akan segera tiba.',
'send_message' => 'Mengirim pesan',
'send_test_triggered' => 'Uji dipicu. Periksa kotak masuk dan file log Anda.',
'split_transaction_title' => 'Description of the split transaction',
'split_transaction_title_help' => 'If you create a split transaction, there must be a global description for all splits of the transaction.',
'split_title_help' => 'If you create a split transaction, there must be a global description for all splits of the transaction.',
'transaction_information' => 'Transaction information',
'you_create_transfer' => 'You\'re creating a <strong>transfer</strong>.',
'you_create_withdrawal' => 'You\'re creating a <strong>withdrawal</strong>.',
'you_create_deposit' => 'You\'re creating a <strong>deposit</strong>.',
// links
'journal_link_configuration' => 'Konfigurasi link transaksi',
'create_new_link_type' => 'Buat jenis tautan baru',
'store_new_link_type' => 'Simpan jenis tautan baru',
'update_link_type' => 'Perbarui jenis tautan',
'edit_link_type' => 'Edit jenis tautan ":name"',
'updated_link_type' => 'Jenis tautan yang diperbarui ":name"',
'delete_link_type' => 'Hapus jenis tautan ":name"',
'deleted_link_type' => 'Jenis tautan yang dihapus ":name"',
'stored_new_link_type' => 'Simpan jenis tautan baru ":name"',
'cannot_edit_link_type' => 'Tidak dapat mengedit jenis tautan ":name"',
'link_type_help_name' => 'Yaitu. "Duplikat"',
'link_type_help_inward' => 'Yaitu. "duplikat"',
'link_type_help_outward' => 'Yaitu. "diduplikasi oleh"',
'save_connections_by_moving' => 'Simpan tautan antara transaksi ini dengan memindahkannya ke jenis tautan yang lain:',
'do_not_save_connection' => '(jangan simpan koneksi)',
'link_transaction' => 'Transaksi link',
'link_to_other_transaction' => 'Tautkan transaksi ini ke transaksi lain',
'select_transaction_to_link' => 'Select a transaction to link this transaction to. The links are currently unused in Firefly III (apart from being shown), but I plan to change this in the future. Use the search box to select a transaction either by title or by ID. If you want to add custom link types, check out the administration section.',
'this_transaction' => 'Transaksi ini',
'transaction' => 'Transaksi',
'comments' => 'Komentar',
'link_notes' => 'Any notes you wish to store with the link.',
'invalid_link_selection' => 'Tidak dapat menautkan transaksi ini',
'selected_transaction' => 'Selected transaction',
'journals_linked' => 'Transaksi terkait.',
'journals_error_linked' => 'Transaksi ini sudah tertaut.',
'journals_link_to_self' => 'You cannot link a transaction to itself',
'journal_links' => 'Link transaksi',
'this_withdrawal' => 'Penarikan ini',
'this_deposit' => 'Deposit ini',
'this_transfer' => 'Transfer ini',
'overview_for_link' => 'Ikhtisar untuk jenis tautan ":name"',
'source_transaction' => 'Transaksi sumber',
'link_description' => 'Deskripsi tautan',
'destination_transaction' => 'Transaksi tujuan',
'delete_journal_link' => 'Delete the link between <a href=":source_link">:source</a> and <a href=":destination_link">:destination</a>',
'deleted_link' => 'Tautan dihapus',
// link translations:
'Paid_name' => 'Paid',
'Refund_name' => 'Refund',
'Reimbursement_name' => 'Reimbursement',
'Related_name' => 'Related',
'relates to_inward' => 'berhubungan dengan',
'is (partially) refunded by_inward' => '(sebagian) dikembalikan oleh',
'is (partially) paid for by_inward' => 'adalah (sebagian) dibayar oleh',
'is (partially) reimbursed by_inward' => '(sebagian) diganti oleh',
'inward_transaction' => 'Inward transaction',
'outward_transaction' => 'Outward transaction',
'relates to_outward' => 'berhubungan dengan',
'(partially) refunds_outward' => '(sebagian) pengembalian uang',
'(partially) pays for_outward' => '(sebagian) membayar',
'(partially) reimburses_outward' => '(sebagian) penggantian',
// split a transaction:
'splits' => 'Perpecahan',
'add_another_split' => 'Tambahkan perpecahan lagi',
'split-transactions' => 'Split transaksi',
'do_split' => 'Lakukan perpecahan',
'split_this_withdrawal' => 'Pisahkan penarikan ini',
'split_this_deposit' => 'Pisahkan deposit ini',
'split_this_transfer' => 'Pisahkan transfer ini',
'cannot_edit_opening_balance' => 'Anda tidak dapat mengedit saldo awal akun.',
'no_edit_multiple_left' => 'Anda tidak memilih transaksi yang sah untuk diedit.',
'breadcrumb_convert_group' => 'Convert transaction',
'convert_invalid_source' => 'Source information is invalid for transaction #%d.',
'convert_invalid_destination' => 'Destination information is invalid for transaction #%d.',
'create_another' => 'After storing, return here to create another one.',
'after_update_create_another' => 'After updating, return here to continue editing.',
'store_as_new' => 'Store as a new transaction instead of updating.',
'reset_after' => 'Reset form after submission',
'errors_submission' => 'There was something wrong with your submission. Please check out the errors below.',
// Import page (general strings only)
'import_index_title' => 'Import transactions into Firefly III',
'import_data' => 'Impor data',
'import_transactions' => 'Import transactions',
// sandstorm.io errors and messages:
'sandstorm_not_available' => 'Fungsi ini tidak tersedia saat Anda menggunakan Firefly III di dalam lingkungan Sandstorm.io.',
// empty lists? no objects? instructions:
'no_accounts_title_asset' => 'Mari buat akun aset!',
'no_accounts_intro_asset' => 'Anda belum memiliki akun aset. Akun aset adalah akun utama Anda: rekening giro, rekening tabungan, rekening bersama atau bahkan kartu kredit Anda.',
'no_accounts_imperative_asset' => 'Untuk mulai menggunakan Firefly III Anda harus membuat setidaknya satu akun aset. Mari kita lakukan sekarang:',
'no_accounts_create_asset' => 'Buat akun aset',
'no_accounts_title_expense' => 'Mari buat akun pengeluaran!',
'no_accounts_intro_expense' => 'Anda belum memiliki rekening pengeluaran. Akun pengeluaran adalah tempat Anda menghabiskan uang, seperti toko dan supermarket.',
'no_accounts_imperative_expense' => 'Akun pengeluaran dibuat secara otomatis saat Anda membuat transaksi, namun Anda dapat membuatnya secara manual juga, jika Anda mau. Mari kita ciptakan sekarang:',
'no_accounts_create_expense' => 'Buat akun pengeluaran',
'no_accounts_title_revenue' => 'Mari buat akun pendapatan!',
'no_accounts_intro_revenue' => 'Anda belum memiliki akun pendapatan. Akun pendapatan adalah tempat di mana Anda menerima uang dari, seperti atasan Anda.',
'no_accounts_imperative_revenue' => 'Akun pendapatan dibuat secara otomatis saat Anda membuat transaksi, namun Anda dapat membuatnya secara manual juga, jika Anda mau. Mari kita ciptakan sekarang:',
'no_accounts_create_revenue' => 'Buat akun pendapatan',
'no_accounts_title_liabilities' => 'Let\'s create a liability!',
'no_accounts_intro_liabilities' => 'You have no liabilities yet. Liabilities are the accounts that register your (student) loans and other debts.',
'no_accounts_imperative_liabilities' => 'You don\'t have to use this feature, but it can be useful if you want to keep track of these things.',
'no_accounts_create_liabilities' => 'Create a liability',
'no_budgets_title_default' => 'Mari buat anggaran',
'no_budgets_intro_default' => 'You have no budgets yet. Budgets are used to organize your expenses into logical groups, which you can give a soft-cap to limit your expenses.',
'no_budgets_imperative_default' => 'Anggaran adalah alat dasar pengelolaan keuangan. Mari kita ciptakan sekarang:',
'no_budgets_create_default' => 'Buat anggaran',
'no_categories_title_default' => 'Mari buat kategori!',
'no_categories_intro_default' => 'Anda belum memiliki kategori. Kategori digunakan untuk menyesuaikan transaksi Anda dan memberi label mereka dengan kategori yang ditentukan.',
'no_categories_imperative_default' => 'Kategori dibuat secara otomatis saat Anda membuat transaksi, namun Anda juga bisa membuatnya secara manual. Mari kita ciptakan sekarang:',
'no_categories_create_default' => 'Buat sebuah kategori',
'no_tags_title_default' => 'Mari buat tag!',
'no_tags_intro_default' => 'Kamu belum punya tag Tag digunakan untuk menyempurnakan transaksi Anda dan memberi label pada kata kunci tertentu.',
'no_tags_imperative_default' => 'Tag dibuat secara otomatis saat Anda membuat transaksi, namun Anda bisa membuatnya secara manual juga. Mari kita ciptakan sekarang:',
'no_tags_create_default' => 'Buat tag',
'no_transactions_title_withdrawal' => 'Mari buat biaya!',
'no_transactions_intro_withdrawal' => 'Anda belum memiliki biaya. Anda harus menciptakan biaya untuk mulai mengelola keuangan Anda.',
'no_transactions_imperative_withdrawal' => 'Sudahkah anda mengeluarkan uang? Maka Anda harus menuliskannya:',
'no_transactions_create_withdrawal' => 'Buat biaya',
'no_transactions_title_deposit' => 'Mari buat penghasilan!',
'no_transactions_intro_deposit' => 'Anda belum memiliki penghasilan yang tercatat. Anda harus membuat entri pendapatan untuk mulai mengelola keuangan Anda.',
'no_transactions_imperative_deposit' => 'Sudahkah kamu menerima sejumlah uang? Maka Anda harus menuliskannya:',
'no_transactions_create_deposit' => 'Buat deposit',
'no_transactions_title_transfers' => 'Mari buat transfer!',
'no_transactions_intro_transfers' => 'Anda belum memiliki transfer. Bila Anda memindahkan uang antar rekening aset, itu tercatat sebagai transfer.',
'no_transactions_imperative_transfers' => 'Sudahkah kamu memindahkan sejumlah uang? Maka Anda harus menuliskannya:',
'no_transactions_create_transfers' => 'Buat transfer',
'no_piggies_title_default' => 'Ayo buat celengan!',
'no_piggies_intro_default' => 'Anda belum memiliki piggy bank. Anda dapat membuat bank-bank piggy untuk membagi tabungan Anda dan melacak apa yang Anda menabung.',
'no_piggies_imperative_default' => 'Apakah Anda memiliki barang-barang yang Anda simpan untuk uang? Buat piggy bank dan tetap track:',
'no_piggies_create_default' => 'Buat celengan baru',
'no_bills_title_default' => 'Mari buat tagihan!',
'no_bills_intro_default' => 'Anda belum memiliki tagihan. Anda bisa membuat tagihan untuk mencatat pengeluaran rutin, seperti sewa atau asuransi Anda.',
'no_bills_imperative_default' => 'Apakah Anda memiliki tagihan reguler seperti itu? Buat tagihan dan lacak pembayaran Anda:',
'no_bills_create_default' => 'Buat tagihan',
// recurring transactions
'recurrences' => 'Recurring transactions',
'recurring_calendar_view' => 'Calendar',
'no_recurring_title_default' => 'Let\'s create a recurring transaction!',
'no_recurring_intro_default' => 'You have no recurring transactions yet. You can use these to make Firefly III automatically create transactions for you.',
'no_recurring_imperative_default' => 'This is a pretty advanced feature but it can be extremely useful. Make sure you read the documentation (?)-icon in the top right corner) before you continue.',
'no_recurring_create_default' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'make_new_recurring' => 'Create a recurring transaction',
'recurring_daily' => 'Every day',
'recurring_weekly' => 'Every week on :weekday',
'recurring_weekly_skip' => 'Every :skip(st/nd/rd/th) week on :weekday',
'recurring_monthly' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) day',
'recurring_monthly_skip' => 'Every :skip(st/nd/rd/th) month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) day',
'recurring_ndom' => 'Every month on the :dayOfMonth(st/nd/rd/th) :weekday',
'recurring_yearly' => 'Every year on :date',
'overview_for_recurrence' => 'Overview for recurring transaction ":title"',
'warning_duplicates_repetitions' => 'In rare instances, dates appear twice in this list. This can happen when multiple repetitions collide. Firefly III will always generate one transaction per day.',
'created_transactions' => 'Related transactions',
'expected_withdrawals' => 'Expected withdrawals',
'expected_deposits' => 'Expected deposits',
'expected_transfers' => 'Expected transfers',
'created_withdrawals' => 'Created withdrawals',
'created_deposits' => 'Created deposits',
'created_transfers' => 'Created transfers',
'created_from_recurrence' => 'Created from recurring transaction ":title" (#:id)',
'recurring_never_cron' => 'It seems the cron job that is necessary to support recurring transactions has never run. This is of course normal when you have just installed Firefly III, but this should be something to set up as soon as possible. Please check out the help-pages using the (?)-icon in the top right corner of the page.',
'recurring_cron_long_ago' => 'It looks like it has been more than 36 hours since the cron job to support recurring transactions has fired for the last time. Are you sure it has been set up correctly? Please check out the help-pages using the (?)-icon in the top right corner of the page.',
'recurring_meta_field_tags' => 'Tags',
'recurring_meta_field_notes' => 'Notes',
'recurring_meta_field_bill_id' => 'Bill',
'recurring_meta_field_piggy_bank_id' => 'Piggy bank',
'create_new_recurrence' => 'Create new recurring transaction',
'help_first_date' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. This must be in the future.',
'help_first_date_no_past' => 'Indicate the first expected recurrence. Firefly III will not create transactions in the past.',
'no_currency' => '(no currency)',
'mandatory_for_recurring' => 'Mandatory recurrence information',
'mandatory_for_transaction' => 'Mandatory transaction information',
'optional_for_recurring' => 'Optional recurrence information',
'optional_for_transaction' => 'Optional transaction information',
'change_date_other_options' => 'Change the "first date" to see more options.',
'mandatory_fields_for_tranaction' => 'The values here will end up in the transaction(s) being created',
'click_for_calendar' => 'Click here for a calendar that shows you when the transaction would repeat.',
'repeat_forever' => 'Repeat forever',
'repeat_until_date' => 'Repeat until date',
'repeat_times' => 'Repeat a number of times',
'recurring_skips_one' => 'Every other',
'recurring_skips_more' => 'Skips :count occurrences',
'store_new_recurrence' => 'Store recurring transaction',
'stored_new_recurrence' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" stored successfully.',
'edit_recurrence' => 'Edit recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurring_repeats_until' => 'Repeats until :date',
'recurring_repeats_forever' => 'Repeats forever',
'recurring_repeats_x_times' => 'Repeats :count time(s)',
'update_recurrence' => 'Update recurring transaction',
'updated_recurrence' => 'Updated recurring transaction ":title"',
'recurrence_is_inactive' => 'This recurring transaction is not active and will not generate new transactions.',
'delete_recurring' => 'Delete recurring transaction ":title"',
'new_recurring_transaction' => 'New recurring transaction',
'help_weekend' => 'What should Firefly III do when the recurring transaction falls on a Saturday or Sunday?',
'do_nothing' => 'Just create the transaction',
'skip_transaction' => 'Skip the occurrence',
'jump_to_friday' => 'Create the transaction on the previous Friday instead',
'jump_to_monday' => 'Create the transaction on the next Monday instead',
'will_jump_friday' => 'Will be created on Friday instead of the weekends.',
'will_jump_monday' => 'Will be created on Monday instead of the weekends.',
'except_weekends' => 'Except weekends',
'recurrence_deleted' => 'Recurring transaction ":title" deleted',
// new lines for summary controller.
'box_balance_in_currency' => 'Balance (:currency)',
'box_spent_in_currency' => 'Spent (:currency)',
'box_earned_in_currency' => 'Earned (:currency)',
'box_budgeted_in_currency' => 'Budgeted (:currency)',
'box_sum_in_currency' => 'Sum (:currency)',
'box_bill_paid_in_currency' => 'Bills paid (:currency)',
'box_bill_unpaid_in_currency' => 'Bills unpaid (:currency)',
'box_left_to_spend_in_currency' => 'Left to spend (:currency)',
'box_net_worth_in_currency' => 'Net worth (:currency)',
'box_spend_per_day' => 'Left to spend per day: :amount',